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Created September 14, 2023 14:20
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The headline/summary from the video

Sleep 7-9hr per day

Don't be a freak on it, doesn't matter that much if you miss a point.

create a schedule to sleep

There is a thing called "Homeostatic sleep drive"(HSE)[^1] determines when we feel awake or tired. It uses a chemical called Adenosine. Sleep schedule thingy helps us to create a better HSE. If we wakeup/sleep at same time for long period, HSE will build up and makes us feel better. Try to sleep/wake-up similar times everyday. Holidays are no exception.

Try to catch sunlight at the morning

We have a system called "Circadian Rhythm"(C-rythm), it's controlled from "Suprachiasmatic Nucleus". C-rythm uses three chemicals Melatonin, Cortisol and Epinephrine. (I think there is an problem in the video graph)

Melatonin get's released from "pineal gland". A part in the brain get's the light info and releases melatonin.

20m is morning light is enough, mix with the walk

Morning walk

(maybe runs?) To activate body I think.


Caffeine is basically a blocker against Adenosine. It takes around 8hr to get rid of Caffeine effect. When effect drains it causes a "Adenosine Rush", which makes you tired. Everyone has different tolerances, I think mine is around 3-4hr right now.

Try to catch sunlight at the evening

Look up for C-rythm in morning subject. This trigger the reverse and let your C-rythm to have better cycle.

Reduce screen light in night, have dim light.

Get your body cold

20 Degree and low is ideal.


Further research:

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