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Created September 24, 2018 16:29
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[Patch all XREFs] #r2pipe #radare2 #r2 #patch
# WARNING: This is probably bad in most cases, you should first analyze your binary and figure out if you really want to nop out all xrefs...
import r2pipe
import sys
NOP = '90'
def main(binary, location):
r2 =, ['-w'])
print '[-] Analyzing binary...'
print '[+] Finished running aaa!'
xrefs = r2.cmdj('axtj @ {}'.format(location))
print '[+] Found {} XREFS to address {}'.format(len(xrefs), location)
xrefs_locations = [i['from'] for i in xrefs]
xref_instructions = [r2.cmdj('pdj 1 @ {}'.format(i))[0] for i in xrefs_locations]
for ins in xref_instructions:
patch = (len(ins['bytes']) / 2) * NOP
loc = ins['offset']
print '[!] Writing {} over {} ({}) in address {}'.format(patch, ins['bytes'], ins['disasm'], hex(loc))
r2.cmd('wx {} @ {}'.format(patch, loc))
print '[+] Finished patching!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print 'Usage: <binary> <location>'
print 'WARNING: No backup file is made'
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
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