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Created February 29, 2016 05:09
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  • Save yasuhito/d7c081a01612cf85a57d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save yasuhito/d7c081a01612cf85a57d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/home/yasuhito/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.8/bin/ruby -I/home/yasuhito/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/rspec-core-3.2.3/lib:/home/yasuhito/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/rspec-support-3.2.2/lib /home/yasuhito/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/rspec-core-3.2.3/exe/rspec --pattern spec/\*\*\{,/\*/\*\*\}/\*_spec.rb
You are using HTTP Gem 0.5.1. WebMock supports version >= 0.6.0.
[Coveralls] Set up the SimpleCov formatter.
[Coveralls] Using SimpleCov's default settings.
/home/yasuhito/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/sinatra-contrib-1.4.4/lib/sinatra/respond_with.rb:4: warning: variable $KCODE is no longer effective; ignored
Run options: include {:focus=>true}
All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}
has implemented and tested all routes in the OpenVNet WebAPI
makes a POST request to '/datapaths'
makes a GET request to '/datapaths'
makes a GET request to '/datapaths/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/datapaths/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/datapaths/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/datapaths/:uuid/networks/:network_uuid'
makes a GET request to '/datapaths/:uuid/networks'
makes a DELETE request to '/datapaths/:uuid/networks/:network_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/datapaths/:uuid/route_links/:route_link_uuid'
makes a GET request to '/datapaths/:uuid/route_links'
makes a DELETE request to '/datapaths/:uuid/route_links/:route_link_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/dns_services'
makes a GET request to '/dns_services'
makes a GET request to '/dns_services/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/dns_services/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/dns_services/:uuid'
makes a GET request to '/dns_services/:uuid/dns_records'
makes a DELETE request to '/dns_services/:uuid/dns_records/:dns_record_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/filters'
makes a GET request to '/filters'
makes a GET request to '/filters/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/filters/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/filters/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/interfaces'
makes a GET request to '/interfaces'
makes a GET request to '/interfaces/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/interfaces/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/interfaces/:uuid'
makes a GET request to '/interfaces/:uuid/ports'
makes a POST request to '/interfaces/:uuid/security_groups/:security_group_uuid'
makes a GET request to '/interfaces/:uuid/security_groups'
makes a DELETE request to '/interfaces/:uuid/security_groups/:security_group_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/ip_leases'
makes a GET request to '/ip_leases'
makes a GET request to '/ip_leases/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/ip_leases/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/ip_leases/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/ip_range_groups'
makes a GET request to '/ip_range_groups'
makes a GET request to '/ip_range_groups/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/ip_range_groups/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/ip_range_groups/:uuid'
makes a GET request to '/ip_range_groups/:uuid/ip_ranges'
makes a DELETE request to '/ip_range_groups/:uuid/ip_ranges/:ip_range_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/ip_lease_containers'
makes a GET request to '/ip_lease_containers'
makes a GET request to '/ip_lease_containers/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/ip_lease_containers/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/ip_lease_containers/:uuid'
makes a GET request to '/ip_lease_containers/:uuid/ip_leases'
makes a POST request to '/ip_retention_containers'
makes a GET request to '/ip_retention_containers'
makes a GET request to '/ip_retention_containers/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/ip_retention_containers/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/ip_retention_containers/:uuid'
makes a GET request to '/ip_retention_containers/:uuid/ip_retentions'
makes a POST request to '/lease_policies'
makes a GET request to '/lease_policies'
makes a GET request to '/lease_policies/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/lease_policies/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/lease_policies/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/networks/:network_uuid'
makes a GET request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/networks'
makes a DELETE request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/networks/:network_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/interfaces/:interface_uuid'
makes a GET request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/interfaces'
makes a DELETE request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/interfaces/:interface_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/ip_lease_containers/:ip_lease_container_uuid'
makes a GET request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/ip_lease_containers'
makes a DELETE request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/ip_lease_containers/:ip_lease_container_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/ip_retention_containers/:ip_retention_container_uuid'
makes a GET request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/ip_retention_containers'
makes a DELETE request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/ip_retention_containers/:ip_retention_container_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/mac_leases'
