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Last active September 20, 2019 09:34
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HTML & CSS summary notes

How to change the layout of HTML elements?

  1. Make use of display and position properties
  1. What is the display property?

    • Allows you to adjust how the elements are placed on the web page

    • Some most commonly used values:

      none, inline, block, inline-block, flex (more on that later), (Bonus: grid)

      block - starts on a new line
      - takes up the entire width
      inline - stays in the same line as the other elements
      - does not start on a new line
      - only takes up as much width as necessary
      - width and height properties have no effect
      inline-block - combination of both block and inline
      - stays in the same line as the other elements, but you can apply width and height values
      none - element does not show up
      flex - displayed as a block-level flex container (more later)
  1. What is the position property?

    • Allows you to adjust where the elements are placed on the web page

    • Use in conjuction with left/right/top/bottom/z-index to move your elements to where you want them at

    • Some commonly used values:

      static, relative, absolute, fixed, sticky

      static - default value for most elements
      relative - relative to its normal position
      absolute - relative its nearest not static, parent element
      sticky - positioned based on scroll position
      - toggles between relative and fixed
      - will stick to a specified location when scroll location reaches a specified threshold
    • static and relative keep their natural space in the flow of the document

    • absolute and fixed are removed from the flow

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