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Created December 27, 2022 10:01
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# ~/.bashrc
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
source ~/
PS1='[\u@\h on \w$(__git_ps1 " -  %s")]\n[גּ]\$ '
# general use
alias ls='exa' # ls
alias l='exa -lbF --git' # list, size, type, git
alias ll='exa -lbGF --git' # long list
alias llm='exa -lbGd --git --sort=modified' # long list, modified date sort
alias la='exa -lbhHigUmuSa --time-style=long-iso --git --color-scale' # all list
alias lx='exa -lbhHigUmuSa@ --time-style=long-iso --git --color-scale' # all + extended list
# specialty views
alias lS='exa -1' # one column, just names
alias lt='exa --tree --level=2' # tree
BONSAI_SEED=$(shuf -i 0-500 -n 1)
cbonsai -p -s $BONSAI_SEED -m "Hello $USER, Your \"Bonsai\" is growing mate :)"

Execute below command

Assuming you're on "$HOME" directory

curl -o
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