makes a GET request to '/mac_leases'
makes a GET request to '/mac_leases/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/mac_leases/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/mac_leases/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/mac_range_groups'
makes a GET request to '/mac_range_groups'
makes a GET request to '/mac_range_groups/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/mac_range_groups/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/mac_range_groups/:uuid'
makes a GET request to '/mac_range_groups/:uuid/mac_ranges'
makes a DELETE request to '/mac_range_groups/:uuid/mac_ranges/:mac_range_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/networks'
makes a GET request to '/networks'
makes a GET request to '/networks/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/networks/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/networks/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/network_services'
makes a GET request to '/network_services'
makes a GET request to '/network_services/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/network_services/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/network_services/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/routes'
makes a GET request to '/routes'
makes a GET request to '/routes/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/routes/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/routes/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/route_links'
makes a GET request to '/route_links'
makes a GET request to '/route_links/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/route_links/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/route_links/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/security_groups'
makes a GET request to '/security_groups'
makes a GET request to '/security_groups/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/security_groups/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/security_groups/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/security_groups/:uuid/interfaces/:interface_uuid'
makes a GET request to '/security_groups/:uuid/interfaces'
makes a DELETE request to '/security_groups/:uuid/interfaces/:interface_uuid'
makes a POST request to '/translations'
makes a GET request to '/translations'
makes a GET request to '/translations/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/translations/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/translations/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/vlan_translations'
makes a GET request to '/vlan_translations'
makes a GET request to '/vlan_translations/:uuid'
makes a DELETE request to '/vlan_translations/:uuid'
makes a PUT request to '/vlan_translations/:uuid'
makes a POST request to '/dns_services/:dns_service_uuid/dns_records'
makes a PUT request to '/interfaces/:uuid/rename'
makes a POST request to '/interfaces/:uuid/ports'
makes a DELETE request to '/interfaces/:uuid/ports'
makes a POST request to '/ip_range_groups/:ip_range_group_uuid/ip_ranges'
makes a POST request to '/lease_policies/:uuid/ip_leases'
makes a POST request to '/mac_range_groups/:mac_range_group_uuid/mac_ranges'
makes a POST request to '/translations/:uuid/static_address'
makes a DELETE request to '/translations/:uuid/static_address'
makes a POST request to '/filters/:uuid/static'
makes a DELETE request to '/filters/:uuid/static'
makes a GET request to '/filters/static/'
makes a GET request to '/filters/static/:uuid'
ip_address invalid
should equal false
should equal true
ip_address association
should be exists
should not be nil
should eq 3232235778
should eq 3232235778
should eq 3232235778
should eq 3232235778
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 1
ip_address association
should be exists
should not be nil
should eq 3232235779
should eq 3232235779
should eq 3232235779
should eq 2
should eq 2
should eq 2
should eq 2
should eq 2
should eq 3
should eq 2
should eq 2
should eq 3
should eq 3
should eq 3
also destroy associated ip_address model
with attr_name
should eq #<MacAddr:0x000000021334e8 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:01", @addr_i=1>
should eq #<MacAddr:0x000000031d1a98 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:01", @addr_i=1>
should be exists
should eq 1
should eq #<MacAddr:0x00000003f73de0 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:01", @addr_i=1>
should eq #<MacAddr:0x000000040fed68 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:02", @addr_i=2>
should eq #<MacAddr:0x0000000254d970 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:02", @addr_i=2>
should be exists
should eq 2
also destroy associated mac_address object
without attr_name
should eq #<MacAddr:0x000000040ff4e8 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:01", @addr_i=1>
should eq #<MacAddr:0x0000000441f3a8 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:01", @addr_i=1>
should be exists
should not be nil
should eq 1
should eq #<MacAddr:0x00000003e7d4b8 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:01", @addr_i=1>
should eq #<MacAddr:0x00000004026e90 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:02", @addr_i=2>
should eq #<MacAddr:0x0000000425c228 @addr_s="00:00:00:00:00:02", @addr_i=2>
should be exists
should not be nil
should eq 2
also destroy associated mac_address model
return a file name
return two file names
load without filename
load with filename
config file not found
should be a kind of Vnet::Configurations::Common
should eq "mysql2"
should eq "redis"
should eq ""
should eq 6379
should eq "mysql2"
should eq "vnet_test"
should eq "localhost"
should eq 3306
should eq "root"
should eq ""
should eq "mysql2://localhost:3306/vnet_test?user=root&password="
should eq "vna"
should eq "tcp"
should eq ""
should eq 19103
should eq "tcp://"
should eq :rpc
should eq "/home/yasuhito/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/bundler/gems/trema-4f82057b5988"
