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Created November 5, 2020 07:01
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#pragma once
#include "offsets.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "utils.h"
struct Rect {
float x, y, width, heigh;
struct Il2CppString;
struct GUIContent;
struct GUIStyle;
typedef void* (__cdecl *il2cpp_codegen_resolve_icall)(const char*);
typedef Il2CppString* (__cdecl *il2cpp_string_new)(const char*);
typedef pointer (__cdecl *t_unity_get_main_camera)();
typedef pointer* (__cdecl *t_unity_find_objects)(Il2CppString*);
typedef pointer* (__cdecl *t_unity_get_transform)(pointer);
typedef pointer* (__cdecl *t_unity_transform_get_vector)(pointer*, vec3*);
typedef pointer (__cdecl *t_unity_get_gameobject)(pointer);
typedef GUIContent* (__cdecl *t_unity_create_gui_text)(Il2CppString*);
typedef void (__cdecl *t_unity_label)(Rect position, GUIContent* content, GUIStyle* style);
typedef GUIStyle* (__cdecl *t_unity_no_style)();
typedef int(__cdecl *t_unity_get_screen_data)();
namespace il2cpp
extern intptr_t libbase;
extern void* libhandler;
// strings
constexpr const char* assemblyName = "GameAssembly.dll";
constexpr const char* moduleName = "SCPSL.exe";
constexpr const char* fname_find_gameobjects = "UnityEngine.GameObject::FindGameObjectsWithTag(System.String)";
constexpr const char* fname_get_transform = "UnityEngine.GameObject::get_transform(System.IntPtr)";
constexpr const char* fname_get_transform_vector = "UnityEngine.Transform::get_position_Injected(UnityEngine.Vector3&)";
constexpr const char* fname_get_current_camera = "UnityEngine.Camera::get_main()";
constexpr const char* fname_get_gameobject = "UnityEngine.Component::get_gameObject()";
constexpr const char* fname_screen_width = "UnityEngine.Screen::get_width()";
constexpr const char* fname_screen_height = "UnityEngine.Screen::get_height()";
// functions
pointer GetModuleBase();
void Init();
// usefull functions
int get_screen_width();
int get_screen_height();
pointer get_current_camera();
pointer* find_entities(const char* tag);
pointer get_gameobject(pointer component);
vec3 get_camera_position(pointer camera);
void get_transform(pointer entity, vec3* pos);
Matrix get_viewmatrix();
Matrix get_viewmatrix(pointer);
// rendering
void draw_text(Rect position, const char* text);
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