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Deciders implementation
/// +--------------------------------------+
/// | |
/// | Decider |
/// | |
/// | Jérémie Chassaing |
/// | @thinkb4coding |
/// +--------------------------------------+
// A decider is a structure define by 7 parameters:
// 1. a Command type
// 2. an Event type
// 3. a State type
// 4. an initialState value of type State
// 5. a decide function: Command -> State -> Event list
// 6. an evolve function: State -> Event -> State
// 7. a isTerminal function: State -> bool
// The Command type represents the actions that can be
// done on the decider. Cases are verbs in the imperative.
type Command =
| Build of maxUses: int
| SwitchOn
| SwitchOff
// The Event type represents the effects of actions
// done on the decider. Cases are verbs in the past tense.
type Event =
| Built of maxUses: int
| SwitchedOn
| SwitchedOff
| Broke
// State contains information necessary to take the next decision
type State =
| NotBuilt // state before anything happens
| Working of BulbState * remainingUses: int
| Broken
and BulbState = On | Off
// initialState is the value of the state before anything happened
let initialState = NotBuilt
// the decide function contains the actual business rules.
// read it like: When you ask to do this Command, while in this State,
// here is what happens (the Events)
// it can return an empty list when nothing happens
let decide (cmd: Command) (state: State) =
match state, cmd with
| NotBuilt, Build uses -> [ Built uses]
| Working(Off,0), SwitchOn -> [ Broke ]
| Working(Off,_), SwitchOn -> [ SwitchedOn ]
| Working(On, _), SwitchOff -> [ SwitchedOff ]
| _ -> []
// the evolve function computes the next State based on pervious State and given Event.
// this state will be used for next call to decide
let evolve (state: State) (event: Event) =
match state, event with
| NotBuilt, Built uses -> Working(Off, uses)
| Working(Off, uses), SwitchedOn -> Working(On, uses-1 )
| Working(On, uses), SwitchedOff -> Working(Off, uses)
| Working _, Broke -> Broken
| _ -> state
// once isTerminal return true, nothing will happen anymore to the decider.
// it can then be archived or deleted.
let isTerminal (state: State) = state = Broken
// notice at this point that there is no notion of identity.
// identity is managed at the application layer
module Tests =
// we can easily write BDD tests for a decider
// for this we will define => and =! operators
// test will be of the form
// [ Past events]
// => Command
// =! [ Expeced events ]
// You can read it like this:
// Given <Past events>
// When <Command>
// Expect <Expected events>
// The => operator takes past events on the left and a command on the right.
// of course in other languages you can use a classic 2 argument functions.
// here the infix operator make it more visual
let (=>) events cmd =
// compute current state, starting from initial state
// and using evolve for each event
let state = List.fold evolve initialState events
// now we have a command (from argument), and a state, we can call decide
// the result is the actual list of events
decide cmd state
// the =! operator is read equal_bang, or assert.
// it simply checks that le value on the left is equal to the value
// on the right and prints the result. When using a testing framework
// you can use its Assert.Equal function.
let (=!) actual expected =
if actual = expected then
printfn ""
printfn ""
printfn "actual: %A" actual
printfn "expected: %A" expected
// building a bulb in initial state should work
[ ]
=> Build 5
=! [ Built 5 ]
// building a bulb that has already been built should do nothing
[ Built 3 ]
=> Build 5
=! []
// after being built, the bulb is off. Switching it on should do it
[ Built 5]
=> SwitchOn
=! [SwitchedOn]
// after being built, the bulb is off. Switching it off does nothing
[ Built 5]
=> SwitchOff
=! []
// Once switched on, switching on should do nothing
[ Built 5
=> SwitchOn
=! []
// Once switched on, switching off should do it
[ Built 5
SwitchedOn ]
=> SwitchOff
=! [ SwitchedOff ]
// Once already switched on the maximum use times (here 2),
// switching on again should break it
[ Built 2
SwitchedOff ]
=> SwitchOn
=! [ Broke ]
// Once it broke, switching on does nothing
[ Built 1
Broke ]
=> SwitchOn
=! []
// Once it broke, switching off does nothing
[ Built 1
Broke ]
=> SwitchOff
=! []
// The following module demonstrate how to use a decider in
// different settings:
// * without persistence
// * with state persistence
// * with events persistence
// they are presented in order of complexity,
// use the simplest that work for your case.
module ``Global mutable state`` =
// The simplest way to run a decider is using a global mutable state
// when writing a new system, it can ensure you that the logic is correct
// before implementing persistence.
