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Last active September 27, 2016 14:39
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FastPokeMap Helper
javascript: (function() %7B
var audioContext = new AudioContext();
var history = [];
var names = %7B 1: "Bulbizarre", 2: "Herbizarre", 3: "Florizarre", 4: "Salamèche", 5: "Reptincel", 6: "Dracaufeu", 7: "Carapuce", 8: "Carabaffe", 9: "Tortank", 10: "Chenipan", 11: "Chrysacier", 12: "Papilusion", 13: "Aspicot", 14: "Coconfort", 15: "Dardargnan", 16: "Roucool", 17: "Roucoups", 18: "Roucarnage", 19: "Rattata", 20: "Rattatac", 21: "Piafabec", 22: "Rapasdepic", 23: "Abo", 24: "Arbok", 25: "Pikachu", 26: "Raichu", 27: "Sabelette", 28: "Sablaireau", 29: "Nidoran♀", 30: "Nidorina", 31: "Nidoqueen", 32: "Nidoran♂", 33: "Nidorino", 34: "Nidoking", 35: "Mélofée", 36: "Mélodelfe", 37: "Goupix", 38: "Feunard", 39: "Rondoudou", 40: "Grodoudou", 41: "Nosferapti", 42: "Nosferalto", 43: "Mystherbe", 44: "Ortide", 45: "Rafflesia", 46: "Paras", 47: "Parasect", 48: "Mimitoss", 49: "Aéromite", 50: "Taupiqueur", 51: "Triopikeur", 52: "Miaouss", 53: "Persian", 54: "Psykokwak", 55: "Akwakwak", 56: "Férosinge", 57: "Colossinge", 58: "Caninos", 59: "Arcanin", 60: "Ptitard", 61: "Têtarte", 62: "Tartard", 63: "Abra", 64: "Kadabra", 65: "Alakazam", 66: "Machoc", 67: "Machopeur", 68: "Mackogneur", 69: "Chétiflor", 70: "Boustiflor", 71: "Empiflor", 72: "Tentacool", 73: "Tentacruel", 74: "Racaillou", 75: "Gravalanch", 76: "Grolem", 77: "Ponyta", 78: "Galopa", 79: "Ramoloss", 80: "Flagadoss", 81: "Magnéti", 82: "Magnéton", 83: "Canarticho", 84: "Doduo", 85: "Dodrio", 86: "Otaria", 87: "Lamantine", 88: "Tadmorv", 89: "Grotadmorv", 90: "Kokiyas", 91: "Crustabri", 92: "Fantominus", 93: "Spectrum", 94: "Ectoplasma", 95: "Onix", 96: "Soporifik", 97: "Hypnomade", 98: "Krabby", 99: "Krabboss", 100: "Voltorbe", 101: "Électrode", 102: "Noeunoeuf", 103: "Noadkoko", 104: "Osselait", 105: "Ossatueur", 106: "Kicklee", 107: "Tygnon", 108: "Excelangue", 109: "Smogo", 110: "Smogogo", 111: "Rhinocorne", 112: "Rhinoféros", 113: "Leveinard", 114: "Saquedeneu", 115: "Kangourex", 116: "Hypotrempe", 117: "Hypocéan", 118: "Poissirène", 119: "Poissoroy", 120: "Stari", 121: "Staross", 122: "M.Mime", 123: "Insécateur", 124: "Lippoutou", 125: "Élektek", 126: "Magmar", 127: "Scarabrute", 128: "Tauros", 129: "Magicarpe", 130: "Léviator", 131: "Lokhlass", 132: "Métamorph", 133: "Évoli", 134: "Aquali", 135: "Voltali", 136: "Pyroli", 137: "Porygon", 138: "Amonita", 139: "Amonistar", 140: "Kabuto", 141: "Kabutops", 142: "Ptéra", 143: "Ronflex", 144: "Artikodin", 145: "Électhor", 146: "Sulfura", 147: "Minidraco", 148: "Draco", 149: "Dracolosse", 150: "Mewtwo", 151: "Mew" %7D;
function to_hex(str) %7B
var result = '';
for (var i=0; i<str.length; i++) %7B
result += str.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
return result;
function clear_favicons() %7B
var favicons = document.querySelectorAll("head link[rel=\"icon\"]");
for (i = 0; i < favicons.length; ++i) %7B
function change_favicon(img) %7B
var favicon = document.querySelector("link[rel=\"shortcut icon\"]");
if (!favicon) %7B
favicon = document.createElement("link");
favicon.setAttribute("rel", "shortcut icon");
var head = document.querySelector("head");
favicon.setAttribute("type", "image/png");
favicon.setAttribute("href", img);
function poke_refresh() %7B
var search = document.querySelectorAll(".leaflet-marker-pane .displaypokemon:not(.hidden)");
var found = 0;
for (i = 0; i < search.length; ++i) %7B
var k = to_hex(search[i].parentNode.getAttribute("style"));
if (!history[k]) %7B
var name = names[search[i].getAttribute("data-pokeid")];
var date = new Date;
console.log("%c " + date.getHours() + ":" + date.getMinutes() + " %c → " + name +" ", "background:#222; color:#0f0", "background:#eee; color:#000");
history[k] = name;
if (found > 0) %7B
var note = audioContext.createOscillator();
note.frequency.value = 932;
note.detune.value = 0;
note.type = "sine";
window.setTimeout(function() %7B note.stop(); %7D, 500);
window.setTimeout(poke_refresh, 60000);
console.log("%c PokeRefresh launched ", "background:#222; color:#0f0");
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