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Last active June 8, 2017 11:51
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L.D3SvgOverlay: Leaflet + D3, simple example

Simple example for Leaflet plugin Leaflet.D3SvgOverlay

Swiss cities (red) and towns (blue) on the map. Circle size shows population magnitude difference.

Plugin github: Leaflet.D3SvgOverlay

Data can be extracted from osm2pgsql imported database for Switzerland using:

  (SELECT place,name,population,ST_X(way) lng, ST_Y(way) lat
   FROM planet_osm_point WHERE place IN ('city','town'))
TO '/tmp/swiss-cities.csv' CSV HEADER

Dataset: © OpenStreetMap contributors

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>L.D3SvgOverlay: Leaflet + D3, simple example</title>
<style type="text/css">
html { height: 100% }
body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }
#map-canvas { height: 100% }
<link href=''
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
<div id="map-canvas"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="L.D3SvgOverlay.min.js"></script>
var map ="map-canvas",{center:[46.81509864599243, 8.3221435546875],zoom:8});
var Esri_WorldTopoMap = L.tileLayer('{z}/{y}/{x}', {
attribution: 'Tiles &copy; Esri &mdash; Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, iPC, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community'
var cities = [];
var citiesOverlay = L.d3SvgOverlay(function(sel,proj){
var minLogPop = Math.log2(d3.min(cities,function(d){return d.population;}));
var citiesUpd = sel.selectAll('circle').data(cities);
.attr('r',function(d){return Math.log2(d.population) - minLogPop + 2;})
.attr('cx',function(d){return proj.latLngToLayerPoint(d.latLng).x;})
.attr('cy',function(d){return proj.latLngToLayerPoint(d.latLng).y;})
.attr('fill',function(d){return ( == 'city') ? "red" : "blue";});
cities ={
d.latLng = [,+d.lng];
d.population = (d.population == '') ? 2000 : +d.population; //NAs
return d;
* Copyright 2015 Teralytics AG
* @author Kirill Zhuravlev <>
if(typeof d3=="undefined"){throw"D3 SVG Overlay for Leaflet requires D3 library loaded first"}if(typeof L=="undefined"){throw"D3 SVG Overlay for Leaflet requires Leaflet library loaded first"}if(L.version>="1.0"){"head").append("style").attr("type","text/css").text("g.d3-overlay *{pointer-events:visiblePainted;}")}L.D3SvgOverlay=(L.version<"1.0"?L.Class:L.Layer).extend({includes:L.version<"1.0"?L.Mixin.Events:[],_undef:function(a){return typeof a=="undefined"},_options:function(options){if(this._undef(options)){return this.options}options.zoomHide=this._undef(options.zoomHide)?false:options.zoomHide;options.zoomDraw=this._undef(options.zoomDraw)?true:options.zoomDraw;return this.options=options},_disableLeafletRounding:function(){this._leaflet_round=L.Point.prototype._round;L.Point.prototype._round=function(){return this}},_enableLeafletRounding:function(){L.Point.prototype._round=this._leaflet_round},draw:function(){this._disableLeafletRounding();this._drawCallback(this.selection,this.projection,;this._enableLeafletRounding()},initialize:function(drawCallback,options){this._options(options||{});this._drawCallback=drawCallback},_zoomChange:function(evt){this._disableLeafletRounding();var newZoom=this._undef(evt.zoom)?;this._zoomDiff=newZoom-this._zoom;this._scale=Math.pow(2,this._zoomDiff);this.projection.scale=this._scale;;var shift=["translate(",this._shift.x,",",this._shift.y,") "];var scale=["scale(",this._scale,",",this._scale,") "];this._rootGroup.attr("transform",shift.concat(scale).join(""));if(this.options.zoomDraw){this.draw()}this._enableLeafletRounding()},onAdd:function(map){;var _layer=this;if(L.version<"1.0"){map._initPathRoot();"svg");this._rootGroup=this._svg.append("g")}else{this._svg=L.svg();map.addLayer(this._svg);"d3-overlay",true)}this._rootGroup.classed("leaflet-zoom-hide",this.options.zoomHide);this.selection=this._rootGroup;this._pixelOrigin=map.getPixelOrigin();this._wgsOrigin=L.latLng([0,0]);;;this._shift=L.point(0,0);this._scale=1;this.projection={latLngToLayerPoint:function(latLng,zoom){zoom=_layer._undef(zoom)?