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Created May 9, 2020 16:24
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Functor: Compose a pure function with an effectful function
import { Option, isNone, none, some } from "fp-ts/lib/Option";
// Here we lift a pure function to work with Option
// Taken from
function lift<A, B>(f: (a: A) => B): (fa: Option<A>) => Option<B> {
return (fa) => (isNone(fa) ? none : some(f(fa.value)));
const effectfulDouble = (x: number) => some(x * 2);
const pureSay = (x: number) => `The result is ${x}`;
// Let's compose the two functions
const liftedSay = lift(pureSay);
liftedSay(effectfulDouble(5)); // { _tag: 'Some', value: 'The result is 10' }
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