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Last active April 27, 2021 11:58
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  • Save yangtaeho/a1245de202b1502761f3157f3a81304b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save yangtaeho/a1245de202b1502761f3157f3a81304b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
if ('과제 - 단수 obj stringify') {
Object.entries({}); //허용, 안쓰는 거 추천
const abc = {_1:3, b:"abc"}; //[] x, {} x
const stringify89_4_210420 = (obj => {
// utils ====================================================
const isDebug =_=>!1;
const objToString = finalNode=>{
let accStr = "";
const obj = [];
let curr = finalNode;
if (isEmptyObject(curr)) {
return "{}";
for (const v of curr) {
if (!(v && Array.isArray(v) && v.length == 2)) {
err('invalid request. ' + v);
for (const v of curr) {
accStr += "," + v[0] + ':' + v[1];
return "{" + accStr.substr(1) + "}";
const arrToString = finalNode=>{
let accStr = "";
const arr = [];
let curr = finalNode;
if (!(curr && curr.value && curr.prev)) {
return "[" + accStr + "]";
}while(curr = curr.prev);
for (const v of arr) accStr += "," + v;
return "[" + accStr.substr(1) + "]";
const quote = str=>`\"${str}\"`;
const _escape = {
table: [[/\"/g,'\\\"']
,[/\t/g, '\\t']
,[/[\r]/g, '\\r']
,[/[\n]/g, '\\n']
,[/[\l]/g, 'l']]
let acc = str;
for (const item of this.table) {
acc = acc.replace(item[0], item[1]);
return acc;
const NULL_STR = 'null';
const DELIM = ',';
const el = {
table: {
,'undefined': v=>NULL_STR
,'function': v=>NULL_STR
,'symbol': v=>NULL_STR
,'number': v=>v.toString()
,'string': v=>quote(_escape.exe(v))
,'array': v=>NULL_STR
,'object': v=>NULL_STR
,boolean: v=>v.toString()
stringifyRouter(item) {
if (!this.table[typeof item]) {
if (!item) {
return this.table[NULL_STR](item);
} else {
return this.table[typeof item](item);
//return (this.table[typeof item] ?? this.table[!item ? NULL_STR : Array.isArray(item) ? "array" : "object"])?.(item) ?? NULL_STR;
const err = v=>{throw v;};
const arrValidator = arr=>{if(!Array.isArray(arr)) throw "invalid arr";};
const objValidator = v=>{if(Array.isArray(v) || typeof v != 'object') throw "invalid obj";};
const isEmptyObject = v=>Object.keys(v).length == 0 && v.constructor == Object;
// logic 꼬리 재귀 ====================================================
const _stringifyTail = (arr, i, acc) => {
if (i < arr.length) {
const item = arr[i];
acc.push([el.stringifyRouter(item[0]), el.stringifyRouter(item[1])]);
return _stringifyTail(arr, i + 1, acc);
} else {
return objToString(acc);
const stringifyTail = ( obj )=> {
const arr = [];
for (const k in obj) {
arr.push([k, obj[k]]);
return _stringifyTail(arr, 0, []);
// logic 반복문.... 재귀 제거 실패 ==> 수정 ====================================================
const _stringifyFor = (arr, i, acc, prev)=> {
const limit = 40000;
while(i < arr.length && i < limit) {
const item = arr[i];
acc.push([el.stringifyRouter(item[0]), el.stringifyRouter(item[1])]);
i = i + 1;
return objToString(acc);
const EMPTY = '-9999';
const stringifyFor = obj => {
const arr = [];
for (const k in obj) {
arr.push([k, obj[k]]);
return _stringifyFor(arr, 0, []);
return {
, stringifyFor
const test_stringify = (f, v, isDebug = true)=>{
if (!v) return console.log(`Invalid arg. v: '${v}'`);
let logs = [`\n[s]${f['name']} ====`
, `\n\tJSON.stringify와 일치: ${f(v) == JSON.stringify(v)}`, (f(v) == JSON.stringify(v) ? '' : '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
, '\n\tQ문제 ', v];
if (isDebug) logs = logs.concat([
'\n\t답안 ', f(v)
, '\n\tJSON.stingify ', JSON.stringify(v)]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, {});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, {_1:3, b:"abc", 3:true, true: '5'});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, {});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, {_1:3, b:"abc", 3:true, true: '5'});
if ('과제') {
Object.entries({}); //허용, 안쓰는 거 추천
const abc = {_1:3, b:"abc"}; //[] x, {} x
const stringify89_4_210420 = (obj => {
// utils ====================================================
const isDebug =_=>!1;
const objToString = finalNode=>{
let accStr = "";
const obj = [];
let curr = finalNode;
if (isEmptyObject(curr)) {
return "{}";
for (const v of curr) {
if (!(v && Array.isArray(v) && v.length == 2)) {
err('invalid request. ' + v);
for (const v of curr) {
accStr += "," + v[0] + ':' + v[1];
return "{" + accStr.substr(1) + "}";
const arrToString = finalNode=>{
