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YOSHIHIRO Imai yoshihiro503

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mathcomp analysisのtopology.vにおいて,

Module PropInFilter : PropInFilterSig.
  Definition t := prop_in_filter_proj.
End PropInFilter.
Notation prop_of := PropInFilter.t.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import JMeq.
Inductive sizseq (T:Type) : nat -> Type :=
| SizNil : sizseq T 0
| SizCons n : T -> sizseq T n -> sizseq T n.+1.
Lemma sizseq0nil_aux (T:Type) n : forall xs : sizseq T n, n = 0 -> JMeq xs (SizNil T).
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
(* :> を複数持つと予期せぬことがおきることがあるぞ *)
Structure S : Type := MakeS {
sort2 :> Type;
sort :> Type;
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Fixpoint evivn_rec pred_d m q :=
if m - pred_d is m'.+1 then edivn_rec pred_d m' q.+1 else (q, m).
Definition edivn m d := if d > 0 then edivn_rec d.-1 m 0 else (0, m).
Lemma edivn_recP1 q r m pred_d q0:
(q, r) = edivn_rec pred_d m q0 ->
r < pred_d.+1.
Require Import String List.
Import ListNotations.
Open Scope string_scope.
Definition aaa := 1+2.
Definition bbb := aaa * 5.
Definition foo x y:= 2*x + y.
Compute foo 1 2.
Require Import Arith Unicode.Utf8.
Definition f (n : nat) :=
n - 1.
Inductive reaches_1 : nat → Prop :=
| term_done : reaches_1 1
| term_more (n : nat) : reaches_1 (f n) → reaches_1 n.
Check reaches_1_ind.
Require Import Arith.
Lemma test_000: forall a b c : nat, a + b + c = b + c + a.
intros a b c. now rewrite (Nat.add_comm a b), Nat.add_shuffle0.
Lemma test_001: forall m : nat, 2 ^ (S m) = 2 * 2 ^ m.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrnat div.
Lemma test_000: forall a b c : nat, a + b + c = b + c + a.
move=> a b c.
rewrite (_: b + c = c + b).
- by apply addnCAC.
- by apply addnC.
Theorem contrapositive_bool : forall (p q : bool),
(p = true -> q = true) -> (q = false -> p = false).
intros p q H Hq.
destruct p. (* pで場合分け*)
- (* pがtrueのとき *)
rewrite H in Hq.
+ discriminate Hq.
+ reflexivity.
- (* pがfalseのとき*)