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Created August 23, 2019 20:44
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This is a simple, 0-dependency script for debugging watchers. It watches files in a directory and logs changes to the console. That's it. Should work on any OS. Works with absolute and relative paths. Will break on access denied or cyclical symlinks. For debug use only.
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const log = console.log
const warn = console.warn
const err = console.error
const perf_start =
// funcs
const pathJoin = filePath => file => path.join(filePath, file)
const cwdJoin = pathJoin(process.cwd())
const mapFilesNested = filePath => {
if (fs.statSync(filePath).isFile()) return [filePath]
return fs
.map(bareFilename => path.join(filePath, bareFilename))
const flatten = arr => [].concat(...arr)
const deepFlatten = arr =>
flatten( => (Array.isArray(a) ? deepFlatten(a) : a)))
const mapFiles = path => deepFlatten(mapFilesNested(path))
const validatePath = filePath => {
const isAbs = filePath[0] === path.sep
if (isAbs && filePath.length < 7)
warn(`Watching top-level directories ${filePath} is discouraged`)
// return isAbs ? path.relative(path.sep, filePath) : cwdJoin(filePath)
return isAbs ? filePath : cwdJoin(filePath)
const getFileSize = file => {
try {
} catch (error) {
warn(" couldn't get file size - moved or deleted...")
return 0
const round = num => Number(num).toFixed(2)
// conf
const args = process.argv.slice(process.argv.indexOf(__filename) + 1)
const watchDir = args.length ? validatePath(args[0]) : process.cwd
const fileWatchLogFunc = file => () =>
args[0][0] === path.sep ? file : path.relative(__dirname, file)
} (${round(getFileSize(file) / 1024)}kB) changed`
try {
log(`Looking for files to watch in ${watchDir}`)
const allFiles = mapFiles(watchDir)
perf_end =
`Watch list collected in ${round(perf_end - perf_start)}ms, count: ${
}. Watching...\n`
allFiles.forEach(file => fs.watchFile(file, fileWatchLogFunc(file)))
} catch (error) {
'\nUsage:\n ./dirWatch.js [path]\n' +
'OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu We made a fucky wucky!! A wittle ' +
'fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are ' +
'working VEWY HAWD to fix this!\n\nGuru Meditation\n\n',
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