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Created May 23, 2017 14:48
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Scala training Binary Tree method
sealed abstract class Tree
case class Branch(value: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
case object Empty extends Tree
object TreeObject {
def max(tree: Tree): Int = tree match {
case Branch(v, l, r) => math.max(math.max(v, this.max(l)), this.max(r))
case Empty => 0
def min(tree: Tree): Int = tree match {
case Branch(v, l, r) => math.min(math.min(v, this.min(l)), this.min(r))
case Empty => Int.MaxValue
def depth(tree: Tree): Int = tree match {
case Branch(v, l, r) => 1 + math.max(depth(l), depth(r))
case Empty => 0
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