// You can use this technic in test or dev environment to validate the design
let mutable state = initialState
// the command hander, when you call it with a command,
// it will decide what happens based on current state,
// then compute and save new state in the global variable
// and return events.
let handle cmd =
let events = decide cmd state
state <- List.fold evolve state events
// sample commands to test it (execute them in interactive mode)
handle (Build 5)
handle SwitchOn
handle SwitchOff
// of course, in a complete application, the web api will
// call the handle function with the received command, get the result
// events, and apply side effects accordingly.
// here, the identity is the global mutable variable!
module ``State in memory`` =
// The problem with the global state version is that you can only
// have one instance.
// to fix this, we put the state inside a closure
// when calling bulb, we get a function that captures the mutable state
// and does the same as above with this state instance
let bulb() =
let mutable state = initialState
fun cmd ->
let events = decide cmd state
state <- List.fold evolve state events
// sample commands to test it
let b1 = bulb()
b1 (Build 5)
b1 SwitchOn
b1 SwitchOff
// here, the identity is the function instance
// similar version, but in object form:
type Bulb() =
let mutable state = initialState // a mutable instance field
// a method that handle the command
member this.Handle cmd =
let events = decide cmd state
state <- List.fold evolve state events
// sample commands to test it
let b2 = Bulb()
b2.Handle(Build 5)
// in this case, the identity is the object reference
// Now, to persist the state, we need to serialize and deserialize it.
// of course, you can use a json serializer to do it. But dont forget
// to convert your domain types to DTOs before serialization, you don't
// want to bloat your domain code with Json attributes/annotiations,
// and you want an adaptation layer to be able to refactor your state
// without breaking everything...
// And dont forget the power of simplicity!
module State =
let serialize (state: State) =
match state with
| NotBuilt -> "NotBuilt"
| Working(On, uses) -> $"On {uses}"
| Working(Off, uses) -> $"Off {uses}"
| Broken -> "Broken"
let deserialize (s: string) =
match s.Split(' ') with
| [| "NotBuilt" |] -> NotBuilt
| [| "On"; uses|] -> Working(On, int uses)
| [| "Off"; uses|] -> Working(Off, int uses)
| [| "Broken" |] -> Broken
| _ -> failwith "Unknown state"
// We will use eskv, my event store and key value store
// for educational purpose.
// you can install the eskv with the following command:
// $ dotnet tool install eskv --global
// you can then run it by typing
// $ eskv
// launch your favorit browser on http://localhost:5000 to access the UI.
// We load the eskv.client nuget (
#r "nuget: eskv.client"
open eskv
// and instantiate a client, it uses eskv http API
let client = EskvClient()
module ``Load and save state in Key Value store`` =
// here we will load and save state on each call
// load the state for the given id, which is the key in the key value store
let load id =
let result = client.TryLoad(id)
if result.KeyExists then
State.deserialize result.Value
// save the state in the key value store under specified key
let save id state =
client.Save(id, State.serialize state)
// here, we create a function that captures the identity
// it loads the state from key value store,
// use decide function with the state and the command
// to get events,
// compute new state from current state and events,
// and finally save it.
let bulb id =
fun cmd ->
let state = load id
let events = decide cmd state
let newState = List.fold evolve state events
save id newState
// This version is in last write wins mode.
// the time between load and save should be very short, but
// a race with a concurrent execution can happen.
// Under high load with load balancing, this version
// can be called on 2 instances at the same time with two different commands.
// Both load the same state, compute events and a new state.
// One of them write first, but the second overwrite the state...
// However, this is how most systems are written today, continue like this
// if you have low risk of concurrency
// sample commands to test it
let b1 = bulb "b1"
b1 (Build 5)
b1 SwitchOn
b1 SwitchOff
module ``Load and save state in key value store with optimistic conflict detection`` =
// Under high load, with a high risk of concurrency, we can protect
// against concurrent write.
// For this, eskv returns a document ETag when loading.
// This ETag can be passed when saving to check that the document has
// not been modified inbetween.
// A null ETag is used to check that the key has not been created yet.
// load ETag and state from eskv, or use null ETag and initial state
let load id =
let result = client.TryLoad(id)
if result.KeyExists then
(result.ETag, State.deserialize result.Value)
(null, initialState)
// try to save state with checking the ETag has not changed
// eskv TrySave method returns null if the operation fails.
let trySave id etag state =
client.TrySave(id, State.serialize state, etag) <> null
// this version simply raise an exception if a conflict is detected
// the caller can retry the command later.
let bulb id =
fun cmd ->
let etag, state = load id
let events = decide cmd state
let newState = List.fold evolve state events
if trySave id etag newState then
failwith "⚡ Conflict"
// sample commands for test
let b2 = bulb "b2"
b2 (Build 5)
b2 SwitchOn
b2 SwitchOff
module ``Load and save state in key value store with optimistic conflict detection and retry`` =
// in some cases, instead of letting the caller retry, we can retry the command on the
// new state ourself.
