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Barteks2x /
Last active September 4, 2022 14:06
MC 1.13 Worldgen

Overview of changes

  • net.minecraftforge.fml.common.IWorldGenerator ->
    • No longer needed. I think it should be removed by forge, as it has been superseded by vanilla functionality. See below.
  • ->
    • This would also be the most common replacement of Forge's IWorldGenerator. This should be the solution for anything smaller than a chunk.
    • Except the 8 blocks offset. This is not a thing anymore. Population now works just like any normal person would expect.
    • Position of features is controlled by instances of instead of by the feature itself.
  • ->
  • This is now finally exposed to mods in a useful way. As it was mostly hidden from modders before, not eveyone may know what it is, so it will be explained later. Generates caves a
LexManos / clean.txt
Created December 8, 2018 20:06
1.13 Announcement.
So about 1.13. As we have been stating since the public release of 1.13,
the Forge update is a time we are taking to re-write everything from the
ground up. Not just Forge, but the entire toolchain, launcher, installer,
and core of Forge is being rewritten. Every line of code is being inspected,
and re-validated. This whole process takes a while. To give you (the reader)
an idea of what has been done so far:
ForgeGradle has been rewritten to support modern gradle versions, with better tools
to be expandable and used for more than just setting up a Minecraft/Forge
dependency project. It's also much cleaner and organized this time around
williewillus /
Last active April 22, 2024 15:29
1.13/1.14 update primer

This primer is licensed under CC0, do whatever you want.

BUT do note that this can be updated, so leave a link here so readers can see the updated information themselves.

1.13 and 1.14 are lumped together in this doc, you're on your own if you just want to go to 1.13 and not 1.14, for some reason.

1.15 stuff:

Things in Advance

  • ResourceLocation now throw on non-snake-case names instead of silently lowercasing for you, so you probably should go and change all those string constants now. More precisely, domains must only contain alphanumeric lowercase, underscore (_), dash (-), or dot (.). Paths have the same restrictions, but can also contain forward slashes (/).
mikoim /
Last active August 26, 2024 11:08
[Updated! Aug 14 2020] YouTube recommended encoding settings on ffmpeg (+ libx264)


Container: MP4

Parameter YouTube recommends setting
-movflags faststart moov atom at the front of the file (Fast Start)

Video codec: H.264

williewillus /
Last active June 15, 2023 03:33
Capabilities: A Primer (tm)


Another award-winning primer by williewillus

Capabilities...a wondrous new system. That you've probably been forced into using. But let's not talk about that and get straight into the learning!

Terms and definitions

  • Capability System - This entire system; what this primer is about. This system is named very literally for what it does.
    • Capability - the quality of being capable; capacity; ability
  • Capable - having power and ability
hollodotme /
Last active August 11, 2022 06:23
Installing php7-fpm with phpredis and xdebug extension on Ubuntu 14.04

Install php7.0-fpm

# remove php5 modules
apt-get autoremove --purge php5-*
# add php-7.0 source list by [Ondřej Surý](
add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
# Update index
apt-get update
# Install php7.0-fpm with needed extensions