let accStr = "";
const arr = [];
let curr = finalNode;
if (!(curr && curr.value && curr.prev)) {
return "[" + accStr + "]";
}while(curr = curr.prev);
for (const v of arr) accStr += "," + v;
return "[" + accStr.substr(1) + "]";
const quote = str=>`\"${str}\"`;
const _escape = {
table: [[/\"/g,'\\\"']
,[/\t/g, '\\t']
,[/[\r]/g, '\\r']
,[/[\n]/g, '\\n']
,[/[\l]/g, 'l']]
let acc = str;
for (const item of this.table) {
acc = acc.replace(item[0], item[1]);
return acc;
const NULL_STR = 'null';
const DELIM = ',';
const el = {
table: {
,'undefined': v=>NULL_STR
,'function': v=>NULL_STR
,'symbol': v=>NULL_STR
,'number': v=>v.toString()
,'string': v=>quote(_escape.exe(v))
,'array': v=>NULL_STR
,'object': v=>NULL_STR
,boolean: v=>v.toString()
stringifyRouter(item) {
if (!this.table[typeof item]) {
if (!item) {
return this.table[NULL_STR](item);
} else {
return this.table[typeof item](item);
//return (this.table[typeof item] ?? this.table[!item ? NULL_STR : Array.isArray(item) ? "array" : "object"])?.(item) ?? NULL_STR;
const err = v=>{throw v;};
const arrValidator = arr=>{if(!Array.isArray(arr)) throw "invalid arr";};
const objValidator = v=>{if(Array.isArray(v) || typeof v != 'object') throw "invalid obj";};
const isEmptyObject = v=>Object.keys(v).length == 0 && v.constructor == Object;
// logic 꼬리 재귀 ====================================================
const _stringifyTail = (arr, i, acc) => {
if (i < arr.length) {
const item = arr[i];
acc.push([el.stringifyRouter(item[0]), el.stringifyRouter(item[1])]);
return _stringifyTail(arr, i + 1, acc);
} else {
return objToString(acc);
const stringifyTail = ( obj )=> {
const arr = [];
for (const k in obj) {
arr.push([k, obj[k]]);
return _stringifyTail(arr, 0, []);
// logic 반복문.... 재귀 제거 실패 ==> 수정 ====================================================
const _stringifyFor = (arr, i, acc, prev)=> {
const limit = 40000;
while(i < arr.length && i < limit) {
const item = arr[i];
acc.push([el.stringifyRouter(item[0]), el.stringifyRouter(item[1])]);
i = i + 1;
return objToString(acc);
const EMPTY = '-9999';
const stringifyFor = obj => {
const arr = [];
for (const k in obj) {
arr.push([k, obj[k]]);
return _stringifyFor(arr, 0, []);
//5강 끝난 후 보강
const objEntries = function*(obj){
for (const k in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) yield [k, obj[k]];
// logic 꼬리 재귀 #2 ====================================================
const _stringifyTailIter = (iter, acc) => {
const {done, value:[k, v] = []} =;
if (done) {
return objToString(acc);
} else {
if (acc == null) acc = [];
acc.push([el.stringifyRouter(k), el.stringifyRouter(v)]);
return _stringifyTailIter(iter, acc);
const stringifyTailIter = ( obj )=> {
return _stringifyTailIter(objEntries(obj), null);
// logic 반복문.... 재귀 제거 실패 ==> 수정 #2 ====================================================
const _stringifyForIter = (iter, prev)=> {
const acc = [];
while(true) {
const {done, value:[k, v] = []} =;
if (done) {
acc.push([el.stringifyRouter(k), el.stringifyRouter(v)]);
return objToString(acc);
const stringifyForIter = obj => {
return _stringifyForIter(objEntries(obj), null);
return {
, stringifyFor
, stringifyTailIter
, stringifyForIter
const test_stringify = (f, v, isDebug = true)=>{
if (!v) return console.log(`Invalid arg. v: '${v}'`);
let logs = [`\n[s]${f['name']} ====`
, `\n\tJSON.stringify와 일치: ${f(v) == JSON.stringify(v)}`, (f(v) == JSON.stringify(v) ? '' : '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
, '\n\tQ문제 ', v];
if (isDebug) logs = logs.concat([
'\n\t답안 ', f(v)
, '\n\tJSON.stingify ', JSON.stringify(v)]);
const _block = 1;
const _block2 = 0;
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, []);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, [1, 2, ["a", [1, 2], false], 3, ["b", "c", [1, 2]]], true);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, [,'test', 1]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, [1, "ab\"c", true, null, _=>3], true);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, [1, "ab\"\nc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, [1, "ab\"\rc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, [1, "ab\"\lc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, [1, "ab\"\r\nc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, [1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, _=>3, Symbol()]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, [1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, ["ab\"c", true, undefined, null], _=>3, Symbol()]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, {_1:3, b:"abc", 