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Created May 20, 2010 04:30
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StationTV Helper.scpt
property pw : ""
property command : {{true, "touch "}, {false, "rm "}}
property check_text : {{true, ""}, {false, ""}}
property ScreenSharing_launchd : {{"10.5", "/Library/Preferences/"}, {"10.6", "/etc/ScreenSharing.launchd"}}
property RemoteManagement_launchd : {{"10.5", "/Library/Preferences/"}, {"10.6", "/etc/RemoteManagement.launchd"}}
global process_list
global service_list
global screen_sharing
global remote_managemanet
on run
set process_list to {}
set service_list to {}
set screen_sharing to my file_exists(my look_up(ScreenSharing_launchd, my os_version()))
set remote_managemanet to my file_exists(my look_up(RemoteManagement_launchd, my os_version()))
if pw is "" then
my save_password()
end if
my ng_services(false)
my quit_ng_apps()
my hide()
activate application "StationTV LE"
end run
on idle
if station_tv_state() then
return 5
my ng_services(true)
my back_ng_apps()
end if
end idle
on reopen
my save_password()
end reopen
on save_password()
display dialog "管理者パスワードを入力してください。" default answer "" with hidden answer
set pw to result's text returned
end save_password
on ng_services(bool)
if screen_sharing then
my service_on_off(my look_up(ScreenSharing_launchd, my os_version()), bool)
if bool is false then set service_list to service_list & "画面共有"
end if
if remote_managemanet then
my service_on_off(my look_up(RemoteManagement_launchd, my os_version()), bool)
if bool is false then set service_list to service_list & "リモートマネージメント"
end if
my message(my look_up(check_text, bool), my join(service_list, "\n"))
end ng_services
on quit_ng_apps()
repeat with process_name in every_process()
if process_name is in ng_apps() then
set process_list to process_list & process_name
quit application process_name
end if
end repeat
my message("終了", my join(process_list, "\n"))
end quit_ng_apps
on back_ng_apps()
repeat with process_name in process_list
launch application process_name
end repeat
my message("起動", my join(process_list, "\n"))
end back_ng_apps
on every_process()
tell application "System Events"
processes's name
end tell
end every_process
on ng_apps()
"QuickTime Player\ngyazo\nScreenBoard\nFlickScreen\nLittleSnapper\nDikk!\nScreenFlowHelper\nScreenFlow\nThe Screen Crawlers\nRulers\nEvernoteHelper\nEvernote\nScrnShots Desktop\nJing\nSimpleCap\nTimed Screenshot\nSnapz Pro X\nSnapNDrag\nSnapClip\nShowTime\nScribbleScreen\nScreenium\nScreenCaptureGUI 2\nScreen Mimic\nRemoteCapture\nPNGoo\nPDFoo\nMultiSnap\nLilypad\nKinoDesk\niShowU\nInstantShot!\nImageFlow\nGrabberRaster\nGrab\nFlySketch\nfgrab\nDesktopToMovie\nCopernicus\nClick\nanno2\nScreenshot Plus.wdgt\nCapture.wdgt\ndesktoptransporterd\nDesktop Transporter\nTeamViewer\nLogMeInGUI\nLogMeIn\nLMILaunchAgentFi\nLMIGUIAgent\nTiffany\nOSXvnc-server\nAppleVNCServer\n"
end ng_apps
on os_version()
do shell script "sw_vers -productVersion|cut -c 1-4"
end os_version
on service_on_off(launchd_path, bool)
my look_up(command, bool) & launchd_path
do shell script result password pw with administrator privileges
end service_on_off
on file_exists(unix_path)
tell application "Finder"
exists my POSIX file (unix_path)
end tell
end file_exists
on station_tv_state()
tell application "System Events"
"StationTV LE" is in processes's name
end tell
end station_tv_state
on message(title, msg)
if msg is not "" then
do shell script "/bin/echo -n " & quoted form of msg & " | /usr/local/bin/growlnotify " & quoted form of title
end if
on error
--display alert title message msg giving up after 4
end try
end message
on join(sourceList, delimiter)
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delimiter}
set theText to sourceList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
end join
on hide()
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "h" using command down
end tell
end hide
on look_up(src_list, a_key)
if a_key = "" then return ""
repeat with sub_list in src_list
if a_key is in sub_list's item 1 then return sub_list's item 2 -- thru -1
end repeat
end look_up
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