should eq "/var/run/openvnet"
should eq "vnmgr"
should eq "tcp"
should eq ""
should eq 19102
should eq "tcp://"
should eq "webapi"
should eq "tcp"
should eq ""
should eq 19101
should eq "tcp://"
should eq :direct
with with passthrough set to false
creates the filter item
with with passthrough set to true
creates the filter item
with with ingress passthrough set false, egress_passthrough set true
updates the filter item
with with ingress passthrough set true, egress_passthrough set false
updates the filter item
when protocol is tcp and passthrough is enabled
adds the static
when protocol is tcp and passthrough is disabled
adds the static
when protocol is udp and passthrough is enabled
adds the static
when protocol is udp and passthrough is disabled
adds the static
when protocol is icmp and passthrough is enabled
adds the static
when protocol is icmp and passthrough is disabled
adds the static
when protocol is arp and passthrough is enabled
adds the static
when protocol is arp and passthrough is disabled
adds the static
#remove static
when a static rule has been added
removes a static rule
applies a flow that accepts all arp traffic
with an interface that's in a single security group
applies the flows for that group
when a rule does not include ipv4 prefix
applies the flows for that group
with a group that separates rules by commas
applies the flows for that group
with a group that has rules with faulty syntax
skips the faulty syntax rules and still applies the correct ones
with an interface that's in two security groups
applies flows for all groups
with a security group that has two interfaces in it
applies the group's rule flows for both interfaces
with a security group referencing another security group
applies the rule for each interface in the referenced group
Removes filter related flows for a single interface
with a security group referencing another security group
removes the rule for each interface in the referenced group
with new rules in the parameters
Removes the old rules for a security group
installs the new rules for a security group
with reference rules
removes all old reference rules
adds the new reference rules
with a local security group
updates isolation rules for all local interfaces in the group
when the updated group is a referencee
refreshes all reference rules
with a local interface with filtering enabled
applies the rule flows for the new interface
applies the isolation flows for the new interface
with a local interface with filtering disabled
doesn't apply any flows for the new interface
with a remote interface
doesn't apply the rule flows for the new interface
doesn't apply the isolation flows for the new interface
with a local interface in two security groups
removes the security group's rule flows for the removed interface
removes the security group's isolation rules for the removed interface
leaves other security groups' rule flows in place
when the group is applied locally
removes the flows for all interfaces in the security group
when the group is referenced
removes all reference flows for the deleted group
should eq "c00000000000001"
should eq "c00001100000001"
should eq "c00003200000001"
should raise Exception with message matching /0x10$/
should raise Exception with message matching /0x100000000$/
should raise Exception with message matching /0x\.\.f$/
install vnet_1 without mac_address
has flows for destination filtering
creates tunnel specific flows
when ADDED_SERVICE is published
should create a network service with a dns service
when REMOVED_SERVICE is published
should remove a network service
creates strip vlan id flow
"#<Vnet::Openflow::Flow:0x000000052aa170 @params={:table_id=>53, :priority=>1, :match=>{:metadata=>216172782113783809, :metadata_mask=>18374686481819107327}, :actions=>[{:eth_dst=>#<Pio::Mac:39892720 \"00:00:00:00:00:03\">, :output=>1}], :options=>{:cookie=>288230376151711745}}>"
should add flood flow network 1
should add flood flow for network 2
should delete tunnel when the network is deleted on the local datapath
"#<Vnet::Openflow::Flow:0x00000004aab3c0 @params={:table_id=>53, :priority=>1, :match=>{:metadata=>216172782113783809, :metadata_mask=>18374686481819107327}, :actions=>[{:eth_dst=>#<Pio::Mac:38617640 \"00:00:00:00:00:02\">, :output=>1}], :options=>{:cookie=>288230376151711745}}>"
"{:table_id=>52, :cookie=>288230376151711745, :cookie_mask=>18446744073709551615}"
should delete tunnel when the network is deleted on the remote datapath
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'display_name' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'dpid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'node_id' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'display_name' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'dpid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'node_id' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
Many to many relation calls for networks
POST /:uuid/networks/:network_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/networks
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/networks/:network_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
Many to many relation calls for route links
POST /:uuid/route_links/:route_link_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/route_links
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/route_links/:route_link_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'network_service_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'network_service_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'public_dns' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
One to many relation calls for dns_records
POST /:uuid/dns_records
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/dns_records
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/dns_records/:dns_record_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'network_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'owner_datapath_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