_layer._zoom:zoom;var,zoom)._round();return projectedPoint._subtract(_layer._pixelOrigin)},layerPointToLatLng:function(point,zoom){zoom=_layer._undef(zoom)?_layer._zoom:zoom;var projectedPoint=L.point(point).add(_layer._pixelOrigin);return,zoom)},unitsPerMeter:256*Math.pow(2,_layer._zoom)/40075017,,layer:_layer,scale:1};this.projection.latLngToLayerFloatPoint=this.projection.latLngToLayerPoint;;;this.selection=this._rootGroup;if(L.version<"1.0")map.on("viewreset",this._zoomChange,this);this.draw()},getEvents:function(){return{zoomend:this._zoomChange}},onRemove:function(map){if(L.version<"1.0"){"viewreset",this._zoomChange,this);this._rootGroup.remove()}else{this._svg.remove()}},addTo:function(map){map.addLayer(this);return this}});L.D3SvgOverlay.version="2.1";L.d3SvgOverlay=function(drawCallback,options){return new L.D3SvgOverlay(drawCallback,options)};
place name population lng lat
town Meyrin 22431 6.0817791 46.2328413
town Vernier 34835 6.0832507 46.2143981
town Onex 18074 6.1001121 46.1836887
town Plan-les-Ouates 10325 6.117887 46.1683113
town Lancy 29550 6.1224047 46.1839156
town Le Grand-Saconnex 12048 6.126532 46.2363321
town Carouge 20944 6.1396839 46.1846691
city Genève 195177 6.1466014 46.2017559
town Versoix 13190 6.168958 46.2767572
town Veyrier 10852 6.1803922 46.1685738
town Chêne-Bougeries 10642 6.1854072 46.1963639
town Thônex 13843 6.19807 46.1884469
town Nyon 19016 6.2403073 46.3820535
town Gland 6.2675845 46.4212913
town Morges 6.498317 46.5093268
town Ecublens 10227 6.5620735 46.5261672
town Renens 18406 6.593655 46.535299
town Prilly 10955 6.6113784 46.5374332
city Lausanne 132626 6.6327025 46.5218269
town Yverdon-les-Bains 28377 6.6409158 46.7785711
town Pully 16034 6.6640273 46.5087682
town Le Locle 10529 6.745454 47.0555907
town La Chaux-de-Fonds 37016 6.838226 47.111833
town Vevey 18854 6.8424643 46.4630554
town La Tour-de-Peilz 10974 6.8599382 46.4548415
town Montreux 25440 6.9129921 46.4310831
town Neuchâtel 33641 6.9292641 46.9895828
town Monthey 13933 6.9537826 46.2554573
town Bulle 20824 7.0593812 46.6146237
town Martigny 14361 7.0727354 46.103115
town Villars-sur-Glâne 12057 7.1252018 46.7932418
town Fribourg 36633 7.1512891 46.8030044
town Biel/Bienne 52351 7.2585667 47.1420451
town Lyss 14080 7.305262 47.0721368
town Delémont 11809 7.354039 47.3619609
town Sion 32797 7.3588795 46.2311749
town Grenchen 16401 7.3965792 47.1968713
town Köniz 37782 7.4130582 46.9222385
city Bern 127515 7.4514512 46.9482713
town Ittigen 10991 7.4815213 46.9790726
town Muri bei Bern 12571 7.4870909 46.9290477
town Ostermundigen 16185 7.4911242 46.9582779
town Bolligen 7.4983298 46.9755611
town Sierre 16332 7.5323195 46.2922522
town Solothurn 16599 7.5384045 47.2081355
town Allschwil 18131 7.541198 47.548185
town Oberwil 10775 7.548069 47.513088
town Münsingen 10937 7.5631943 46.8739775
town Binningen 14905 7.570077 47.53656
city Basel 173960 7.5878261 47.5581077
town Reinach 18839 7.5910891 47.4935369
town Münchenstein 11702 7.6210463 47.5185286
town Burgdorf 14714 7.6231592 47.058688
town Thun 42735 7.628086 46.7582827
town Birsfelden 10277 7.6304739 47.5542152
town Riehen 20970 7.6346404 47.5750216
town Steffisburg 14349 7.6354195 46.7774738
town Muttenz 16654 7.6477401 47.525113
town Spiez 12027 7.6774655 46.6919473
town Pratteln 14904 7.6944741 47.5192013
town Herzogenbuchsee 5338 7.7057052 47.1881314
town Liestal 13708 7.7347783 47.4839723