3:true, true: '5'});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, {_1:[1], _3: 3, 4: '5', 6: true});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTail, {_1:[1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, ["ab\"c", true, undefined, null], _=>3, Symbol()], 2: '3', '3': {_4: '5', _6: '7'}, '8': ['9', 10, {'11': '12'}]});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, []);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, [1, 2, ["a", [1, 2], false], 3, ["b", "c", [1, 2]]], true);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, [,'test', 1]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, [1, "ab\"c", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, [1, "ab\"\nc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, [1, "ab\"\rc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, [1, "ab\"\lc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, [1, "ab\"\r\nc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, [1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, _=>3, Symbol()]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, [1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, ["ab\"c", true, undefined, null], _=>3, Symbol()]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, {_1:3, b:"abc", 3:true, true: '5'});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, {_1:[1], _3: 3, 4: '5', 6: true});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyFor, {_1:[1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, ["ab\"c", true, undefined, null], _=>3, Symbol()], 2: '3', '3': {_4: '5', _6: '7'}, '8': ['9', 10, {'11': '12'}]});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, []);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, [1, 2, ["a", [1, 2], false], 3, ["b", "c", [1, 2]]], true);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, [,'test', 1]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, [1, "ab\"c", true, null, _=>3], true);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, [1, "ab\"\nc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, [1, "ab\"\rc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, [1, "ab\"\lc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, [1, "ab\"\r\nc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, [1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, _=>3, Symbol()]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, [1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, ["ab\"c", true, undefined, null], _=>3, Symbol()]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, {_1:3, b:"abc", 3:true, true: '5'});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, {_1:[1], _3: 3, 4: '5', 6: true});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyTailIter, {_1:[1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, ["ab\"c", true, undefined, null], _=>3, Symbol()], 2: '3', '3': {_4: '5', _6: '7'}, '8': ['9', 10, {'11': '12'}]});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, []);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, [1, 2, ["a", [1, 2], false], 3, ["b", "c", [1, 2]]], true);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, [,'test', 1]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, [1, "ab\"c", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, [1, "ab\"\nc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, [1, "ab\"\rc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, [1, "ab\"\lc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, [1, "ab\"\r\nc", true, null, _=>3]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, [1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, _=>3, Symbol()]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, [1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, ["ab\"c", true, undefined, null], _=>3, Symbol()]);
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, {_1:3, b:"abc", 3:true, true: '5'});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, {_1:[1], _3: 3, 4: '5', 6: true});
test_stringify(stringify89_4_210420.stringifyForIter, {_1:[1, "ab\"c", true, undefined, null, ["ab\"c", true, undefined, null], _=>3, Symbol()], 2: '3', '3': {_4: '5', _6: '7'}, '8': ['9', 10, {'11': '12'}]});
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