With a faulty mac address
should return a 400 error (ArgumentError)
With a faulty ipv4 address
should return a 400 error (ArgumentError)
event handler
handles a single event
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'display_name' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'ingress_filtering_enabled' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
event handler
handles a single event
GET /:uuid/postfix
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 1 entries in the database
should return 1 entries
DELETE /:uuid/postfix
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
POST /:uuid/ports
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
Many to many relation calls for security groups
POST /:uuid/security_groups/:security_group_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/security_groups
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/security_groups/:security_group_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
DELETE /uuid
event handler
handles a single event
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with a 'mac_lease_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'network_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with only the 'network_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'mac_lease_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'ipv4_address' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'enable_routing' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'mac_lease_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'network_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'mac_lease_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'network_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'ipv4_address' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
event handler
handles a single event
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'allocation_type' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
One to many relation calls for ip_ranges
POST /:uuid/ip_ranges
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/ip_ranges
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/ip_ranges/:ip_range_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
GET /:uuid/ip_retentions
returns 3 ip_retentions
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'mode' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'timing' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
Many to many relation calls for networks
POST /:uuid/networks/:network_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/networks
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/networks/:network_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
Many to many relation calls for interfaces
POST /:uuid/interfaces/:interface_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/interfaces
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/interfaces/:interface_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
Many to many relation calls for ip_lease_containers
POST /:uuid/ip_lease_containers/:ip_lease_container_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/ip_lease_containers
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/ip_lease_containers/:ip_lease_container_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
Many to many relation calls for ip_retention_containers
POST /:uuid/ip_retention_containers/:ip_retention_container_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/ip_retention_containers
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/ip_retention_containers/:ip_retention_container_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
POST /:uuid/ip_leases
create an ip_lease
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'interface_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'interface_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'mac_address' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'interface_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'mac_address' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'allocation_type' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
One to many relation calls for mac_ranges
POST /:uuid/mac_ranges
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that isn't added to the base object yet
should create a new entry in the join table
GET /:uuid/mac_ranges
With no relations in the database
should return a json with empty relations
With 3 relations in the database
should return a json with 3 relations in it
DELETE /:uuid/mac_ranges/:mac_range_uuid
with a nonexistant uuid for the base object
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the base object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a nonexistant uuid for the relation
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with faulty uuid syntax for the related object
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a related object that has already been added to the base object
should destroy the entry in the join table
