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Last active March 7, 2019 03:39
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twitter に所定の時間に自動投稿する
(in-package :cl-user)
(ql:quickload :chirp)
(setf chirp:*oauth-api-key* "**************************"
chirp:*oauth-api-secret* "***************************"
chirp:*oauth-access-token* "*******************************"
chirp:*oauth-access-secret* "***************************")
(defvar *tw-threads*
(defun update-at-time (target-time status)
(flet ((worker ()
(loop for now = (get-universal-time)
if (>= now target-time)
do (chirp:statuses/update status)
do (sleep 1/8))))
(push (sb-thread:make-thread #'worker :name "tw-thread")
(defun reap-tw-threads ()
(setf *tw-threads*
(delete-if-not #'sb-thread:thread-alive-p *tw-threads*)))
(update-at-time (encode-universal-time 0 41 22 3 1 2018)
"hoge fuga piyo")
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