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Alex Notov zealoushacker

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noamtamim /
Last active September 7, 2024 08:10
Markdown with PlantUML

How to use PlantUML with Markdown

PlantUML is a really awesome way to create diagrams by writing code instead of drawing and dragging visual elements. Markdown is a really nice documentation tool.

Here's how I combine the two, to create docs with embedded diagrams.

Step 0: Setup

Get the command-line PlantUML from the download page or your relevant package manager.

'use strict';
// Dependencies
const gcloud = require('google-cloud', {
projectId: 'sara-bigquery',
keyfileName: 'keyfile.json'
const vision =;
const fs = require('fs');
const async = require('async');
danieleggert / GPG and git on
Last active September 11, 2024 14:52
How to set up git to use the GPG Suite

GPG and git on macOS


No need for homebrew or anything like that. Works with and the command line.

  1. Install -- I'd suggest to do a customized install and deselect GPGMail.
  2. Create or import a key -- see below for
  3. Run gpg --list-secret-keys and look for sec, use the key ID for the next step
  4. Configure git to use GPG -- replace the key with the one from gpg --list-secret-keys

How to setup AWS lambda function to talk to the internet and VPC

I'm going to walk you through the steps for setting up a AWS Lambda to talk to the internet and a VPC. Let's dive in.

So it might be really unintuitive at first but lambda functions have three states.

  1. No VPC, where it can talk openly to the web, but can't talk to any of your AWS services.
  2. VPC, the default setting where the lambda function can talk to your AWS services but can't talk to the web.
  3. VPC with NAT, The best of both worlds, AWS services and web.
ijin /
Created December 9, 2015 16:40
AWS Lambda function that processes cloudwatch logs and invokes a slack function
import boto3
import datetime
import json
import urllib2
import base64
import gzip
from StringIO import StringIO
print('Loading function')

2015-01-29 Unofficial Relay FAQ

Compilation of questions and answers about Relay from React.js Conf.

Disclaimer: I work on Relay at Facebook. Relay is a complex system on which we're iterating aggressively. I'll do my best here to provide accurate, useful answers, but the details are subject to change. I may also be wrong. Feedback and additional questions are welcome.

What is Relay?

Relay is a new framework from Facebook that provides data-fetching functionality for React applications. It was announced at React.js Conf (January 2015).

woloski /
Last active February 11, 2024 23:14
Multi Tenant Apps in Auth0

Multitenancy refers to a principle in software architecture where a single instance of the software runs on a server, serving multiple client-organizations (tenants)

Let's start by enumerating some multi tenant applications and understand how they handle it.



claudiosanches / shipping-calculator.php
Last active April 11, 2016 18:33
WooCommerce - Custom Shipping Calculator
* Shipping Calculator
* This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/woocommerce/cart/shipping-calculator.php.
* HOWEVER, on occasion WooCommerce will need to update template files and you (the theme developer).
* will need to copy the new files to your theme to maintain compatibility. We try to do this.
* as little as possible, but it does happen. When this occurs the version of the template file will.
* be bumped and the readme will list any important changes.
holysugar / gist:3817860
Created October 2, 2012 09:38
google-drive-ruby with oauth sample
require 'google_drive'
require 'oauth2'
require 'json'
require 'pry'
# create in
@client_id = ""
@client_secret = ""
@redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
joho / gist:3735740
Created September 17, 2012 05:40 — forked from rafaelss/gist:3700977
PostgreSQL 9.2 upgrade steps
Steps to install and run PostgreSQL 9.2 using Homebrew (Mac OS X)
(if you aren't using version 9.1.5, change line 6 with the correct version)
1. launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
2. mv /usr/local/var/postgres /usr/local/var/postgres91
3. brew update
4. brew upgrade postgresql
5. initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
6. pg_upgrade -b /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.1.5/bin -B /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.2.0/bin -d /usr/local/var/postgres91 -D /usr/local/var/postgres
7. cp /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.2.0/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/