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'interface_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with a 'interface_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with only the 'interface_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'incoming_port' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'outgoing_port' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'display_name' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'ipv4_network' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'display_name' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'ipv4_network' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'ipv4_prefix' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'domain_name' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'network_mode' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'mac_address' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'mac_address' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'interface_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'interface_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'network_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'route_link_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'ipv4_network' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'interface_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'network_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'route_link_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with a 'interface_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'network_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'route_link_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with only the 'interface_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'network_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'route_link_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'ipv4_network' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'ipv4_prefix' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'display_name' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'description' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'rules' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'display_name' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
with an existing security group uuid in the rules
should successfully create a security group referencing it
with a faulty protocol in the rules
should return a 500 error (Sequel::ValidationFailed)
with a faulty port in the rules
should return a 500 error (Sequel::ValidationFailed)
with a faulty ip in the rules
should return a 500 error (Sequel::ValidationFailed)
with a faulty security group uuid in the rules
should return a 500 error (Sequel::ValidationFailed)
with a correct but non existant security group uuid in the rules
should return a 500 error (Sequel::ValidationFailed)
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'interface_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'mode' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'interface_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with only the 'interface_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'route_link_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'ingress_ipv4_address' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'egress_ipv4_address' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
with a translation that isn't in static_address mode
should return a 400 error (ArgumentError)
without the 'ingress_ipv4_address' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'egress_ipv4_address' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
with parameters describing a non existing static address translation
should return a 404 error (UnknownResource)
with parameters describing an existing static address translation
should delete one database entry
with no entries in the database
should return json with empty items
with 3 entries in the database
should return 3 entries
GET /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should return one entry
DELETE /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
should delete one database entry
with only the required parameters
should create a database entry the required parameters set
with all accepted parameters
should create a database entry with all parameters set
with a 'uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'translation_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'network_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
without the 'translation_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
without the 'network_uuid' parameter
should return a 400 error (MissingArgument)
PUT /:uuid
with a nonexistant uuid
should return a 404 error (UnknownUUIDResource)
with a uuid parameter with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with an existing uuid
with a 'translation_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with a 'network_uuid' with a faulty syntax
should return a 400 error (InvalidUUID)
with only the 'translation_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'mac_address' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'vlan_id' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with only the 'network_uuid' parameter
only that parameter should be updated
with all correct parameters
should update all parameters
should eq 1
should eq "interface/created"
should eq 3
create an item
execute create_item only once
updated an item
create an item with updated value
delete an item
create an item and delete it
does not create any item
handle events correctly
enqueue event to a list identified by params[:id]
with a comment after a valid rule on the same line and another valid rule on the next line
returns the rule before the comment and the one on the next line
with a comment after a valid rule on the same line
returns the rule before the comment
with a comment line first and then two lines with valid comments
returns the two valid rules
class method
single execution
should be a kind of Array
should eq 1
example at ./spec/vnet/model_wrappers/base_spec.rb:43 (Got an error when generating description from matcher: RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError: Double :model received :execute with unexpected arguments
expected: (:all)
got: (:to_ary)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Please stub a default value first if message might be received with other args as well.
-- /home/yasuhito/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/rspec-mocks-3.2.1/lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb:272:in `__raise')
should eq "p-xxx"
should be a kind of Vnet::ModelWrappers::Child
should eq "c-xxx"
should be a kind of Vnet::ModelWrappers::Child
should be a kind of Array
should eq 1
