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* CIDR.php
* Utility Functions for IPv4 ip addresses.
* @author Jonavon Wilcox <>
* @version Sat Jun 6 21:26:48 EDT 2009
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Jonavon Wilcox
* class CIDR.
* Holds static functions for ip address manipulation.
class CIDR {
* method CIDRtoMask
* Return a netmask string if given an integer between 0 and 32. I am
* not sure how this works on 64 bit machines.
* Usage:
* CIDR::CIDRtoMask(22);
* Result:
* string(13) ""
* @param $int int Between 0 and 32.
* @access public
* @static
* @return String Netmask ip address
public static function CIDRtoMask($int) {
return long2ip(-1 << (32 - (int)$int));
* method countSetBits.
* Return the number of bits that are set in an integer.
* Usage:
* CIDR::countSetBits(ip2long(''));
* Result:
* int(22)
* @param $int int a number
* @access public
* @static
* @see\
* unt-the-number-of-set-bits-in-a-32-bit-integer
* @return int number of bits set.
public static function countSetbits($int){
$int = $int - (($int >> 1) & 0x55555555);
$int = ($int & 0x33333333) + (($int >> 2) & 0x33333333);
return (($int + ($int >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24;
* method validNetMask.
* Determine if a string is a valid netmask.
* Usage:
* CIDR::validNetMask('');
* CIDR::validNetMask('');
* Result:
* bool(true)
* bool(false)
* @param $netmask String a 1pv4 formatted ip address.
* @see\
* a-netmask-is-valid--as2-
* @access public
* @static
* return bool True if a valid netmask.
public static function validNetMask($netmask){
$netmask = ip2long($netmask);
$neg = ((~(int)$netmask) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
return (($neg + 1) & $neg) === 0;
* method maskToCIDR.
* Return a CIDR block number when given a valid netmask.
* Usage:
* CIDR::maskToCIDR('');
* Result:
* int(22)
* @param $netmask String a 1pv4 formatted ip address.
* @access public
* @static
* @return int CIDR number.
public static function maskToCIDR($netmask){
return self::countSetBits(ip2long($netmask));
else {
throw new Exception('Invalid Netmask');
* method alignedCIDR.
* It takes an ip address and a netmask and returns a valid CIDR
* block.
* Usage:
* CIDR::alignedCIDR('','');
* Result:
* string(12) ""
* @param $ipinput String a IPv4 formatted ip address.
* @param $netmask String a 1pv4 formatted ip address.
* @access public
* @static
* @return String CIDR block.
public static function alignedCIDR($ipinput,$netmask){
$alignedIP = long2ip((ip2long($ipinput)) & (ip2long($netmask)));
return "$alignedIP/" . self::maskToCIDR($netmask);
* method IPisWithinCIDR.
* Check whether an IP is within a CIDR block.
* Usage:
* CIDR::IPisWithinCIDR('','');
* CIDR::IPisWithinCIDR('','');
* Result:
* bool(true)
* bool(false)
* @param $ipinput String a IPv4 formatted ip address.
* @param $cidr String a IPv4 formatted CIDR block. Block is aligned
* during execution.
* @access public
* @static
* @return String CIDR block.
public static function IPisWithinCIDR($ipinput,$cidr){
$cidr = explode('/',$cidr);
$cidr = self::alignedCIDR($cidr[0],self::CIDRtoMask((int)$cidr[1]));
$cidr = explode('/',$cidr);
$ipinput = (ip2long($ipinput));
$ip1 = (ip2long($cidr[0]));
$ip2 = ($ip1 + pow(2, (32 - (int)$cidr[1])) - 1);
return (($ip1 <= $ipinput) && ($ipinput <= $ip2));
* method maxBlock.
* Determines the largest CIDR block that an IP address will fit into.
* Used to develop a list of CIDR blocks.
* Usage:
* CIDR::maxBlock("");
* CIDR::maxBlock("");
* Result:
* int(32)
* int(8)
* @param $ipinput String a IPv4 formatted ip address.
* @access public
* @static
* @return int CIDR number.
public static function maxBlock($ipinput) {
return self::maskToCIDR(long2ip(-(ip2long($ipinput) & -(ip2long($ipinput)))));
* method rangeToCIDRList.
* Returns an array of CIDR blocks that fit into a specified range of
* ip addresses.
* Usage:
* CIDR::rangeToCIDRList("","");
* Result:
* array(7) {
* [0]=> string(12) ""
* [1]=> string(12) ""
* [2]=> string(12) ""
* [3]=> string(12) ""
* [4]=> string(13) ""
* [5]=> string(13) ""
* [6]=> string(13) ""
* }
* @param $startIPinput String a IPv4 formatted ip address.
* @param $startIPinput String a IPv4 formatted ip address.
* @see
* @return Array CIDR blocks in a numbered array.
public static function rangeToCIDRList($startIPinput,$endIPinput=NULL) {
$start = ip2long($startIPinput);
$end =(empty($endIPinput))?$start:ip2long($endIPinput);
while($end >= $start) {
$maxsize = self::maxBlock(long2ip($start));
$maxdiff = 32 - intval(log($end - $start + 1)/log(2));
$size = ($maxsize > $maxdiff)?$maxsize:$maxdiff;
$listCIDRs[] = long2ip($start) . "/$size";
$start += pow(2, (32 - $size));
return $listCIDRs;
* method cidrToRange.
* Returns an array of only two IPv4 addresses that have the lowest ip
* address as the first entry. If you need to check to see if an IPv4
* address is within range please use the IPisWithinCIDR method above.
* Usage:
* CIDR::cidrToRange("");
* Result:
* array(2) {
* [0]=> string(11) ""
* [1]=> string(11) ""
* }
* @param $cidr string CIDR block
* @return Array low end of range then high end of range.
public static function cidrToRange($cidr) {
$range = array();
$cidr = explode('/', $cidr);
$range[0] = long2ip((ip2long($cidr[0])) & ((-1 << (32 - (int)$cidr[1]))));
$range[1] = long2ip((ip2long($cidr[0])) + pow(2, (32 - (int)$cidr[1])) - 1);
return $range;
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