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Created June 20, 2024 10:05
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{{- if . }}
{{- range . }}
<h3>Target <code>{{ escapeXML .Target }}</code></h3>
{{- if (eq (len .Vulnerabilities) 0) }}
<h4>No Vulnerabilities found</h4>
{{- else }}
<h4>Vulnerabilities ({{ len .Vulnerabilities }})</h4>
<th>Installed Version</th>
<th>Fixed Version</th>
{{- range .Vulnerabilities }}
<td><code>{{ escapeXML .PkgName }}</code></td>
<td>{{ escapeXML .VulnerabilityID }}</td>
<td>{{ escapeXML .Severity }}</td>
<td>{{ escapeXML .InstalledVersion }}</td>
<td>{{ escapeXML .FixedVersion }}</td>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if (eq (len .Misconfigurations ) 0) }}
<h4>No Misconfigurations found</h4>
{{- else }}
{{- range .Misconfigurations }}
<td>{{ escapeXML .Type }}</td>
<td>{{ escapeXML .ID }}</td>
<td>{{ escapeXML .Title }}</td>
<td>{{ escapeXML .Severity }}</td>
{{ escapeXML .Message }}
<br><a href={{ escapeXML .PrimaryURL | printf "%q" }}>{{ escapeXML .PrimaryURL }}</a></br>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
<h3>Trivy Returned Empty Report</h3>
{{- end }}
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