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Last active January 4, 2016 08:49
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[D言語]UFCSを自分なりにメモ ref:
char[] str = 'a'.repeat(n).array;
import std.file, std.string, std.algorithm, std.array;
string[] text = splitLines(readText("text.txt"));
string[] hoge;
foreach(int i; text){
hoge[i] = text[i];
string[] text2 = splitLines(readText("text.txt")).map!strip.array;
auto strippedLines = File("text.txt").byLineCopy().map!strip.array;
import std.string, std.algorithm, std.array, std.conv;
string[] input = readln().split;
int num = input[0].to!int;
int[] a = readln()!(to!int).array
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