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Last active September 17, 2024 19:18
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Draw a table using only Pillow
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
from collections import namedtuple
def position_tuple(*args):
Position = namedtuple('Position', ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'])
if len(args) == 0:
return Position(0, 0, 0, 0)
elif len(args) == 1:
return Position(args[0], args[0], args[0], args[0])
elif len(args) == 2:
return Position(args[0], args[1], args[0], args[1])
elif len(args) == 3:
return Position(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[1])
return Position(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3])
def draw_table(table, header=[], font=ImageFont.load_default(), cell_pad=(20, 10), margin=(10, 10), align=None, colors={}, stock=False):
Draw a table using only Pillow
table: an 2d list, must be str
header: turple or list, must be str
font: an ImageFont object
cell_pad: padding for cell, (top_bottom, left_right)
margin: margin for table, css-like shorthand
align: None or list, 'l'/'c'/'r' for left/center/right, length must be the max count of columns
colors: dict, as follows
stock: bool, set red/green font color for cells start with +/-
_color = {
'bg': 'white',
'cell_bg': 'white',
'header_bg': 'gray',
'font': 'black',
'rowline': 'black',
'colline': 'black',
'red': 'red',
'green': 'green',
_margin = position_tuple(*margin)
table = table.copy()
if header:
table.insert(0, header)
row_max_hei = [0] * len(table)
col_max_wid = [0] * len(max(table, key=len))
for i in range(len(table)):
for j in range(len(table[i])):
col_max_wid[j] = max(font.getsize(table[i][j])[0], col_max_wid[j])
row_max_hei[i] = max(font.getsize(table[i][j])[1], row_max_hei[i])
tab_width = sum(col_max_wid) + len(col_max_wid) * 2 * cell_pad[0]
tab_heigh = sum(row_max_hei) + len(row_max_hei) * 2 * cell_pad[1]
tab ='RGBA', (tab_width + _margin.left + _margin.right, tab_heigh + + _margin.bottom), _color['bg'])
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(tab)
draw.rectangle([(_margin.left,, (_margin.left + tab_width, + tab_heigh)],
fill=_color['cell_bg'], width=0)
if header:
draw.rectangle([(_margin.left,, (_margin.left + tab_width, + row_max_hei[0] + cell_pad[1] * 2)],
fill=_color['header_bg'], width=0)
top =
for row_h in row_max_hei:
draw.line([(_margin.left, top), (tab_width + _margin.left, top)], fill=_color['rowline'])
top += row_h + cell_pad[1] * 2
draw.line([(_margin.left, top), (tab_width + _margin.left, top)], fill=_color['rowline'])
left = _margin.left
for col_w in col_max_wid:
draw.line([(left,, (left, tab_heigh], fill=_color['colline'])
left += col_w + cell_pad[0] * 2
draw.line([(left,, (left, tab_heigh +], fill=_color['colline'])
top, left = + cell_pad[1], 0
for i in range(len(table)):
left = _margin.left + cell_pad[0]
for j in range(len(table[i])):
color = _color['font']
if stock:
if table[i][j].startswith('+'):
color = _color['red']
elif table[i][j].startswith('-'):
color = _color['green']
_left = left
if (align and align[j] == 'c') or (header and i == 0):
_left += (col_max_wid[j] - font.getsize(table[i][j])[0]) // 2
elif align and align[j] == 'r':
_left += col_max_wid[j] - font.getsize(table[i][j])[0]
draw.text((_left, top), table[i][j], font=font, fill=color)
left += col_max_wid[j] + cell_pad[0] * 2
top += row_max_hei[i] + cell_pad[1] * 2
return tab
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I express my gratitude, I used it in my project!

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esc5221 commented Nov 2, 2023

this works very well

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adjusted to using getbbox instead of getsize because of the deprecation. thank you so much!

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xiaopc commented Apr 29, 2024


def font_getsize(self, text):
    left, top, right, bottom = self.getbbox(text)
    return right - left, bottom - top

ImageFont.FreeTypeFont.getsize = font_getsize

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