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Last active September 25, 2023 16:09
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def create_vertices rect
x = rect.x; y = rect.y
w = rect.w; h = rect.h
cx = x + w * 0.5; cy = y + h * 0.5
sin = Math.sin (rect.angle || 0.0).to_radians; cos = Math.cos (rect.angle || 0.0).to_radians
[(x - cx) * cos - (y + h - cy) * sin + cx, (x - cx) * sin + (y + h - cy) * cos + cy], # Top Left
[(x + w - cx) * cos - (y + h - cy) * sin + cx, (x + w - cx) * sin + (y + h - cy) * cos + cy], # Top Right
[(x + w - cx) * cos - (y - cy) * sin + cx, (x + w - cx) * sin + (y - cy) * cos + cy], # Bottom Right
[(x - cx) * cos - (y - cy) * sin + cx, (x - cx) * sin + (y - cy) * cos + cy] # Bottom Left
def find_collision_obb_obb a, b
a = create_vertices a
b = create_vertices b
k = 0
while k < 2
a_len = a.length
b_len = b.length
i = 0
while i < a_len
min_p = Float::INFINITY
v1x, v1y = a[(i+1)%a_len]
v0x, v0y = a[i]
nx = v0y - v1y
ny = v1x - v0x
j = 0
while j < b_len
v1x, v1y = b[j]
p = (v1x-v0x)*nx + (v1y-v0y)*ny
min_p = p if p < min_p
j += 1
return false if min_p >= 0
i += 1
t = a
a = b
b = t
k += 1
def tick args
args.state.rect_a ||= { x: 100, y: 300, w: 200, h: 50, angle: 45, path: 'sprites/square/green.png' }
args.state.rect_b ||= { x: 400, y: 250, w: 100, h: 300, angle: 0, path: 'sprites/square/blue.png' }
args.state.rect_a.y += args.inputs.up_down
args.state.rect_a.x += args.inputs.left_right
args.state.rect_a.angle += 1 if args.inputs.keyboard.q
args.state.rect_a.angle -= 1 if args.inputs.keyboard.e
if find_collision_obb_obb args.state.rect_a, args.state.rect_b
args.state.rect_a.path = 'sprites/square/red.png'
args.state.rect_a.path = 'sprites/square/green.png'
args.outputs.sprites << args.state.rect_b
args.outputs.sprites << args.state.rect_a
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