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mingling with retro stuff, yearning for the VT52, still looking at the fnords

Alice Wyan wyan

mingling with retro stuff, yearning for the VT52, still looking at the fnords
  • CIFP Camino de la Miranda
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wyan / ci.yaml
Created May 15, 2024 23:25 — forked from notthebee/ci.yaml
GitHub Actions Website Deployment Template
name: CI
run-name: Zola blog deployment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: deploy
wyan / VMware vSphere 6.x Licence Keys
Created April 28, 2024 21:29 — forked from CHSuworatrai/VMware vSphere 6.x Licence Keys
VMware vSphere 6 and 7 Licence Keys
VMware vSphere 6 Enterprise Plus
VMware vSphere with Operations Management 6 Enterprise
wyan / OpenVMS simh
Created April 15, 2024 08:59 — forked from DanielNechtan/OpenVMS simh
OpenVMS simh 2

Welcome to the second part of Getting Started with OpenVMS and SIMH. This article assumes that you have already followed part 1 or have at least installed OpenVMS VAX 7.3 on a system, with dua0 containing the OS, dua1 containing user-directories, and TCP/IP services are functional. If in doubt, have a quick read over what we did in the first part. For this part, we will install and use UNZIP, wget, Compaq C and the WASD HTTP server.

Although I'd /love/ to throw you in at the deep-end, I think the transition to OpenVMS will be easier if we introduce a couple of utilities you may be familiar with and break you in gently. This is a bit of a 'ghetto' guide to OpenVMS 7.3, and is primarily for users learning through SIMH - so, we will use the easiest methods of retrieving and installing what we need (despite them not being the most traditional methods).


These two utilities, in my opini

wyan / OpenVMS simh
Created April 15, 2024 08:58 — forked from fisher/OpenVMS simh
OpenVMS simh 1

OpenVMS is an operating system originally developed by DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), a company acquired by Compaq which was then acquired by HP for the VAX platform.

Although development started in the mid-1970s into the 1980s, OpenVMS is still very much alive with up-to version 7.3 available for VAX, and continued development in 8.x for DEC Alpha and now Intel Itanium architectures. Even Oracle, who acquired DEC's Rdb RDBMS have stated that they will continue to support and develop Rdb, creating a lesser gap between it and Oracle Database system

wyan / wofi-emoji-paster
Created March 6, 2024 17:23 — forked from Sebas-h/wofi-emoji-paster
Sway emoji picker - Extended to insert emoji immediately after choosing it, similar behavior as macOS
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Forked from:
# which presents a wofi menu to choose an emoji and put it into the clipboard
# This script:
# - Stores the clipboard's current top item before overwriting it with the emoji
# - Emulates `ctrl+v` to paste the emoji
wyan /
Created April 16, 2022 14:47 — forked from akihikodaki/
Linux Desktop on Apple Silicon/M1 in Practice

Linux Desktop on Apple Silicon/M1 in Practice

I bought M1 MacBook Air. It is the fastest computer I have, and I have been a GNOME/GNU/Linux user for long time. It is obvious conclusion that I need practical Linux desktop environment on Apple Silicon/M1.

Fortunately, Linux already works on Apple Silicon/M1. But how practical is it?

  • Two native ports exist.
wyan /
Created April 15, 2022 20:00 — forked from fnky/
ANSI Escape Codes

ANSI Escape Sequences

Standard escape codes are prefixed with Escape:

  • Ctrl-Key: ^[
  • Octal: \033
  • Unicode: \u001b
  • Hexadecimal: \x1B
  • Decimal: 27
wyan /
Created December 25, 2019 21:59 — forked from pichenettes/
Mapping an uint16_t to a value between 32 and 32768 with an exponential scale; with only 64 bytes of constant data
import numpy
import pylab
# coeff = numpy.exp(numpy.arange(65536) * numpy.log(1000) / 65536.0) * 32.768
# coarse_table = numpy.round(coeff[::4096])
# fine_table = numpy.round(coeff[:4096+256:256] / 32.768 * 32768)
coarse_table = [ 33, 50, 78, 120, 184, 284, 437, 673, 1036, 1596, 2457, 3784, 5827, 8973, 13818, 21279 ]
fine_table = [ 32768, 33664, 34585, 35531, 36503, 37501, 38527, 39580, 40663, 41775, 42918, 44092, 45298, 46536, 47809, 49117, 50460 ]
// dsp-L8 Latin Perc Chip (c) DSP Synthesizers 2015
// Free for non commercial use
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
wyan / dspD8.ino
Created March 28, 2019 14:36 — forked from anonymous/dspD8.ino
The dsp-D8 drum synthesizer
// dsp-D8 Drum Chip (c) DSP Synthesizers 2015
// Free for non commercial use
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>