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eyecatchup /
Last active November 1, 2023 08:35
A step-by-step guide how to manually flash the Android 5.0.1 (LRX22C) OTA-Update on a Nexus 5 with modified system (custom recovery/kernel, rooted, modified framework etc.)..

Update: For those interested, here's the version for updating from Android 5.1.0 (LMY47D/LMY47I) to Android 5.1.1 (LMY48B):

     SET `VERSION`='5.0.1', `BUILD`='LRX22C', `RECOVERY`='CUSTOM', `ROOTED`=1 
   WHERE `VERSION`='5.0' && `BUILD`='LRX21O' && `RECOVERY`='CUSTOM' && `ROOTED`=1 
         && `WANNA_KEEP_USERDATA`=1;
epixoip / cloudflare_challenge
Last active December 2, 2023 11:53
How I obtained the private key for
I wasn't first to get the key. Nor was I second, third, or even fourth. I'm probably not even the
10th to get it (ok, looks like I was the 8th.) But I'm happy that I was able to prove to myself
that I too could do it.
First, I have to admit I was a skeptic. Like the handful of other dissenters, I had initially
believed that it would be highly improbable under normal conditions to obtain the private key
through exploiting Heartbleed. So this was my motivation for participating in Cloudflare's
challenge. I had extracted a lot of other things with Heartbleed, but I hadn't actually set out to
extract private keys. So I wanted to see first-hand if it was possible or not.
pklaus /
Last active September 9, 2024 17:09
A Script to Clear Cached RAM on Linux
## Bash Script to clear cached memory on (Ubuntu/Debian) Linux
## By Philipp Klaus
## see <>
if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]
echo "You have to run this script as Superuser!"
exit 1