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Forked from abobija/
Created March 7, 2023 15:03
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ESP-IDF on WSL2 - Build, Flash and Monitor

ESP-IDF on WSL2 - Build, Flash and Monitor ⚡


How to setup ESP-IDF on WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 - Config, Build and Flash


WSL2 still does not support USB devices, but with a little effort we can make possible to flash and monitor ESP device from WSL2.

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Debian distributions.

For flashing and monitoring over the serial COM port, I've wrote this compact idfx shell script.

As a prerequisite for using idfx, Python 🐍 needs to be installed on the Windows.

More about idfx you can find in official repository.

Ok, that was short intro, now you can open WSL and start to execute next commands.

Commands 📜

Installation 🚀

  • Update Linux
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

  • Install tools required for esp-idf
    sudo apt install -y git wget curl flex bison gperf python3 python3-pip python3-venv cmake ninja-build ccache libffi-dev libssl-dev dfu-util libusb-1.0-0

  • Make python3 as default python
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1

  • Make pip3 as default pip
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/pip pip /usr/bin/pip3 1

  • Make esp directory and go inside
    cd ~ && mkdir esp && cd esp

  • Clone esp-idf repository
    git clone --recursive

  • Modify esp-idf installation script to work with WSL
    cd esp-idf && ! grep -q "dirname --"; [ $? -eq 0 ] && sed -i 's/dirname/dirname --/g'

  • Run esp-idf installation script
    . ./ || true

  • Add esp-idf export script to the user profile script in order to make isp-idf tools visible on the PATH for every session
    echo -e '\n\n. $HOME/esp/esp-idf/ > /dev/null 2>&1 || true' >> ~/.profile

  • Install idfx ( ? )
    curl --create-dirs -L -o $HOME/bin/idfx && chmod u+x $HOME/bin/idfx

  • Source profile script to add all necessary tools to the PATH
    . ~/.profile || true

Create (a copy of hello_world) project 📄

  • Make a copy of hello_world example project in home directory
    cd ~ && cp -r $IDF_PATH/examples/get-started/hello_world .

Build, flash and monitor ⚡

  • Go inside of project
    cd hello_world

  • Set target set-target esp32

  • Configure menuconfig

  • Build build

  • Flash
    (open Device Manager on Windows to find COM port of your ESP, mine is COM2)
    idfx flash COM2

  • Monitor
    (change COM2 with your port)
    idfx monitor COM2
    (To exit monitor press CTRL+] or CTRL+T,X)

Flash and monitor with single command:
idfx flash COM2 monitor

That's it.
Happy coding and flashing! ⚡

idfx preview


abobija -

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