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Last active August 11, 2024 20:47
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Nearest Neighbor, K Nearest Neighbor and K Means (NN, KNN, KMeans) implemented only using PyTorch
import torch as th
Author: Josue N Rivera (
Date: 7/3/2021
Description: Snippet of various clustering implementations only using PyTorch
Full project repository: (A graph deep learning framework that works alongside PyTorch)
def random_sample(tensor, k):
return tensor[th.randperm(len(tensor))[:k]]
def distance_matrix(x, y=None, p = 2): #pairwise distance of vectors
y = x if type(y) == type(None) else y
n = x.size(0)
m = y.size(0)
d = x.size(1)
x = x.unsqueeze(1).expand(n, m, d)
y = y.unsqueeze(0).expand(n, m, d)
dist = th.linalg.vector_norm(x - y, p, 2) if th.__version__ >= '1.7.0' else th.pow(x - y, p).sum(2)**(1/p)
return dist
class NN():
def __init__(self, X = None, Y = None, p = 2):
self.p = p
self.train(X, Y)
def train(self, X, Y):
self.train_pts = X
self.train_label = Y
def __call__(self, x):
return self.predict(x)
def predict(self, x):
if type(self.train_pts) == type(None) or type(self.train_label) == type(None):
name = self.__class__.__name__
raise RuntimeError(f"{name} wasn't trained. Need to execute {name}.train() first")
dist = distance_matrix(x, self.train_pts, self.p)
labels = th.argmin(dist, dim=1)
return self.train_label[labels]
class KNN(NN):
def __init__(self, X = None, Y = None, k = 3, p = 2):
self.k = k
super().__init__(X, Y, p)
def train(self, X, Y):
super().train(X, Y)
if type(Y) != type(None):
self.unique_labels = self.train_label.unique()
def predict(self, x):
if type(self.train_pts) == type(None) or type(self.train_label) == type(None):
name = self.__class__.__name__
raise RuntimeError(f"{name} wasn't trained. Need to execute {name}.train() first")
dist = distance_matrix(x, self.train_pts, self.p)
knn = dist.topk(self.k, largest=False)
votes = self.train_label[knn.indices]
winner = th.zeros(votes.size(0), dtype=votes.dtype, device=votes.device)
count = th.zeros(votes.size(0), dtype=votes.dtype, device=votes.device) - 1
for lab in self.unique_labels:
vote_count = (votes == lab).sum(1)
who = vote_count >= count
winner[who] = lab
count[who] = vote_count[who]
return winner
class KMeans(NN):
def __init__(self, X = None, k=2, n_iters = 10, p = 2):
self.k = k
self.n_iters = n_iters
self.p = p
if type(X) != type(None):
def train(self, X):
self.train_pts = random_sample(X, self.k)
self.train_label = th.LongTensor(range(self.k))
for _ in range(self.n_iters):
labels = self.predict(X)
for lab in range(self.k):
select = labels == lab
self.train_pts[lab] = th.mean(X[select], dim=0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = th.Tensor([
[1, 1],
[0.88, 0.90],
[-1, -1],
[-1, -0.88]
b = th.LongTensor([3, 3, 5, 5])
c = th.Tensor([
[-0.5, -0.5],
[0.88, 0.88]
knn = KNN(a, b)
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Such a useful code.
I hope you continue to produce useful programming content.

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wzjoriv commented Aug 27, 2022

Thanks. Will do once I have more time haha.

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wzjoriv commented Dec 25, 2022

I want to highlight that these methods have a bottleneck. As the number of nodes increase, the distance matrices gets more expensive to compute sharply. I would suggest grouping the points into sections (say groups of k nodes), then, when new points need to be labeled, one can just compute the matrix for and compare against those within its section and surrounding ones.

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davips commented May 1, 2024

Great code!
Indeed the distance matrix calculation could be replaced by a kd-tree or be done on demand. Does anyone know of a torch implementation of the "all NN" algorithm? It returns the same as the 'topk' function above, as if it was called to return k neighbors for every point. The main difference is to limit the distances memory and calculation only to the minimum needed to find the neighbors directly from the coordinates.

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