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Created January 28, 2016 22:32
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/* @flow */
var React = require('react');
var ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');
class Component extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div />;
// ok
var html1: string = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<Component />);
// error
var html2: number = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<Component />);
"name": "react-dom-server-flow-fix",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "Andres Suarez <>",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"react": "^0.14.7",
"react-dom": "^0.14.7"
* Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the "flow" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* React */
* Base class of all React classes, modeled as a polymorphic class whose type
* parameters are DefaultProps, Props, State.
declare class ReactComponent<DefaultProps, Props, State> {
props: Props;
state: $Abstract<State>;
refs: any;
context: any;
getInitialState(): State;
getChildContext(): any;
setProps(props: $Shape<Props>, callback?: () => void): void;
replaceProps(props: Props, callback?: () => void): void;
setState(state: $Shape<State>, callback?: () => void): void;
replaceState(state: State, callback?: () => void): void;
render(): ?ReactElement<any, any, any>;
forceUpdate(callback?: () => void): void;
getDOMNode(): any;
componentWillMount(): void;
componentDidMount(component?: any): void;
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props, nextContext?: any): void;
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Props, nextState: State, nextContext: any): boolean;
componentWillUpdate(nextProps: Props, nextState: State, nextContext: any): void;
componentDidUpdate(nextProps: Props, nextState: State, nextContext: any, component: any): void;
componentWillUnmount(): void;
isMounted(): bool;
static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
static contextTypes: any;
static childContextTypes: any;
static displayName: string;
static defaultProps: $Abstract<DefaultProps>;
* Type of a React class (not to be confused with the type of instances of a
* React class, which is the React class itself). A React class is any subclass
* of ReactComponent. We make the type of a React class polymorphic over the
* same type parameters (DefaultProps, Props, State) as ReactComponent. The required constraints
* are set up using a "helper" type alias, that takes an additional type
* parameter C representing the React class, which is then abstracted with an
* existential type (*). The * can be thought of as an "auto" instruction to the
* typechecker, telling it to fill in the type from context.
type ReactClass<DefaultProps, Props, State> = _ReactClass<DefaultProps, Props, State, *>;
type _ReactClass<DefaultProps, Props, State, C: ReactComponent<DefaultProps, Props, State>> = Class<C>;
* Type of a React element. React elements are commonly created using JSX
* literals, which desugar to React.createElement calls (see below).
declare class ReactElement<DefaultProps, Props, State> {
type: ReactClass<DefaultProps, Props, State>;
props: Props;
key: ?string;
ref: any;
type ReactPropsCheckType = (
propName: string,
componentName: string,
href?: string) => ?Error;
type ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker = {
isRequired: ReactPropsCheckType;
(props:any, propName: string, componentName: string, href?: string): ?Error;
type ReactPropTypes = {
array: ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
bool: ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
func: ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
number: ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
object: ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
string: ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
any: ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
arrayOf: (typeChecker: ReactPropsCheckType) => ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
element: ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
instanceOf: (expectedClass: any) => ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
node: ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
objectOf: (typeChecker: ReactPropsCheckType) => ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
oneOf: (expectedValues: Array<any>) => ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
oneOfType: (arrayOfTypeCheckers: Array<ReactPropsCheckType>) => ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
shape: (shapeTypes: { [key: string]: ReactPropsCheckType }) => ReactPropsChainableTypeChecker;
declare module react {
declare var Children: any;
declare var DOM: any;
declare var PropTypes: ReactPropTypes;
declare var version: string;
declare function initializeTouchEvents(shouldUseTouch: boolean): void;
// compiler magic
declare function createClass(spec: any): ReactClass<any, any, any>;
declare function cloneElement<DefaultProps, Props, State> (
element: ReactElement<DefaultProps, Props, State>,
attributes: $Shape<Props>,
children?: any
): ReactElement<DefaultProps, Props, State>;
* Methods that take an `attributes` argument of type A (= Attributes),
* describing objects whose properties must cover (at least) the difference
* between the properties in Props and the properties in DefaultProps.
* This is intended to model what happens at run time: the
* attributes are merged with the default props to obtain the props of a
* ReactElement / ReactComponent instance.
