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Created February 3, 2013 12:15
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Tests for HW3 challenge
val wc = Wildcard
val x = Variable "x"
val y = Variable "y"
val z = Variable "z"
fun tpl vs = Tuple vs
fun pair (a,b) = Tuple [a,b]
fun tp ps = TupleP ps
fun pp (a,b) = TupleP [a,b]
val u = Unit
val up = UnitP
(* Polymorphic lists in the spirit of Java 2 *)
val nla = Constructor ("NilA",u)
fun cnsa h t = Constructor ("ConsA",pair (h, t))
val nlpa = ConstructorP ("NilA",up)
fun cnspa h t = ConstructorP ("ConsA",pp (h, t))
val lista_cstrs = [("NilA","ListA",UnitT),
("ConsA","ListA",TupleT [Anything,Datatype "ListA"])]
(* lists of ints *)
val nli = Constructor ("NilI",u)
fun cnsi h t = Constructor ("ConsI",pair (h, t))
val nlpi = ConstructorP ("NilI",up)
fun cnspi h t = ConstructorP ("ConsI",pp (h, t))
val listi_cstrs = [("NilI","ListI",UnitT),
("ConsI","ListI",TupleT [IntT,Datatype "ListI"])]
(* lists of lists of ints *)
val nlil = Constructor ("NilIL",u)
fun cnsil h t = Constructor ("ConsIL",pair (h, t))
val nlpil = ConstructorP ("NilIL",up)
fun cnspil h t = ConstructorP ("ConsIL",pp (h, t))
val listil_cstrs = [("NilIL","ListIL",UnitT),
("ConsIL","ListIL",TupleT [Datatype "ListI",
Datatype "ListIL"])]
(* lists of t *)
val nlt = Constructor ("NilT",u)
fun cnst h t = Constructor ("ConsT",pair (h, t))
val nlpt = ConstructorP ("NilT",up)
fun cnspt h t = ConstructorP ("ConsT",pp (h, t))
val listt_cstrs = [("NilT","ListT",UnitT),
("ConsT","ListT",TupleT [Datatype "t",Datatype "ListT"])]
(* lists of pairs (t,IntT) *)
val nlti = Constructor ("NilTI",u)
fun cnsti h t = Constructor ("ConsTI",pair (h, t))
val nlpti = ConstructorP ("NilTI",up)
fun cnspti h t = ConstructorP ("ConsTI",pp (h, t))
val listti_cstrs = [("NilTI","ListTI",UnitT),
TupleT [TupleT [Datatype "t",IntT],Datatype "ListTI"])]
(* simple one-of type t *)
val A = Constructor ("A",u)
fun B x = Constructor ("B",x)
fun C (x,y,z) = Constructor ("C",tpl [x,y,z])
val Ap = ConstructorP ("A",up)
fun Bp x = ConstructorP ("B",x)
fun Cp (x,y,z) = ConstructorP ("C",tp [x,y,z])
val t_cstrs = [("A","t",UnitT),
("C","t",TupleT [IntT,IntT,IntT])]
(* constructors *)
val cstrs = lista_cstrs @ listi_cstrs @ listil_cstrs @ listt_cstrs @
listti_cstrs @ t_cstrs
(* empty *)
val test000 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, []) = SOME Anything
(* wc,var,pair -> pair *)
val test001 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,x,pp(y,z)]) =
SOME (TupleT[Anything,Anything])
(* wc,triple,pair -> fail *)
val test002 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,tp [x,wc,wc],pp(y,z)]) = NONE
(* [], x::xs -> list *)
val test003 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,nlpa,cnspa x y]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListA")
val test004 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,nlpi,cnspi x y]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListI")
val test005 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,nlpil,cnspil x y]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListIL")
val test006 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,nlpt,cnspt x y]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListT")
val test007 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,nlpti,cnspti x y]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListTI")
(* no variance: mismatched Nil & Cons -> fail *)
val test008 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,nlpi,cnspa x y]) = NONE
(* ListA allows things ML doesn't *)
(* A::(x,y)::z -> ListA *)
val test009 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspa Ap (cnspa (pp (x,y)) z)]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListA")
(* A::x::z,_::1::[] -> ListA *)
val test010 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspa Ap (cnspa x z),
cnspa wc (cnspa (ConstP 1) nlpa)]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListA")
(* typed lists are more restrictive *)
(* A::(x,y)::z -> fail *)
val test011 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspt Ap (cnspt (pp (x,y)) z)]) =
val test012 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspt Ap (cnspti (pp (x,y)) z)]) =
val test013 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspt Ap (cnspa (pp (x,y)) z)]) =
(* A::x::z,_::1::[] -> fail *)
val test014 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspt Ap (cnspt x z),
cnspi wc (cnspi (ConstP 1) nlpi)]) =
(* but *)
(* (A,_)::z,_::(_,1)::[] -> ListTI *)
val test015 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspti (pp (Ap,wc)) z,
cnspti wc
(cnspti (pp (wc,ConstP 1))
nlpti)]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListTI")
val test016 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspti (pp (Ap,wc)) z,
cnspti (pp (wc,ConstP 1)) nlpti]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListTI")
val test017 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspti (pp (wc,ConstP 1)) nlpti]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListTI")
val test018 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspti wc nlpti]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListTI")
val test019 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspi wc nlpi]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListI")
val test020 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [cnspti wc x]) =
SOME (Datatype "ListTI")
(* unknown contructor -> fail *)
val test040 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,ConstructorP ("Pizza",up)]) = NONE
(* wrong constructor agruments -> fail *)
val test041 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [ConstructorP ("C",TupleP [wc,wc])]) =
val test042 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc,
ConstructorP ("C",TupleP [x,wc,nlpa])]) = NONE
(* but can use constructors of the same type *)
val test043 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [wc, Cp(x,wc,y),Ap,Bp(x)]) =
SOME (Datatype "t")
val test045 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [tp [Ap,x,y],tp [wc,wc,nlpi],
tp [Bp x,wc,cnspi y z]]) =
SOME (TupleT [Datatype "t",Anything,Datatype "ListI"])
(* incorrect pattern -> fail *)
val test050 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [pp(x,x)]) = NONE
(* some weird cases *)
(* we allow to match no-argument constructor with variable or _ *)
val test065 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [Ap,ConstructorP ("A",x)]) =
SOME (Datatype "t")
val test066 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [Ap,ConstructorP ("A",wc)]) =
SOME (Datatype "t")
(* we don't make TupleT[] the same as UnitT *)
val test067 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [up, TupleP []]) = NONE
(* as well as TupleT[x] is not the same as x *)
val test068 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [ConstP 1, TupleP [ConstP 1]]) =
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ende76 commented Feb 3, 2013