should be a kind of Vnet::ModelWrappers::ChildFriend
should eq "cf-xxx"
should be a kind of Array
should eq 1
should be a kind of Vnet::ModelWrappers::GrandChild
should eq "gc-xxx"
should be a kind of Array
should eq 1
should be a kind of Vnet::ModelWrappers::GrandChildFriend
should eq "gcf-xxx"
instance method
execute batch
with real proxy
should be a kind of #<Vnet::ModelWrappers::IpAddress id=1, network_id=2, ipv4_address=3232235777, created_at=2016-02-29 05:08:48 UTC, updated_at=2016-02-29 05:08:48 UTC, deleted_at=nil, is_deleted=0>
should eq 1
should be a kind of #<Vnet::ModelWrappers::VlanTranslation id=1, uuid="vt-5sb28re8", translation_id=nil, mac_address=0, vlan_id=1, network_id=1>
should eq 0
should eq 1
should eq 1
should eq 2
should eq [1]
should eq [2, 3]
non-deleted datapath
returns non-deleted datapaths
deleted datapath
returns non-deleted datapaths
non-deleted datapath
returns non-deleted datapaths
deleted datapath
returns non-deleted datapaths
delete with paranoia
should eq 1
should eq 2
should eq 1
should eq ["r-1", "r-2", "r-3"]
should eq #<Vnet::Models::Network @values={:id=>1, :uuid=>"1", :display_name=>"network", :ipv4_network=>174391552, :ipv4_prefix=>24, :network_mode=>nil, :domain_name=>"", :created_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:52 UTC, :updated_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:52 UTC, :deleted_at=>nil, :is_deleted=>0}>
should eq #<Vnet::Models::Network @values={:id=>1, :uuid=>"1", :display_name=>"network", :ipv4_network=>174391552, :ipv4_prefix=>24, :network_mode=>nil, :domain_name=>"", :created_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:52 UTC, :updated_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:52 UTC, :deleted_at=>nil, :is_deleted=>0}>
should eq #<Vnet::Models::Network @values={:id=>1, :uuid=>"1", :display_name=>"network", :ipv4_network=>174391552, :ipv4_prefix=>24, :network_mode=>nil, :domain_name=>"", :created_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:52 UTC, :updated_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:52 UTC, :deleted_at=>nil, :is_deleted=>0}>
should eq #<Vnet::Models::Network @values={:id=>2, :uuid=>"2", :display_name=>"network", :ipv4_network=>174457088, :ipv4_prefix=>24, :network_mode=>nil, :domain_name=>"", :created_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:53 UTC, :updated_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:53 UTC, :deleted_at=>nil, :is_deleted=>0}>
deleting a network deletes associated items
should eq [#<Vnet::Models::Route @values={:id=>2, :uuid=>"7cqgrfdr", :mode=>"gateway", :interface_id=>3, :route_link_id=>2, :network_id=>0, :ipv4_network=>3232236032, :ipv4_prefix=>24, :ingress=>true, :egress=>true, :created_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:54 UTC, :updated_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:54 UTC, :deleted_at=>nil, :is_deleted=>0}>, #<Vnet::Models::Route @values={:id=>3, :uuid=>"38gjq4bw", :mode=>"gateway", :interface_id=>5, :route_link_id=>3, :network_id=>0, :ipv4_network=>3232236032, :ipv4_prefix=>24, :ingress=>true, :egress=>true, :created_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:54 UTC, :updated_at=>2016-02-29 05:08:54 UTC, :deleted_at=>nil, :is_deleted=>0}>]
creates an entry
single method
model method not found
should be a kind of Hash
should eq :aaa
method chain
without options
should be a kind of Array
should eq 1
should be a kind of Hash
should eq "TestModel"
should eq :aaa
should be nil
should be a kind of Array
should eq 1
should eq :aaa
should eq :bbb
should eq :ccc
should eq :ddd
should eq :eee
with associations
with associations
adds an ip_retention to the ip_retention_container
removes an ip_retention from the ip_retention_container
when running out of ip addresses
raise 'Run out of dynamic IP addresses' error
when allocation_type is :incremental
returns an ipv4 address by incremental order
when allocation_type is :decremental
returns an ipv4 address by decremental order
when allocation_type is :random
raise NotImplementedError
when ip_range's range includes network's range
returns the ip addresses within the network's subnet
when ip_range's range doesn't match ip_range's range
raise Run out of dynamic IP addresses
creates an ip_lease with an ip_retention
with interface_uuid
without label
creates an ip_lease for an interface
with label
creates an ip_lease for an interface
when lease_policy has ip_lease_containers
without label
creates an ip_lease and add it to ip_lease_containers
with label
creates an ip_lease and add it to an ip_lease_container
return empty array
return networks
not found
raise execption
should be a kind of Array
should eq 1
should be a kind of Hash
should eq "test-uuid"
without options
should be a kind of Array
should eq 1
should be a kind of Hash
should eq "test-uuid"
raises an execption
D, [2016-02-29T14:09:02.717075 #16132] DEBUG -- : NoMethodError: undefined method `foo' for Vnet::NodeApi::Network:Class
does not raise any exception
raise unknown proxy error
return rpc proxy
return direct proxy
handle correctly
should be a kind of Array
should eq 1
should be a kind of Hash
should eq "test-uuid"
sends messages
should create a port object whose datapath_id is 1
when an entry of Network is created on vdc
creates a record of Network on vnet
deletes a record of Network on vnet
when network_vif is created
creates an entry of Interface
deletes an entry of Interface
when network_route is created
creates translation entry
load all database records into items
without released_at
should eq 1
should eq 0
with released_at
should eq 0
should eq 1
when leased_ip_retentions is present
should eq 0
when released_ip_retentions is present
should eq 0
removes an ip_retention from @leased_ip_retentions
removes an ip_retention from @released_ip_retentions
Finished in 2 minutes 46.2 seconds (files took 7.89 seconds to load)
909 examples, 0 failures
[Coveralls] Outside the CI environment, not sending data.
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