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Created March 26, 2021 11:33
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URLJoin #js
// Joins all given URL segments together, then normalizes the resulting URL.
// Use String.prototype.join('/') to combine URL segments.
// Use a series of String.prototype.replace() calls with various regexps to normalize the resulting URL (remove double slashes, add proper slashes for protocol, remove slashes before parameters, combine parameters with '&' and normalize first parameter delimiter).
const URLJoin = (...args) =>
.replace(/[\/]+/g, '/')
.replace(/^(.+):\//, '$1://')
.replace(/^file:/, 'file:/')
.replace(/\/(\?|&|#[^!])/g, '$1')
.replace(/\?/g, '&')
.replace('&', '?');
// Examples
URLJoin('', 'a', '/b/cd', '?foo=123', '?bar=foo');
// ''
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