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Last active September 2, 2024 05:28
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A small bash script to compile wgrib2 from source on Ubuntu OS...
# License for this script is GNU 2
# A small bash script to download, compile and install latest wgrib2 from source.
# I have written this script so that I can automate the proceedure whenever I change Linux OS
# Make it executable before running the script using'chmod +x ./'
# Ensure to run the script with sudo (sudo ./ or under root environment
# Update the repo
apt update
# Install necessary development packages required for compilation
# Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and 19.04
apt install -y build-essential libaec-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libboost-dev curl wget zip unzip bzip2 gfortran gcc g++
# Make a working directory for cimpilation
mkdir -p ~/Downloads/wgrib2
# Move to working directory
cd ~/Downloads/wgrib2
# Download the latest wgrib2 source code
wget -c
# Extract the source to current directory
tar -xzvf wgrib2.tgz
# Move to main grib directory for compilation
cd grib2
# Export the flags which are important for compalation.
# If you are using different compilers then the flag is to be modified accordingly
export CC=gcc
export FC=gfortran
# Compile and make binary
# Check if the wgrib2 binary is made properly. Not necessary but you can see some output for info
wgrib2/wgrib2 -config
# Remove previous install of grib2 directory
rm -rfv /usr/local/grib2/
# Create the removed directory
mkdir -p /usr/local/grib2/
# Copy the wgrib2 binary to bin directory
# so that it can be executed directly from terminal
cp -rfv wgrib2/wgrib2 /usr/local/bin/wgrib2
# Move out of current working directory
cd ~
# Remove the working directoy.
rm -rfv ~/Downloads/wgrib2
# All fininshed. Now type wgrib2 in terminal and enter. You should see the list of all option wgrib2 supports.
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