town Sumiswald 5307 7.7449828 47.0285646
town Langenthal 14078 7.7888427 47.2115846
town Rheinfelden 10673 7.7922905 47.5543859
town Visp 7281 7.8811918 46.2913113
town Olten 17280 7.9053185 47.3507365
town Oftringen 10305 7.92099 47.3126595
town Zofingen 9432 7.9458259 47.288491
town Bad Säckingen 16706 7.9495387 47.5525538
town Brig 12823 7.9879473 46.3163457
town Aarau 20130 8.0444448 47.3927146
town Laufenburg 2096 8.0601696 47.5604617
town Lenzburg 8.1828505 47.3872367
town Brugg 9143 8.2085662 47.4824633
town Sarnen 9959 8.2461492 46.8956729
town Mellingen 4239 8.274659 47.4195131
town Wohlen 14259 8.2786906 47.3504945
town Kriens 25932 8.2791767 47.0350948
town Emmen 28926 8.2839456 47.0752429
town Luzern 79478 8.3054682 47.0505452
town Baden 18523 8.3086822 47.4736827
town Horw 12648 8.3107797 47.0185008
town Wettingen 17870 8.3220846 47.4678661
town Bremgarten 5338 8.3376446 47.3539569
town Ebikon 11322 8.338521 47.0812067
town Stans 8112 8.3661026 46.9570611
town Dietikon 23578 8.4020894 47.4068827
town Rotkreuz 10000 8.4308106 47.1407748
town Küssnacht 10704 8.4386308 47.08385
town Schlieren 13356 8.4444861 47.3965147
town Affoltern am Albis 11063 8.4521518 47.2782467
town Cham 14600 8.4619478 47.1831744
town Regensdorf 15500 8.4686942 47.4316696
town Zug 27537 8.5194365 47.1715809
town Arth 10794 8.5238673 47.0644551
town Adliswil 15822 8.5251438 47.3115332
town Baar 21586 8.5255644 47.1948417
town Oberarth 8.5371458 47.0542976
city Zürich 402275 8.5404434 47.3685586
town Bülach 17478 8.5417838 47.5201795
town Goldau 5437 8.5507758 47.051219
town Thalwil 15805 8.5632796 47.2946577
town Glattbrugg 8.5647892 47.4326312
town Opfikon 15582 8.5779983 47.4322671
town Küsnacht 12484 8.5808208 47.3179942
town Kloten 17190 8.5878284 47.4574142
town Wallisellen 11939 8.5919985 47.4166195
town Zollikon 11662 8.5949727 47.3408663
town Horgen 18935 8.5976831 47.260692
town Dübendorf 22216 8.6183023 47.3968244
town Neuhausen am Rheinfall 10220 8.6197347 47.6811644
town Brüttisellen 8.6307734 47.4242579
town Schaffhausen 35413 8.634513 47.6960491
town Meilen 12539 8.6425901 47.2694197
town Schwyz 14663 8.6535598 47.0211848
town Wädenswil 20828 8.6701981 47.2278836
town Effretikon 8.6869714 47.4283137
town Volketswil 14070 8.6908127 47.3893142
town Richterswil 12534 8.7017051 47.2091079
town Uster 32285 8.7179221 47.3512065
town Illnau 8.7255432 47.4088363
city Winterthur 104468 8.7291495 47.4991692
town Stäfa 11567 8.7348747 47.2413349
town Einsiedeln 12622 8.7500299 47.1286095
town Pfäffikon 7042 8.7826669 47.2022565
town Locarno 15671 8.7954217 46.1695112
town Wetzikon 18129 8.7998807 47.3225107
town Rapperswil 26354 8.8245459 47.2269198
town Jona 26177 8.837658 47.2299661
town Rüti 10804 8.8527389 47.2580331
town Frauenfeld 24119 8.8963993 47.556228
town Gravesano 8.9160782 46.0416675
town Lugano 58658 8.9520281 46.0050102
town Mendrisio 12129 8.9873461 45.8709902
town Bellinzona 17962 9.0204562 46.1918617
town Wil 16392 9.0423202 47.4654409
town Glarus 12312 9.0674041 47.0422116
town Wattwil 8265 9.0871047 47.300445
town Weinfelden 10066 9.1097539 47.5669187
town Uzwil 4465 9.1333201 47.4370506
town Kreuzlingen 20520 9.1725561 47.6464245
town Münsterlingen 2599 9.2329998 47.631287
town Gossau 17827 9.249359 47.4155906
town Herisau 15222 9.2787571 47.38555
town Amriswil 11357 9.2981219 47.5500227
town Engelburg 9.3424302 47.4444491
town St. Gallen 74111 9.3765878 47.4250593
town Romanshorn 9076 9.3776036 47.5654452
town Appenzell 5751 9.4097975 47.3295714
town Arbon 12906 9.4304026 47.5149257
town Buchs 10399 9.4764086 47.1627634
town Chur 34087 9.5254066 46.855515
town Altstätten 8324 9.5412765 47.3783471
town Davos 11156 9.8237266 46.7961744
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