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Last active July 20, 2021 18:22
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[python curses] #python #curses
import sys,os
import curses
def draw_menu(stdscr):
k = 0
cursor_x = 0
cursor_y = 0
# Clear and refresh the screen for a blank canvas
# Start colors in curses
curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE)
# Loop where k is the last character pressed
while (k != ord('q')):
# Initialization
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
if k == curses.KEY_DOWN:
cursor_y = cursor_y + 1
elif k == curses.KEY_UP:
cursor_y = cursor_y - 1
elif k == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
cursor_x = cursor_x + 1
elif k == curses.KEY_LEFT:
cursor_x = cursor_x - 1
cursor_x = max(0, cursor_x)
cursor_x = min(width-1, cursor_x)
cursor_y = max(0, cursor_y)
cursor_y = min(height-1, cursor_y)
# Declaration of strings
title = "Curses example"[:width-1]
subtitle = "Written by Clay McLeod"[:width-1]
keystr = "Last key pressed: {}".format(k)[:width-1]
statusbarstr = "Press 'q' to exit | STATUS BAR | Pos: {}, {}".format(cursor_x, cursor_y)
if k == 0:
keystr = "No key press detected..."[:width-1]
# Centering calculations
start_x_title = int((width // 2) - (len(title) // 2) - len(title) % 2)
start_x_subtitle = int((width // 2) - (len(subtitle) // 2) - len(subtitle) % 2)
start_x_keystr = int((width // 2) - (len(keystr) // 2) - len(keystr) % 2)
start_y = int((height // 2) - 2)
# Rendering some text
whstr = "Width: {}, Height: {}".format(width, height)
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, whstr, curses.color_pair(1))
# Render status bar
stdscr.addstr(height-1, 0, statusbarstr)
stdscr.addstr(height-1, len(statusbarstr), " " * (width - len(statusbarstr) - 1))
# Turning on attributes for title
# Rendering title
stdscr.addstr(start_y, start_x_title, title)
# Turning off attributes for title
# Print rest of text
stdscr.addstr(start_y + 1, start_x_subtitle, subtitle)
stdscr.addstr(start_y + 3, (width // 2) - 2, '-' * 4)
stdscr.addstr(start_y + 5, start_x_keystr, keystr)
stdscr.move(cursor_y, cursor_x)
# Refresh the screen
# Wait for next input
k = stdscr.getch()
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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