// TODO: React DOM elements
declare function createElement<DefaultProps, Props, State, A: $Diff<Props, DefaultProps>>(
name: ReactClass<DefaultProps, Props, State>,
attributes: A,
children?: any
): ReactElement<DefaultProps, Props, State>;
// TODO: React DOM elements
declare function createFactory<DefaultProps, Props, State, A: $Diff<Props, DefaultProps>>(
name: ReactClass<DefaultProps, Props, State>
): (attributes: A, children?: any) => ReactElement<DefaultProps, Props, State>;
// TODO: React DOM elements
declare function constructAndRenderComponent<DefaultProps, Props, State, A: $Diff<Props, DefaultProps>>(
name: ReactClass<DefaultProps, Props, State>,
attributes: A,
container: any
): ReactComponent<DefaultProps, Props, State>;
// TODO: React DOM elements
declare function constructAndRenderComponentByID<DefaultProps, Props, State, A: $Diff<Props, DefaultProps>>(
name: ReactClass<DefaultProps, Props, State>,
attributes: A,
id: string
): ReactComponent<DefaultProps, Props, State>;
declare function findDOMNode(
object: ReactComponent<any, any, any> | HTMLElement
): any;
declare function render<DefaultProps, Props, State>(
element: ReactElement<DefaultProps, Props, State>,
container: any
): ReactComponent<DefaultProps, Props, State>;
declare function renderToString(
element: ReactElement<any, any, any>
): string;
declare function renderToStaticMarkup(
element: ReactElement<any, any, any>
): string;
declare function unmountComponentAtNode(container: any): boolean;
declare function isValidElement(element: any): boolean;
declare function withContext(context: any, callback: () => void): any;
declare var Component: typeof ReactComponent;
declare var Element: typeof ReactElement;
// TODO Delete this once lands
// and "react" becomes the standard name for this module
declare module React {
declare var exports: $Exports<'react'>;
// TODO: Delete the corresponding method defs from the 'react' module once React
// 0.15 comes out and removes them.
declare module 'react-dom' {
declare function findDOMNode(
object: ReactComponent<any, any, any> | HTMLElement
): any;
declare function render<DefaultProps, Props, State>(
element: ReactElement<DefaultProps, Props, State>,
container: any
): ReactComponent<DefaultProps, Props, State>;
declare function unmountComponentAtNode(container: any): boolean;
// TODO: Delete the corresponding method defs from the 'react' module once React
// 0.15 comes out and removes them.
declare module 'react-dom/server' {
declare function renderToString(
element: ReactElement<any, any, any>
): string;
declare function renderToStaticMarkup(
element: ReactElement<any, any, any>
): string;
declare class SyntheticEvent {
bubbles: boolean;
cancelable: boolean;
currentTarget: EventTarget;
defaultPrevented: boolean;
eventPhase: number;
isDefaultPrevented(): boolean;
isPropagationStopped(): boolean;
isTrusted: boolean;
nativeEvent: Event;
preventDefault(): void;
stopPropagation(): void;
target: EventTarget;
timeStamp: number;
type: string;
declare class SyntheticClipboardEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
clipboardData: any;
declare class SyntheticCompositionEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
data: any;
declare class SyntheticInputEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
data: any;
declare class SyntheticUIEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
detail: number;
view: any;
declare class SyntheticFocusEvent extends SyntheticUIEvent {
relatedTarget: EventTarget;
declare class SyntheticKeyboardEvent extends SyntheticUIEvent {
altKey: boolean;
charCode: number;
ctrlKey: boolean;
getModifierState: any;
key: string;
keyCode: number;
locale: string;
location: number;
metaKey: boolean;
repeat: boolean;
shiftKey: boolean;
which: number;
declare class SyntheticMouseEvent extends SyntheticUIEvent {
altKey: boolean;
button: number;
buttons: number;
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
ctrlKey: boolean;
getModifierState: any;
metaKey: boolean;
pageX: number;
pageY: number;
relatedTarget: EventTarget;
screenX: number;
screenY: number;
shiftKey: boolean;
declare class SyntheticDragEvent extends SyntheticMouseEvent {
dataTransfer: any;
declare class SyntheticWheelEvent extends SyntheticMouseEvent {
deltaMode: number;
deltaX: number;
deltaY: number;
deltaZ: number;
declare class SyntheticTouchEvent extends SyntheticUIEvent {
altKey: boolean;
changedTouches: any;
ctrlKey: boolean;
getModifierState: any;
metaKey: boolean;
shiftKey: boolean;
targetTouches: any;
touches: any;
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