Run against my implementation:

val test000 = true : bool
val test001 = true : bool
val test002 = true : bool
val test003 = false : bool
val test004 = false : bool
val test005 = false : bool
val test006 = false : bool
val test007 = false : bool
val test008 = true : bool
val test009 = false : bool
val test010 = false : bool
val test011 = true : bool
val test012 = true : bool
val test013 = true : bool
val test014 = true : bool
val test015 = false : bool
val test016 = false : bool
val test017 = false : bool
val test018 = false : bool
val test019 = false : bool
val test020 = false : bool
val test040 = true : bool
val test041 = true : bool
val test042 = true : bool
val test043 = false : bool
val test045 = false : bool
val test050 = false : bool
val test065 = false : bool
val test066 = false : bool
val test067 = true : bool
val test068 = true : bool

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polachok commented Feb 7, 2013

val test000 = true : bool
val test001 = true : bool
val test002 = false : bool
val test003 = true : bool
val test004 = true : bool
val test005 = true : bool
val test006 = true : bool
val test007 = true : bool
val test008 = true : bool
val test009 = true : bool
val test010 = true : bool
val test011 = true : bool
val test012 = true : bool
val test013 = true : bool
val test014 = true : bool
val test015 = true : bool
val test016 = true : bool
val test017 = true : bool
val test018 = true : bool
val test019 = true : bool
val test020 = true : bool
val test040 = true : bool
val test041 = false : bool
val test042 = true : bool
val test043 = true : bool
val test045 = true : bool
val test050 = false : bool
val test065 = true : bool
val test066 = true : bool
val test067 = true : bool
val test068 = true : bool


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Shmuma commented Feb 11, 2013

val test000 = false : bool
val test001 = true : bool
val test002 = true : bool
val test003 = false : bool
val test004 = false : bool
val test005 = false : bool
val test006 = false : bool
val test007 = false : bool
val test008 = true : bool
val test009 = false : bool
val test010 = false : bool
val test011 = true : bool
val test012 = true : bool
val test013 = true : bool
val test014 = true : bool
val test015 = false : bool
val test016 = false : bool
val test017 = false : bool
val test018 = false : bool
val test019 = false : bool
val test020 = false : bool
val test040 = true : bool
val test041 = true : bool
val test042 = true : bool
val test043 = false : bool
val test045 = false : bool
val test050 = false : bool
val test065 = false : bool
val test066 = false : bool
val test067 = true : bool
val test068 = true : bool


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lewisou commented Feb 11, 2013

same result with ende76. but still got 106....

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lewisou commented Feb 11, 2013

now same result with Shmuma, but still got 106 instead of 107!

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val test000 = false : bool
val test001 = true : bool
val test002 = true : bool
val test003 = true : bool
val test004 = true : bool
val test005 = true : bool
val test006 = true : bool
val test007 = true : bool
val test008 = true : bool
val test009 = true : bool
val test010 = true : bool
val test011 = true : bool
val test012 = true : bool
val test013 = true : bool
val test014 = true : bool
val test015 = true : bool
val test016 = true : bool
val test017 = true : bool
val test018 = true : bool
val test019 = true : bool
val test020 = true : bool
val test040 = true : bool
val test041 = true : bool
val test042 = true : bool
val test043 = true : bool
val test045 = true : bool
val test050 = false : bool
val test065 = true : bool
val test066 = true : bool
val test067 = true : bool
val test068 = true : bool


Why in test000 is SOME Anything expected?

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For folks getting same test results as Shmuma but 106 from grader, make sure you handle all unification cases, in particular those involving Anything(i.e. (IntT, Anything))

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lewisou commented Feb 12, 2013

@akorobov What do you mean by that?

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lewisou commented Feb 12, 2013

I do handle all unification cases. like (Anything, _) => true The first element is given by the constructor list

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yanok commented Feb 12, 2013

@akorobov turns out i've not covered this test case, huh... well, I was mostly concentrated on "advanced" cases...
@lewisou it's likely that you have some simple problem not covered by these tests in your code. ende76's implementation is 107 one.
@pavlionka it's a matter of choice: assignment is not specific about this case, but the grader doesn't seem to check it.

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@yanok, could you please elaborate on test050?

(* incorrect pattern -> fail *)
val test050 = typecheck_patterns (cstrs, [pp(x,x)]) = NONE

From what I understand it just type-checks a pair of variables and thus should result in SOME (TupleT[Anything, Anything]).

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yanok commented Feb 12, 2013

@madkinder, I've added a call to check_pat in my solution just in case, so my solution returns NONE. But as long as you don't check for duplicated variables in the pattern, your result is correct.

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