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timothyham /
Last active September 19, 2024 14:53
A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins

A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins

This guide is for homelab admins who understand IPv4s well but find setting up IPv6 hard or annoying because things work differently. In some ways, managing an IPv6 network can be simpler than IPv4, one just needs to learn some new concepts and discard some old ones.

Let’s begin.

First of all, there are some concepts that one must unlearn from ipv4:

Concept 1

inchoate /
Last active July 17, 2024 09:36
Open clicked URLs into a particular Google Chrome profile


When I click on links from Slack or Outlook on MacOS they open in seemingly random browser windows/profiles. This is annoying.


Open links in a particular google chrome profile window. Be less annoyed.

  1. In Chrome, visit chrome://version and find the desired profile name. Mine was Default. Copy that profile's directory name, like Profile 2 or Default, not the profile's vanity name you see when you click on your profile icon in the browser.
  2. Install Finicky: brew install finicky. After install it should be running and you should see the icon in the upper toolbar.
  3. From the Finicky Toolbar Item, click > Config > Create New
  4. Edit the new file ~/.finicky and make it look something like this, filling in your profile name:
probonopd /
Last active September 20, 2024 16:44
Think twice about Wayland. It breaks everything!

Think twice before abandoning Xorg. Wayland breaks everything!

Hence, if you are interested in existing applications to "just work" without the need for adjustments, then you may be better off avoiding Wayland.

Wayland solves no issues I have but breaks almost everything I need. Even the most basic, most simple things (like xkill) - in this case with no obvious replacement. And usually it stays broken, because the Wayland folks mostly seem to care about Automotive, Gnome, maybe KDE - and alienating everyone else (e.g., people using just an X11 window manager or something like GNUstep) in the process.

The Wayland project seems to operate like they were starting a greenfield project, whereas at the same time they try to position Wayland as "the X11 successor", which would clearly require a lot of thought about not breaking, or at least providing a smooth upgrade path for, existing software.

In fact, it is merely an incompatible alternative, and not e

Using gitqlite, query for percentage of commit count by author (in this case in facebook/react). Limit to top 25, include a "chart"

rokumatsumoto / 0_Gemfile
Last active June 21, 2024 06:41
Stubbing the AWS SDK S3 (bucket.object, bucket.object.exists? methods and bucket.object.exists? responses)
# Gemfile
gem 'aws-sdk-s3'

I had a large dataset in postgis and wanted to avoid the hassle of first exporting it to a several GB geojson file before tiling it with Tippecanoe.

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON /dev/stdout \                                                                            
PG:"host=localhost dbname=postgres user=postgres password=thepassword" \
-sql "select * from a, roi where a.geom && roi.geom" \
| docker run -i -v ${PWD}:/data tippecanoe:latest tippecanoe \
enricofoltran / main.go
Last active August 21, 2024 04:40
A simple golang web server with basic logging, tracing, health check, graceful shutdown and zero dependencies
package main
import (
jaymcgavren / blog.rb
Created October 26, 2017 22:48
Set up Active Record with an in-memory database and model classes, all in a single file.
# Instead of loading all of Rails, load the
# particular Rails dependencies we need
require 'sqlite3'
require 'active_record'
# Set up a database that resides in RAM
adapter: 'sqlite3',
database: ':memory:'
crittermike / App.js
Last active May 9, 2022 08:18
Using Google API (gapi) with React
/* global gapi */
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class App extends Component {
loadYoutubeApi() {
const script = document.createElement("script");
geoffreydhuyvetters /
Last active August 15, 2024 15:17
What is React Fiber? And how can I try it out today?