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Created September 28, 2011 12:18
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Python Scripting for Williams Bio319
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# cc attribution-sharealike // max [@]
import re
from bio import fastad, fastac, rc
# set up a standard code table (as a Python dictionary)
# takes in a nucleotide string and returns the amino acid string
stdcode = {}
stdcode["TTT"] = stdcode["TTC"] = "F"
stdcode["TTA"] = stdcode["TTG"] = "L"
stdcode["TCT"] = stdcode["TCC"] = stdcode["TCA"] = stdcode["TCG"] = "S"
stdcode["TAT"] = stdcode["TAC"] = "Y"
stdcode["TAA"] = stdcode["TAG"] = "*" #stop codon
stdcode["TGT"] = stdcode["TGC"] = "C"
stdcode["TGA"] = "*" #stop codon
stdcode["TGG"] = "W"
stdcode["CTT"] = stdcode["CTC"] = stdcode["CTA"] = stdcode["CTG"] = "L"
stdcode["CCT"] = stdcode["CCC"] = stdcode["CCA"] = stdcode["CCG"] = "P"
stdcode["CAT"] = stdcode["CAC"] = "H"
stdcode["CAA"] = stdcode["CAG"] = "Q"
stdcode["CGT"] = stdcode["CGC"] = stdcode["CGA"] = stdcode["CGG"] = "R"
stdcode["ATT"] = stdcode["ATC"] = stdcode["ATA"] = "I"
stdcode["ATG"] = "M"
stdcode["ACT"] = stdcode["ACC"] = stdcode["ACA"] = stdcode["ACG"] = "T"
stdcode["AAT"] = stdcode["AAC"] = "N"
stdcode["AAA"] = stdcode["AAG"] = "K"
stdcode["AGT"] = stdcode["AGC"] = "S"
stdcode["AGA"] = stdcode["AGG"] = "R"
stdcode["GTT"] = stdcode["GTC"] = stdcode["GTA"] = stdcode["GTG"] = "V"
stdcode["GCT"] = stdcode["GCC"] = stdcode["GCA"] = stdcode["GCG"] = "A"
stdcode["GAT"] = stdcode["GAC"] = "D"
stdcode["GAA"] = stdcode["GAG"] = "E"
stdcode["GGT"] = stdcode["GGC"] = stdcode["GGA"] = stdcode["GGG"] = "G"
def translate(nt_list, frame = 0, code = stdcode):
results = []
# loop through nt lists and store its amino acid
for nt in nt_list:
# pos starts at i+frameoffset defined by user and will increase as we go through each nt
pos = 0+frame
# indent nicely (currently: none)
aa = ' '*pos
# get the next three letters from the nt
codon = nt[pos:pos+3]
# as long as we have a complete codon, when offset - the last will cut off 1-2 bases short
while len(codon) == 3:
# handled by mapping?
cdn = code[codon]
if cdn:
# yes: include aa code
aa += cdn + " "
# no: include an *
aa = aa + "*"
# march along, 3nt
pos += 3
codon = nt[pos:pos+3]
# append the translation to the results
return results
def render(nt, frame):
# if frame is >= 3, perhaps that means to work on reverse complement
rvs = "Nah"
if frame >= 3:
rvs = "Yup"
nt = rc(nt)
frame = frame - 3
print("\n Reading frame {}, Reversed: ".format(frame)+rvs+"\n\n")
aa = translate(nt, frame)
for i in range(len(nt)):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# argv a list of words in command; eg. argv[0] is usually 'translate'
from sys import stdin, argv
nt = fastad(stdin.readlines())
if len(argv) == 1:
# if no arguments were passed in
# do all possible frames/reverses
for frame in range(0,6):
render(nt, frame)
# if frame argument was passed in
render(nt, int(argv[1]))
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