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Forked from redsymbol/htmlutils.el
Created April 27, 2013 12:38
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;; htmlutil - Some useful tools for working with HTML text and HTTP URLs
; This module provides tools for escaping HTML text, with HTML
; entities for special characters; and for escaping strings to be
; safely included into URLS; and back.
;; Primary commands:
; html-escape-str - Escape (quote) a character for HTML
; html-unescape-str - Un-escape an HTML entity string
; url-quote-str - Quote special characters in a URL string
; url-unquote-str - Unquote special characters in a URL string
; html-escape-region - Apply html-escape-str on a region
; html-unescape-region - Apply html-unescape-str on a region
; url-quote-region - Apply url-quote-str on a region
; url-unquote-region - Apply url-unquote-str on a region
;; Examples:
; (html-escape-str "<whoah> nelly")
; "&lt;whoah&gt; nelly"
; (html-unescape-str "&lt;whoah&gt; nelly")
; "<whoah> nelly"
; (url-quote-str "ab/c de/f")
; "ab/c%20de/f"
; (url-unquote-str "ab/c%20de/f")
; "ab/c de/f"
; Copyright 2009-2010 Aaron Maxwell ( Licensed under GPLv3.
(defun html-escape-region (min max)
"Escape text for safe HTML display"
(interactive "*r")
(let ((s (copy-sequence (buffer-substring min max))))
(delete-region min max)
(insert (html-escape-str s))))
(defun html-unescape-region (min max)
"Convert text escaped for HTML back into regular text"
(interactive "*r")
(let ((s (copy-sequence (buffer-substring min max))))
(delete-region min max)
(insert (html-unescape-str s))))
(defun url-quote-region (min max)
"Quote text for inclusion in a HTTP URL"
(interactive "*r")
(let ((s (copy-sequence (buffer-substring min max))))
(delete-region min max)
(insert (url-quote-str s))))
(defun url-unquote-region (min max)
"Unquote text that had been escapes for an HTTP URL"
(interactive "*r")
(let ((s (copy-sequence (buffer-substring min max))))
(delete-region min max)
(insert (url-unquote-str s))))
(defun switch (pair)
(cons (cdr pair) (car pair)))
; HTML code escape table
(defconst html-escapes '(("&" . "&amp;")
("<" . "&lt;")
(">" . "&gt;")
("'" . "&39;")
("\"" . "&quot;")))
(defconst html-unescapes
(mapcar #'switch (copy-sequence html-escapes)))
(defun lookup-escape-from (c all-escapes)
"look up an escape for a char or string from a table"
(defun lookup-some (c some-escapes)
(let ((current (car some-escapes)))
(if (null current)
(if (equal (car current) c)
(cdr current)
(lookup-some c (cdr some-escapes))))))
(lookup-some c all-escapes))
(defun html-lookup-escape (c)
"return the escape for a char (length-1 string), xor the same char"
(lookup-escape-from c html-escapes))
(defun html-lookup-unescape (e)
"return the character for an entity, xor the same entity"
(lookup-escape-from e html-unescapes))
(defun html-xform-str (s matchre lookup)
(let ((encoded (copy-sequence s))
(n 0))
(while (setq n (string-match matchre encoded n))
(setq encoded
(replace-match (funcall lookup (match-string 1 encoded))
t t encoded)
n (1+ n)))
(defun html-escape-str (s)
"Escape (quote) a character for HTML"
; TODO: calculate following regexp from html-escapes table
(html-xform-str s "\\\([&<>'\"]\\\)" #'html-lookup-escape))
(defun html-unescape-str (s)
"Un-escape an HTML entity"
; TODO: calculate following regexp from html-escapes table
(html-xform-str s "\\\(&amp;\\\|&lt;\\\|&gt;\\\|&39;\\\|&quot;\\\)" #'html-lookup-unescape))
(defun url-escape-point (c)
"Escape (quote) a character for a URL"
(format "%%%X" (string-to-char c)))
(defun url-unescape-point (s)
"Un-escape a URL escape code"
(assert (equal (substring s 0 1) "%"))
(format "%c" (string-to-number (substring s 1) 16)))
; TODO: url-quote-str and url-unquote-str have a lot of common code to consolidate
(defun url-quote-str (s)
"Quote special characters in a URL string"
(let ((unquoted-re "[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]")
(encoded (copy-sequence s))
(n 0))
(while (setq n (string-match unquoted-re encoded n))
(setq encoded
(replace-match (url-escape-point (match-string 0 encoded))
t t encoded)
n (1+ n)))
(defun url-unquote-str (s)
"Unquote special characters in a URL string"
(let ((quote-re "%[0-9][0-9]")
(encoded (copy-sequence s))
(n 0))
(while (setq n (string-match quote-re encoded n))
(setq encoded
(replace-match (url-unescape-point (match-string 0 encoded))
t t encoded)
n (1+ n)))
;; unit tests
; This is a little homebrew testing harness. By default, tests are not
; run at all upon eval. To run tests upon compile, but not on regular
; emacs startup, add the following to the END of your .emacs:
; (setq run-tests-on-eval t)
; If run-tests-on-eval is set to t, you can just eval the when form to
; run tests. Any error message indicates a failed test. The "chk"
; functions all have the expected value first. All tests passing
; means a silent "nil" response. No news is good news!
(defvar run-tests-on-eval nil)
(defvar testing-now nil)
(eval-when-compile (setq testing-now t))
(when (and run-tests-on-eval testing-now)
; html-lookup-escape
(defun chk (e arg)
(assert (equal e (html-lookup-escape arg)) t))
(chk "&amp;" "&")
(chk "&lt;" "<")
(chk "&gt;" ">")
(chk "&39;" "'")
(chk "&quot;" "\"")
; html-escape-str
(defun chk (e arg)
(assert (equal e (html-escape-str arg)) t))
(chk "x" "x")
(chk "" "")
(chk "hello my friend" "hello my friend")
(chk "&amp;" "&")
(chk "&lt;" "<")
(chk "&gt;" ">")
(chk "&39;" "'")
(chk "&quot;" "\"")
(chk "&gt;&lt;&amp;&quot;&39;" "><&\"'")
(chk "hello my &amp; friend" "hello my & friend")
(chk "hello &lt;my&gt; &amp; friend" "hello <my> & friend")
; html-unescape-str
(defun chk (e arg)
(assert (equal e (html-unescape-str arg)) t))
(chk "x" "x")
(chk "" "")
(chk "hello my friend" "hello my friend")
(chk "&" "&amp;")
(chk "<" "&lt;")
(chk ">" "&gt;")
(chk "'" "&39;")
(chk "\"" "&quot;")
(chk "><&\"'" "&gt;&lt;&amp;&quot;&39;")
(chk "hello my & friend" "hello my &amp; friend")
(chk "hello <my> & friend" "hello &lt;my&gt; &amp; friend")
; url-quote-str
(defun chk (e arg)
(assert (equal e (url-quote-str arg)) t))
(chk "" "")
(chk "x" "x")
(chk "a%20b" "a b")
; url-unquote-str
(defun chk (e arg)
(assert (equal e (url-unquote-str arg)) t))
(chk "" "")
(chk "x" "x")
(chk "a b" "a%20b")
; url-escape-point
(defun chk (e arg)
(assert (equal e (url-escape-point arg)) t))
(chk "%20" " ")
(chk "%40" "@")
(chk "%23" "#")
(chk "%3F" "?")
; url-unescape-point
(defun chk (e arg)
(assert (equal e (url-unescape-point arg)) t))
(chk " " "%20")
(chk "@" "%40")
(chk "#" "%23")
(chk "?" "%3F")
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