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Last active August 23, 2024 06:57
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Create circles/ellipses in Unity UI system in one of three modes: FillInside, FillOutside and Edge.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEditor;
// Custom Editor to order the variables in the Inspector similar to Image component
[CustomEditor( typeof( CircleGraphic ) ), CanEditMultipleObjects]
public class CircleGraphicEditor : Editor
private SerializedProperty colorProp;
private void OnEnable()
colorProp = serializedObject.FindProperty( "m_Color" );
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( colorProp );
DrawPropertiesExcluding( serializedObject, "m_Script", "m_Color", "m_OnCullStateChanged" );
[RequireComponent( typeof( CanvasRenderer ) )]
[AddComponentMenu( "UI/Circle Graphic", 12 )]
public class CircleGraphic : MaskableGraphic
public enum Mode { FillInside = 0, FillOutside = 1, Edge = 2 };
#pragma warning disable 0649
private int detail = 64;
private Mode mode;
[Tooltip( "Edge mode only" )]
private float edgeThickness = 1;
#pragma warning restore 0649
private Vector2 uv =;
private Color32 color32;
private float width = 1f, height = 1f;
private float deltaWidth, deltaHeight;
private float deltaRadians;
protected override void OnPopulateMesh( VertexHelper vh )
Rect r = GetPixelAdjustedRect();
color32 = color;
width = r.width * 0.5f;
height = r.height * 0.5f;
Vector2 pivot = rectTransform.pivot;
deltaWidth = r.width * ( 0.5f - pivot.x );
deltaHeight = r.height * ( 0.5f - pivot.y );
if( mode == Mode.FillInside )
deltaRadians = 360f / detail * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
FillInside( vh );
else if( mode == Mode.FillOutside )
int quarterDetail = ( detail + 3 ) / 4;
deltaRadians = 360f / ( quarterDetail * 4 ) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( width + deltaWidth, height + deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( -width + deltaWidth, height + deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( -width + deltaWidth, -height + deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( width + deltaWidth, -height + deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
int triangleIndex = 4;
FillOutside( vh, new Vector3( width + deltaWidth, deltaHeight, 0f ), 0, quarterDetail, ref triangleIndex );
FillOutside( vh, new Vector3( deltaWidth, height + deltaHeight, 0f ), 1, quarterDetail, ref triangleIndex );
FillOutside( vh, new Vector3( -width + deltaWidth, deltaHeight, 0f ), 2, quarterDetail, ref triangleIndex );
FillOutside( vh, new Vector3( deltaWidth, -height + deltaHeight, 0f ), 3, quarterDetail, ref triangleIndex );
deltaRadians = 360f / detail * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
GenerateEdges( vh );
// Uncomment for precise raycasts/clicks (might be processor-heavy)
//public override bool Raycast( Vector2 sp, Camera eventCamera )
// if( base.Raycast( sp, eventCamera ) )
// {
// Vector2 localPoint;
// if( RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle( rectTransform, sp, eventCamera, out localPoint ) )
// {
// Vector2 deltaPoint = localPoint -;
// float distance = deltaPoint.sqrMagnitude;
// float angle = Vector2.Angle( Vector2.right, new Vector2( deltaPoint.x / width, deltaPoint.y / height ) ) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
// Vector2 edge = new Vector2( width * Mathf.Cos( angle ), height * Mathf.Sin( angle ) );
// if( mode == Mode.FillInside )
// return edge.sqrMagnitude >= distance;
// if( mode == Mode.FillOutside )
// return edge.sqrMagnitude <= distance;
// if( edge.sqrMagnitude < distance )
// return false;
// angle = Vector2.Angle( Vector2.right, new Vector2( deltaPoint.x / ( width - edgeThickness ), deltaPoint.y / ( height - edgeThickness ) ) ) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
// Vector2 edgeInner = new Vector2( ( width - edgeThickness ) * Mathf.Cos( angle ), ( height - edgeThickness ) * Mathf.Sin( angle ) );
// Debug.DrawLine( transform.position, transform.position + (Vector3) edgeInner );
// Debug.DrawLine( transform.position, transform.position + (Vector3) deltaPoint );
// return edgeInner.sqrMagnitude <= distance;
// }
// }
// return false;
private void FillInside( VertexHelper vh )
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( deltaWidth, deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( width + deltaWidth, deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
int triangleIndex = 2;
for( int i = 1; i < detail; i++, triangleIndex++ )
float radians = i * deltaRadians;
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( Mathf.Cos( radians ) * width + deltaWidth, Mathf.Sin( radians ) * height + deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
vh.AddTriangle( triangleIndex, triangleIndex - 1, 0 );
vh.AddTriangle( 1, triangleIndex - 1, 0 );
private void FillOutside( VertexHelper vh, Vector3 initialPoint, int quarterIndex, int detail, ref int triangleIndex )
int startIndex = quarterIndex * detail;
int endIndex = ( quarterIndex + 1 ) * detail;
vh.AddVert( initialPoint, color32, uv );
for( int i = startIndex + 1; i <= endIndex; i++, triangleIndex++ )
float radians = i * deltaRadians;
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( Mathf.Cos( radians ) * width + deltaWidth, Mathf.Sin( radians ) * height + deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
vh.AddTriangle( quarterIndex, triangleIndex - 1, triangleIndex );
private void GenerateEdges( VertexHelper vh )
float innerWidth = width - edgeThickness;
float innerHeight = height - edgeThickness;
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( width + deltaWidth, deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( innerWidth + deltaWidth, deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
int triangleIndex = 2;
for( int i = 1; i < detail; i++, triangleIndex += 2 )
float radians = i * deltaRadians;
float cos = Mathf.Cos( radians );
float sin = Mathf.Sin( radians );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( cos * width + deltaWidth, sin * height + deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
vh.AddVert( new Vector3( cos * innerWidth + deltaWidth, sin * innerHeight + deltaHeight, 0f ), color32, uv );
vh.AddTriangle( triangleIndex, triangleIndex - 2, triangleIndex - 1 );
vh.AddTriangle( triangleIndex, triangleIndex - 1, triangleIndex + 1 );
vh.AddTriangle( 0, triangleIndex - 2, triangleIndex - 1 );
vh.AddTriangle( 0, triangleIndex - 1, 1 );
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yasirkula commented Apr 13, 2018

Simply add this component to an empty object in a canvas. For precise clicks, uncomment the Raycast function. Works with Mask component out-of-the-box.


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gutaolox commented Jun 4, 2019

Muito bom

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This is perfect for what I need! Congrats.
I don't see any license information. Am I able to use this for commercial projects?

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@TClaysonMD Feel free to use it under public domain or MIT License.

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That's perfect. Thanks for confirming that. Super useful script :)

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Thank you very much! Is there a way to anti-alias the circle?

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@MeisterDerMagie I'd like to know that as well. If googling "unity overlay canvas anti aliasing" doesn't yield fruitful results, then it may not be possible.

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Great script, saved me a good chunk of time. Cheers!

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