// load and try ar the same as the previous version
let load id =
let result = client.TryLoad(id)
if result.KeyExists then
(result.ETag, State.deserialize result.Value)
(null, initialState)
let trySave id etag state =
client.TrySave(id, State.serialize state, etag) <> null
// here we use a recursive loop function
// if the trySave function succeeds, it returns the events
// otherwise it call itself to reload state and try again from this fresh state
let bulb id =
let rec loop cmd =
let etag, state = load id
let events = decide cmd state
let newState = List.fold evolve state events
if trySave id etag newState then
loop cmd
// retrying automatically is not always the best idea.
// if the caller is taking risky actions, it can be better to
// fail and inform them that the situation has changed.
// sample commands for test
let b3 = bulb "b3"
b3 (Build 5)
b3 SwitchOn
b3 SwitchOff
module ``Load and save, keep state in memory with optimistic concurrency and retry`` =
// To avoid reloading state on each call it can be faster to keep it in memory
// we will use a structur that contains ETag and State in a mutable variable.
type EtagState =
{ Etag: string
State: State}
// Same as before, but returns the result in this structure
let load id =
let result = client.TryLoad(id)
if result.KeyExists then
{ Etag = result.ETag; State = State.deserialize result.Value }
{ Etag = null; State = initialState}
let trySave id etag state =
client.TrySave(id, State.serialize state, etag)
let bulb id =
// on creation, load etag and state
let mutable etagState = load id
// the recursive loop to retry the command using state from mutable variable
let rec loop cmd =
// decide and compute new state
let events = decide cmd etagState.State
let newState = List.fold evolve etagState.State events
// try to save by checking the etag associated to last known state
match trySave id etagState.Etag newState with
| null ->
// the state has changed in the db, reload it and retry
etagState <- load id
loop cmd
| newEtag ->
// the state has been saved, update the in memory mutable variable
etagState <- { Etag = newEtag; State = newState }
// this version is faster only if commands tend to be routed to the same instance
// otherwhise, most of the time the first call to trySave will fail, and a reload
// will be necessary any way.
// you can place your service behind a proxy using sticky session to send commands
// to the same instance. However, if a command is routed to a different instance,
// this code is safe. It will first try to save, but fail, the reload and succeed,
// so the result is always correct.
// sample commands for tests
let b4 = bulb "b4"
b4 (Build 5)
b4 SwitchOn
b4 SwitchOff
// In each of the version above, it is possible to additionaly save
// the event for auditing
// Events are usualy persisted using a EventType and additional data
// Here, only the Built event has extra data.
module Event =
let serialize (event: Event) =
match event with
| Built uses -> "Built", string uses
| SwitchedOn -> "SwitchedOn", ""
| SwitchedOff -> "SwitchedOff", ""
| Broke -> "Broke", ""
// deserialize returns a list of events. Usualy this list contains
// a single event, but returning a list, enable to discard events with an empty list
// or to split a saved event as two domain event when the design changed.
let deserialize (typ: string, data: string) =
match typ with
| "Built" -> [Built (int data)]
| "SwitchedOn" -> [SwitchedOn]
| "SwitchedOff" -> [SwitchedOff]
| "Broke" -> [ Broke ]
| _ -> []
module ``Event sourcing`` =
// this is our first version that is event sourced
// this function loads all events from the start
// and deserialize them
let load id =
let result = client.ReadStreamForward(id, 0)
[ for e in result.Events do
yield! Event.deserialize (e.EventType, e.Data) ] // returns all events from deserialize in the result list
// serialize the event and append them to stream
let append id events =
let data =
[ for e in events do
let typ, data = Event.serialize e
{ EventType = typ; Data = data } ]
client.Append(id, data)
// This function loads all events, fold them to compute state
// compute new events using decide, and append them at the end of the stream
let bulb id =
fun cmd ->
let pastEvents = load id
let state = List.fold evolve initialState pastEvents
let events = decide cmd state
append id events
// calling fold even with many event is super fast, as the evolve function
// should be small.
// For a very large number of events, the reading and deserialization will
// be far longer than the fold.
let b1 = bulb "b1"
b1 (Build 5)
b1 SwitchOn
b1 SwitchOff
module ``Event sourcing with optimistic concurrency check`` =
// in the previous version, no concurreny check is done.
// this is not always a problem depending on concurrency risk and the domain,
// but when it is, it is possible to use the last event number (expected version)
// for concurrency checks.
