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Last active March 4, 2020 10:53
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Example axios client for devise_token_auth
This is an example of how to set up an axios instance to work with devise_token_auth gem.
import axios from 'axios';
// Add the token headers to every request
const addTokenHeaders = (request) => {
let tokenAuth = localStorage.tokenAuth;
if(tokenAuth) {
request.headers = {...request.headers, ...JSON.parse(tokenAuth)}
return request;
// Extract the new token headers after every request
const extractTokenHeaders = (response) => {
let {headers} = response
if(headers && headers['access-token']){
let tokenAuth = {
"access-token": headers["access-token"],
"token-type": headers['token-type'],
"client": headers['client'],
"expiry": headers["expiry"],
"uid": headers['uid']
localStorage.setItem('tokenAuth', JSON.stringify(tokenAuth));
return response;
// if your API is under APP_DOMAIN/api/vi
const axiosClient = axios.create({baseURL: '/api/v1/'});
export default axiosClient;
Example of how you could use the client in other parts of you app.
import axiosClient from "../../lib/axiosClient";
// Sign in a new user, the token will be captured on the axiosClient and available to future requests
// Notice: This assumes you mounted the devise_token_auth engine under your api and kept the default routes'auth/sign_in', {nickname: 'some_valid_name', password: 'some_valid_pass' } )
.then(response => {
console.log("Login response:", response)
console.log("User data:",
.catch(error => console.log("Sign in Error", error))
// Validate the token and assert the user is logged in
console.log("Token validation response", response)
console.log("User data:",
.catch(error => console.log('Token validation error', error))
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