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Last active October 6, 2020 17:50
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Shapes and IC test


Each test was performed 5 times and an average time was calculated.

Optimized Size Average time [ms] Heap size [MB]
10e2 0.06158013343811035 3.1507919311523436
10e4 2.3224000930786133 10.012129211425782
10e6 246.5065408229828 487.14283142089846
✔️ 10e2 0.05734000205993652 2.86851806640625
✔️ 10e4 0.9794797897338867 3.3013275146484373
✔️ 10e6 33.00432024002075 78.09739990234375

Average time

Heap size

const { performance } = require("perf_hooks");
let factory = process.argv.includes("--optimized")
? buildStandarizedObject
: buildRandomlyShapedObject;
let size = 10e4;
const sizeOptionPrefix = "--size=";
if (process.argv.find((part) => part.startsWith(sizeOptionPrefix))) {
size = +process.argv
.find((part) => part.startsWith(sizeOptionPrefix))
function getX(obj) {
return obj.x;
function buildRandomlyShapedObject(x) {
const obj = {};
obj[reallyRandom()] = reallyRandom();
obj.x = x;
obj[reallyRandom()] = reallyRandom();
return obj;
function buildStandarizedObject(x) {
return { foo: reallyRandom(), x };
let lastRandom = 0;
function reallyRandom() {
let random = lastRandom;
do {
random = Math.random();
} while (random === lastRandom);
lastRandom = random;
return random;
console.log(`Building ${size} elements using ${} function`);
const objs = new Array(size);
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
objs[i] = factory(i);
const start =;
objs.forEach((obj) => getX(obj));
const end =;
console.log(end - start);
console.log(`Heap used: ${process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024} MB`);
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