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Last active August 23, 2024 18:25
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Save yinonburgansky/7be4d0489a0df8c06a923240b8eb0191 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
windows acceleration function
# calculation are based on
# assuming windows 10 uses the same calculation as windows 7.
# guesses have been made calculation is not accurate
# touchpad users make sure your touchpad is calibrated with `sudo libinput measure touchpad-size`
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import struct
# set according to your device:
xinput_device_id = 13
device_dpi = 1000 # mouse dpi
screen_dpi = 157
screen_scaling_factor = 1
sample_point_count = 21 # should be enough but you can try to increase for accuracy of windows function
sensitivity_factor = 1.0
# sensitivity factor translation table: (windows slider notches)
# 1 = 0.1
# 2 = 0.2
# 3 = 0.4
# 4 = 0.6
# 5 = 0.8
# 6 = 1.0 default
# 7 = 1.2
# 8 = 1.4
# 9 = 1.6
# 10 = 1.8
# 11 = 2.0
# TODO: find accurate formulas for scale x and scale y
# mouse speed: inch/s to device-units/millisecond
scale_x = device_dpi / 1e3
# pointer speed: inch/s to screen pixels/millisecond
scale_y = screen_dpi / 1e3 / screen_scaling_factor * sensitivity_factor
print(f'scale_x={scale_x}, scale_y={scale_y}')
def float16x16(num):
return struct.unpack('<i', num[:-4])[0] / int(0xffff)
# windows 10 registry values:
# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse\SmoothMouseXCurve
X = [
# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse\SmoothMouseYCurve
windows_points = [[float16x16(x), float16x16(y)] for x,y in zip(X,Y)]
print('Windows original points:')
for point in windows_points:
# scale windows points according to device config
points = [[x * scale_x, y * scale_y] for x, y in windows_points]
print('Windows scaled points')
for point in points:
# plt.plot(*list(zip(*windows_points)), label=f'windows points')
# plt.plot(*list(zip(*points)), label=f'scaled points')
# plt.xlabel('device-speed')
# plt.ylabel('pointer-speed')
# plt.legend(loc='best')
# exit()
def find2points(x):
i = 0
while i < len(points) - 2 and x >= points[i+1][0]:
i +=1
assert -1e6 + points[i][0] <= x <= points[i+1][0]+1e6, f'{points[i][0]} <= {x} <= {points[i+1][0]}'
return points[i], points[i+1]
def interpolate(x):
(x0, y0), (x1, y1) = find2points(x)
y = ((x-x0)*y1+(x1-x)*y0)/(x1-x0)
return y
def sample_points(count):
# use linear extrapolation for last point to get better accuracy for lower points
last_point = -2
max_x = points[last_point][0]
step = max_x / (count + last_point) # we need another point for 0
sample_points_x = [si * step for si in range(count)]
sample_points_y = [interpolate(x) for x in sample_points_x]
return sample_points_x, sample_points_y
sample_points_x, sample_points_y = sample_points(sample_point_count)
step = sample_points_x[1] - sample_points_x[0]
# plt.plot(sample_points_x, sample_points_y, label=f'windows {sample_point_count} points')
# plt.plot(*sample_points(1024), label=f'windows 1024 points')
# plt.xlabel('device-speed')
# plt.ylabel('pointer-speed')
# plt.legend(loc='best')
# exit()
sample_points_str = ";".join(["%.3f" % number for number in sample_points_y])
print(f"libinput custom-step: {step}")
print(f"libinput custom-points ({sample_point_count}):")
print("\t", sample_points_str)
print("libinput test:")
print("\t", f"sudo ./builddir/libinput-debug-gui --verbose --set-profile=custom --set-custom-points=\"{sample_points_str}\" --set-custom-step={step:0.10f} --set-custom-type=motion")
print('\nxinput set-props commands:')
print(f'\txinput set-prop {xinput_device_id} "libinput Accel Profile Enabled" 0, 0, 1')
print(f'\txinput set-prop {xinput_device_id} "libinput Accel Custom Motion Points" {sample_points_str.replace(";", ", ")}')
print(f'\txinput set-prop {xinput_device_id} "libinput Accel Custom Motion Step" {step:0.10f}')
print('\nxinput libinput.conf Options:')
print('\tOption "AccelProfile" "custom"')
print(f'\tOption "AccelPointsMotion" "{sample_points_str.replace(";", " ")}"')
print(f'\tOption "AccelStepMotion" "{step:0.10f}"')
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Beautiful thank you

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Is this replicating windows mouse sensitivity with or without enhanced pointer precision?

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Is this replicating windows mouse sensitivity with or without enhanced pointer precision?

With enhanced pointer precision

Unfortunately I don't have the exact formula windows 10 uses, so it might feel a bit off compared to windows 10.
you can try to manually change scale_x and scale_y values until you get close enough to the desired result, e.g.

scale_x = 3.5
scale_y = 2.7 

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Thank you very much for the answer. I'll mess around with it.

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