// this version of load, returns the expectedVersion of the stream corresponding to last event
let load id =
let result = client.ReadStreamForward(id, 0)
let events =
[ for e in result.Events do
yield! Event.deserialize (e.EventType, e.Data) ]
result.ExpectedVersion, events
// tryAppend succeed only if the last event in the stream is still at expected version
let tryAppend id expectedVersion events =
let data =
[ for e in events do
let typ, data = Event.serialize e
{ EventType = typ; Data = data } ]
client.TryAppend(id, expectedVersion, data).Success
// here, we get version when loading, and pass it when trying to append
// to check that no events have been appended in the same time
let bulb id =
fun cmd ->
let version, loadedEvents = load id
let state = List.fold evolve initialState loadedEvents
let events = decide cmd state
if tryAppend id version events then
failwith "⚡ conflict"
let b2 = bulb "b2"
b2 (Build 5)
b2 SwitchOn
b2 SwitchOff
module ``Event sourcing with optimistic concurrency check and retry`` =
// this version implements a retry
// load is the same as in previous version
let load id =
let result = client.ReadStreamForward(id, 0)
let events =
[ for e in result.Events do
yield! Event.deserialize (e.EventType, e.Data) ]
result.ExpectedVersion, events
// this version is slightly different as it uses TryAppendOrRead,
// when the exepectedVersion is correct, call succeed, it simply returns Ok
// but when expectedVersion doesn't match, we directly receive events appended to
// the stream since this version.
// We return them and the exepected version in an Error result
let tryAppendOrRead id expectedVersion events =
let data =
[ for e in events do
let typ, data = Event.serialize e
{ EventType = typ; Data = data } ]
let result = client.TryAppendOrRead(id, expectedVersion, data)
if result.Success then
let newEvents =
[ for e in result.NewEvents do
yield! Event.deserialize (e.EventType, e.Data) ]
Error(result.ExpectedVersion, newEvents)
// like with state, we use a recursive function
// this time we pass version an state as parameter to avoid having to reload...
let bulb id =
fun cmd ->
let rec loop version state cmd =
// use the decide function to get new events
let events = decide cmd state
// try to append events to stream
match tryAppendOrRead id version events with
| Ok() ->
// it succeeded, return events
| Error(newVersion, newEvents) ->
// it failed, but we have the events we missed
// we fold them to get the last known state before retrying
let newState = List.fold evolve state newEvents
loop newVersion newState cmd
// this is the entry point of the functino,
// it loads events and version and compute the state
// then start the loop
let version, loadedEvents = load id
let state = List.fold evolve initialState loadedEvents
loop version state cmd
// this version avoid errors due to conflict. But has explained before
// this depends on the domain.
let b3 = bulb "b3"
b3 (Build 5)
b3 SwitchOn
b3 SwitchOff
module ``Event sourcing with optimistic concurreny check and retry with in memory state`` =
// this last version keeps state in memory
// this is the same as previous version
let load id =
let result = client.ReadStreamForward(id, 0)
let events =
[ for e in result.Events do
yield! Event.deserialize (e.EventType, e.Data) ]
result.ExpectedVersion, events
// this one is different, it return the expectedVersion also on success,
// as it has changed due to newly appended events
let tryAppendOrRead id expectedVersion events =
let data =
[ for e in events do
let typ, data = Event.serialize e
{ EventType = typ; Data = data } ]
let result = client.TryAppendOrRead(id, expectedVersion, data)
if result.Success then
Ok result.ExpectedVersion
let newEvents =
[ for e in result.NewEvents do
yield! Event.deserialize (e.EventType, e.Data)]
Error(result.ExpectedVersion, newEvents)
// we use this structure to maintain state and version
type StateVersion =
{ State: State
Version: int }
let bulb id =
// load version and events, and compute state in a mutable variable
let version, loadedEvents = load id
let mutable stateVersion =
{ State = List.fold evolve initialState loadedEvents
Version = version }
fun cmd ->
let rec loop cmd =
// state is already in the stateVersion variable,
// so just call decide with it
let events = decide cmd stateVersion.State
// try to save events
match tryAppendOrRead id stateVersion.Version events with
| Ok newVersion ->
// it succeeded, we store new state and version in the mutable variable
stateVersion <-
{ State = List.fold evolve stateVersion.State events
Version = newVersion}
| Error(newVersion, newEvents) ->
// if failed, but we get missed events and the new version
// we can compute new state by folding missed events
// and retry
stateVersion <-
{ State = List.fold evolve stateVersion.State newEvents
Version = newVersion }
loop cmd
loop cmd
// When there is no conflict, this version only call tryAppendOrRead for a command
// and is ready to take the next one. This is really fast.
let b4 = bulb "b4"
b4 (Build 5)
b4 SwitchOn
b4 SwitchOff
// I still advise to take the simplest version that works for you.
// start with load/save state (and maybe log events), if you don't need more
// use event sourcing once you get comfortable with it, and need more advanced scenarios.
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