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Last active December 31, 2015 12:19
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Save yogeesh/7985472 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
RSA encrypter and decrypter functionality in python. Not written for use in real life situation. You can use it in CTF's and mainly for learning purpose. Dont duplicate this copy, just share it :) Suggestion's and comments are welcomed.
import random
import math
def enc(message, pubkey) :
msg = [ord(char) for char in message]
e,n = pubkey
c = [pow(m, e, n) for m in msg] # c = m**e % n
return c
def dec(cipher, prikey) :
d,n = prikey
msg = [pow(c, d, n) for c in cipher] # msg = c**d % n
msg = [chr(m) for m in msg]
message = ''.join(msg)
return message
def isprime(num):
for x in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num)+1) ):
if(num % x == 0):
return 0
return 1
# Starts here :p
# Generating two random prime numbers such that their product should be more than meassage
while (1):
p1 = random.randint(20,50)# bigger the number more GOOD :D
print 'p1 ', p1
while (1):
p2 = random.randint(20,50) # bigger the number more GOOD :D
print 'p2 ', p2
n = p1 * p2
phi_n = (p1-1)*(p2-1)
print 'phi_n ', phi_n
#Choosing a prime number for e leaves us only to check that e is not a divisor of 3120
e = 3
while (1):
if( isprime(e) and (phi_n % e != 0)):
e = e+2
print 'e ', e
#d = (k * phi_n + 1)/ e
for d in range (1,phi_n):
if(d*e % phi_n == 1):
print 'd ', d
pubkey = (e, n)
prikey = (d, n)
msg = raw_input("Enter the bloody string you want to encrypt: ")
print msg
cipher = enc(msg, pubkey)
for c in cipher : print c,
decipher = dec(cipher, prikey)
print '\n', decipher
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