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Created February 10, 2016 19:39
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syntax = "proto2";
// Copyright 2012, Square Inc.
// This file provides the default Sake service exported on all Sake services. Useful for debugging
// remote hosts from the commandline or other tools.
package squareup.sake;
option java_package = "com.squareup.protos.sake";
option java_generic_services = true;
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
message SchemaRequest {
* The list of services in which the client is interested. This can be used by the server to
* prune the set of schema data that it returns to only those required by the given services.
* If empty, the server should return information about all of the services it exposes.
repeated string service_name = 1;
message SchemaResponse {
* All proto files required to fully describe the contained services. The list <em>must</em> be
* sorted in topological order: any element will depend only on previously-seen elements.
repeated google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto file_descriptor = 1;
message ServiceEntry {
// Only the file_descriptor field is necessary. The service field is superfluous and should
// no longer be used by clients that invoke the Schema RPC method.
option deprecated = true;
/** The unqualified name of the service. */
optional string short_service_name = 1;
/** The name of the FileDescriptorProto in which the service can be found. */
optional string file_descriptor_name = 2;
* A list of services this server implements.
* @deprecated The mapping of service names and descriptor names can (and should) be inferred
* solely from the list of file descriptors, so this field is not necessary
repeated ServiceEntry service = 2 [deprecated = true];
* A list of fully-qualified service names that this server implements.
repeated string service_name = 3;
message ListRequest {
message ListResponse {
repeated google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto service = 1;
/** All fields are case sensitive (sorry). */
message CallRequest {
/** Service name, does not need to be qualified. */
optional string service_name = 1;
/** Unqualified method name. */
optional string method_name = 2;
/** Proto format in JSON form. Must start and end with '{' and '}' */
optional string json_body = 3;
message CallResponse {
optional string json_body = 1;
message ProtocolCapability {
required string name = 1;
repeated string value = 2;
message OhHai {
/** The client's desired protocol version. */
optional string client_sake_version = 1;
/** The client's protocol capabilities. */
repeated ProtocolCapability client_capabilities = 2;
* The set of services that this client expects the server to export. Each value should be a
* fully-qualified service name.
repeated string expected_services = 3;
* The host name of the client. Useful if the client's identity is otherwise obfuscated by, for
* example, a hardware load balancer between the client and server.
optional string client_host_name = 4;
/** The version of the client. */
optional string client_version_sha = 5;
message KThxBai {
* The negotiated protocol version, which should be equal to or older than the client's
* desired protocol version.
optional string server_sake_version = 1;
* The host name of the client. Useful if the server's identity is otherwise obfuscated by, for
* example, a hardware load balancer between the client and server.
optional string server_host_name = 2;
/** The server's protocol capabilities. */
repeated ProtocolCapability server_capabilities = 3;
* The set of services that the client expects but are not actually supported by the server.
* Clients will generally require that this field be empty.
repeated string unsupported_services = 4;
/** The version of the server. */
optional string server_version_sha = 5;
message HeartbeatRequest {
message HeartbeatResponse {
* A value that indicates the current health status. A value of zero indicates that this host
* is not healthy and is not accepting requests. A value of 100 indicates that this host is
* healthy. Values in between indicate some level of degradation.
* <p>These numeric values correspond to the values in HealthResponseCode enum constants.
optional uint32 health_level = 1;
message PingRequest {
/** Opaque value that gets echoed back in the response as-is by the server. */
optional bytes ping = 1;
message PingResponse {
optional bytes pong = 1;
enum HealthResponseCode {
DOWN = 0;
MANUALLY_DEGRADED = 49; // only supported by v1.1+ of sake protocol
DEGRADED = 50; // only supported by v1.1+ of sake protocol
UP = 100;
* Attached as a side channel message to Heartbeat requests in v1.0 of the sake protocol. This
* message is not used in v1.1 of the protocol.
message HealthMessage {
optional HealthResponseCode health = 1;
* An internal service exported by all Sake RPC servers. This allows clients to query for metadata
* about the server and other services that it exports.
service SakeService {
* "Hello" for Sake (<a href="">Say Hello in
* Japanese</a>). This should be the first RPC sent on any new connection from an RPC client.
* The RPC client indicates the service(s) that it expects the server to export. This is also
* how negotiation of protocol version is performed, and clients and servers exchange info on
* capabilities/extensions.
rpc MoshiMoshi (OhHai) returns (KThxBai);
* Requests the schema for services exported by the server. The schema consists of file
* descriptors (that include all message/enum/service descriptor data) for the exported services
* and their transitive dependencies. This is the information required to construct a dynamic
* client (e.g. a client that is based wholly on descriptors, not on generated code).
rpc Schema (SchemaRequest) returns (SchemaResponse);
* Lists all services exported by this server.
rpc List (ListRequest) returns (ListResponse);
* Dispatches an RPC request to the given service and method. Returns the RPC response.
rpc Call (CallRequest) returns (CallResponse);
* Checks the health of the service. This is used periodically (and frequently) by clients so
* that requests are sent to healthy servers.
rpc Heartbeat (HeartbeatRequest) returns (HeartbeatResponse);
* A simple "echo". The client sends a "ping" and the server echoes it back with the "pong".
rpc Ping (PingRequest) returns (PingResponse);
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