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Last active October 22, 2020 03:31
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Chrome console formatters for Kotlin maps, sets, and lists
package baaahs.util
import kotlin.browser.window
object ConsoleFormatters {
fun install() {
window.asDynamic().devtoolsFormatters = arrayOf(
map, set, list
val map = object : Formatter {
override fun header(x: Any): dynamic {
return if (x is Map<*, *>) {
return jsonMl(
"Map with ${x.size} entries; keys: ",
} else null
override fun hasBody(x: Any): Boolean = x is Map<*, *> && x.size > 0
override fun body(x: Any): dynamic {
x as Map<*, *>
return jsonMl(
jsonMl("td", bold, "Key"),
jsonMl("td", bold, "Value"),
* { (k, v) ->
jsonMl("td", noAttrs, k.asMl()),
jsonMl("td", noAttrs, v.asMl()),
val set = object : Formatter {
override fun header(x: Any): dynamic {
return if (x is Set<*>) {
jsonMl("span", noAttrs, "Set with ${x.size} items:", *x.toList().maxOf(3))
} else null
override fun hasBody(x: Any): Boolean = x is Set<*> && x.size > 0
override fun body(x: Any): dynamic {
x as Set<*>
return jsonMl(
* {
jsonMl("tr", noAttrs, jsonMl("td", noAttrs, it.asMl()))
val list = object : Formatter {
override fun header(x: Any): dynamic {
return if (x is List<*>) {
jsonMl("span", noAttrs, "List with ${x.size} items:", *x.maxOf(3))
} else null
override fun hasBody(x: Any): Boolean = x is List<*> && x.size > 0
override fun body(x: Any): dynamic {
x as List<*>
return jsonMl(
* {
jsonMl("tr", noAttrs, jsonMl("td", noAttrs, it.asMl()))
interface Formatter {
// Returns or null.
fun header(x: Any): dynamic
fun hasBody(x: Any): Boolean
// Returns or null.
fun body(x: Any): dynamic
private val bold = mapOf("style" to "font-weight: bold")
private fun <T> List<T>.maxOf(size: Int): Array<dynamic> {
return when {
this.isEmpty() -> return emptyArray()
this.size > size -> {
subList(0, size)
.flatMap { listOf(it.asMl(), ", ") }
.toTypedArray() + "..."
else -> {
val items = flatMap { listOf(it.asMl(), ", ") }.toMutableList()
items.removeAt(items.size - 1)
private fun jsonMl(
tag: String,
attrs: Map<String, String> = noAttrs,
vararg children: dynamic
): Array<dynamic> {
return arrayOf(tag, attrs(attrs), *children)
private fun attrs(attrs: Map<String, Any?>): dynamic {
val attrsObj = js("{}")
attrs.forEach { (k, v) -> attrsObj[k] = v }
return attrsObj
private fun Any?.asMl(): dynamic {
return if (this is String || this is Number) {
} else if (this == null || this == undefined) {
return this
} else {
arrayOf("object", attrs(mapOf("object" to this)))
private val noAttrs = emptyMap<String, String>()
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xian commented Oct 20, 2020

Call ConsoleFormatters.install() somewhere early in your Kotlin JS code.

You need to check "Enable Custom Formatters" in the Dev Tools settings.

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