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Last active September 16, 2021 11:57
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  • Save yous/91ff6ca317304654aa71e7fdf504e25d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Replace old fonts with new ones
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Replace fonts in macOS
@version 1.0.0
@description Replace old fonts with better ones
@author yous
@license CC-BY-4.0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp(".*") {
@font-face {
font-family: "AppleGothic";
src: local("-apple-system");
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Replace fonts in Windows
@version 1.0.0
@description Replace old fonts with better ones
@author yous
@license CC-BY-4.0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp(".*") {
@font-face {
font-family: "바탕";
src: local("Source Han Serif KR");
@font-face {
font-family: "Batang";
src: local("Source Han Serif KR");
@font-face {
font-family: "바탕체";
src: local("Source Han Serif KR");
@font-face {
font-family: "BatangChe";
src: local("Source Han Serif KR");
@font-face {
font-family: "돋움";
src: local("system-ui");
@font-face {
font-family: "Dotum";
src: local("system-ui");
@font-face {
font-family: "돋움체";
src: local("system-ui");
@font-face {
font-family: "DotumChe";
src: local("system-ui");
@font-face {
font-family: "굴림";
src: local("system-ui");
@font-face {
font-family: "Gulim";
src: local("system-ui");
@font-face {
font-family: "굴림체";
src: local("system-ui");
@font-face {
font-family: "GulimChe";
src: local("system-ui");
@font-face {
font-family: "새굴림";
src: local("system-ui");
@font-face {
font-family: "New Gulim";
src: local("system-ui");
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