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some weather utilities functions
#!/usr/bin/env python
Tropical Cyclone Risk Model (TCRM) - Version 1.0 (beta release)
Copyright (C) 2011 Geoscience Australia
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Author: Craig Arthur,
CreationDate: 2006-11-28
Description: Contains functions to perform met calculations
elevToAirPr(elev <, units_ap>) :
vapPrToDewPoint(vp) :
dewPointToVapPr(t_dp <, units_vp>) :
wetbulbgt(t_dp, temp) :
wetBulbToDewPoint(db, wb, elev) :
wetBulbToVapPr(db, wb, elev <, units_vp>) :
satVapPr(temp <, units_vp>) :
vapPrToRH(vp, sat_vp) :
wetBulbToRH(t_db, t_wb, elev) :
dewPointToRH(t_dry, t_dew) :
rHToDewPoint(rh, t_dry) :
vapPrToMixRat(es, prs) :
rHToMixRat(rh, tmp, prs):
coriolis(latitude) :
Returns the coriolis parameter (commonly called 'f') for a given
latitude convert(value, input, output):
Converts 'value' from 'input' units to 'output' units. Contains
conversions for length, speed, pressure and temperature.
Version: $Rev: 528 $
ModifiedBy: Craig Arthur,
ModifiedDate: 2007-09-11
Modification: Added functions for converting atmospheric moisture variables
SeeAlso: (related programs)
$Id: 528 2011-11-23 21:53:18Z carthur $
coriolis(lat) :
Calculates Coriolis parameter (f) from latitude (in degress)
convert(value, input, output) :
Convert value from input units to gPressureUnitsoutput units.
'input' and 'output' are strings, 'value' is a float
import os, sys, pdb, logging
filename = os.environ.get('PYTHONSTARTUP')
if filename and os.path.isfile(filename):
import math
import numpy
from numpy import radians
__version__ = '$Id: 528 2011-11-23 21:53:18Z carthur $'
#Define constants
gPressureUnits = "hPa"
gApproxPressure = 101.325
gEps = 0.622
def elevToAirPr(elev, units_ap=gPressureUnits):
"""elevToAirPr(elev <, units_ap>)
Approximate air pressure in hectopascals (mb)
Input: elevation above sea level (metres)
Output: approx. air pressure in the specified or default units.
Note: Calculation is in kPa with a conversion at the end to the
required units.
ap = gApproxPressure
if elev > 0:
ap = gApproxPressure * numpy.exp(-0.0001184 * elev)
ap = convert(ap, 'kPa', units_ap)
return ap
def vapPrToDewPoint(vp, units_vp=gPressureUnits):
Calculate Dew Point from vapour pressure (in kPa)
vp = convert(vp, units_vp, "kPa")
t_dp = (116.9 + (237.3*numpy.log(vp))) / (16.78 - numpy.log(vp))
return t_dp
def dewPointToVapPr(t_dp, units_vp=gPressureUnits):
"""dewPointToVapPr(t_dp <, units_vp>)
Calculate vapour pressure (in default units (hPa) or specified
units) from dew point temperature
vp = numpy.exp((16.78*t_dp-116.9)/(t_dp+237.3))
vp = convert(vp, 'kPa', units_vp)
return vp
def wetBulbGlobeTemp(t_dp, temp):
"""wetBulbGlobeTemp(t_dp, temp)
Calculate Wet Bulb Globe Temperature from Dew Point Temperature
and Dry Bulb Temperature (same as air temperature).
Returns null if dew point or temp not defined
vp = dewPointToVapPr(t_dp, 'kPa');
wbgt = 0.567*temp + 0.393*vp + 3.94;
return wbgt
def wetBulbToDewPoint(db, wb, elev=0):
"""wetBulbToDewPoint(db, wb, elev)
Calculate Dew Point from dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures
# Calculate vapour pressure
vp = wetBulbToVapPr(db, wb, elev, 'kPa');
# Dew point
t_dp = vapPrToDewPoint(vp, 'kPa')
return t_dp
def wetBulbToVapPr(db, wb, elev, units_vp=gPressureUnits):
"""wetBulbToVapPr(db, wb, elev, units_vp=gPressureUnits )
Calculate vapour pressure from dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures,
and optional elevation.
input: dry bulb and wet bulb temps in degrees centigrade, elevation
in metres (elevation is optional)
output: vapour pressure
if (wb > db):
# Reality check. Wet bulb can't be greater than dry bulb
wb = db
# Get saturation vapour pressure at wet bulb temperature, in kPa.
sat_vp_wb = satVapPr(wb, 'kPa')
# Conversion factor, $cfA
cfA = 0.00066 * (1 + 0.00115 * wb)
# Air pressure
ap = elevToAirPr(elev, 'kPa')
# Vapour pressure (partial pressure of water vapour in kPa)
vp = sat_vp_wb - (cfA*ap*(db - wb))
return vp
def satVapPr(temp, units_vp=gPressureUnits):
"""satVapPr(temp, units_vp=gPressureUnits)
Saturation vapour pressure from temperature in degrees celsius.
Input: temperature (degrees celsius)
Output: saturation vapour pressure in the specified or default units.
Note: Calculation is in kPa with a conversion at the end to the
required units.
vp = numpy.exp(((16.78 * temp) - 116.9) / (temp+237.3))
vp = convert(vp, 'kPa', units_vp)
return vp
def vapPrToRH(vp, sat_vp):
"""vapPrToRH(vp, sat_vp)
Calculate relative humidity from vapour pressure and saturated
vapour pressure
if (sat_vp == 0):
rh = 100
rh = (vp / sat_vp) * 100.
# Any out of bounds value is converted to a boundary value
if rh > 100:
rh = 100
elif rh < 0:
rh = 0
return rh
def wetBulbToRH(t_db, t_wb, elev):
"""wetBulbToRH(t_db, t_wb, elev)
Calculate relative humidity from dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures,
and optional elevation.
input: dry bulb and wet bulb temps in degrees centigrade, elevation
in metres (elevation is optional)
output: relative humidity
# Calculate vapour pressure
vp = wetBulbToVapPr(t_db, t_wb, elev)
# Calculate the saturated vapour pressure at the dry bulb temperature
sat_vp = satVapPr(t_db, 'kPa')
# Calculate the relative humidity
rh = vapPrToRH(vp, sat_vp)
return rh
def dewPointToRH(t_dry, t_dew):
"""dewPointToRH(t_dry, t_dew)
Calculate relative humidity from dry bulb and dew point (in degrees
Calculation take from Dave Williamson's Access code:
Val([sTempDryBulb]) AS Tdry,
Val([sDewPoint]) AS Tdew,
6.11*10^((7.5*[Tdry])/(273.3+[Tdry])) AS VapT,
6.11*10^((7.5*[Tdew])/(273.3+[Tdew])) AS VapTd,
CInt(100*[VapTd]/[VapT]) AS RH
vap_t_dry = 6.11 * (10 ** ((7.5 * t_dry) / (237.3 + t_dry)))
vap_t_dew = 6.11 * (10 ** ((7.5 * t_dew) / (237.3 + t_dew)))
rh = (vap_t_dew / vap_t_dry)*100.
# Any out of bounds value is converted to an undefined value
if (rh > 100 or rh < 0):
rh = None
return rh
def rHToDewPoint(rh, t_dry):
"""rHToDewPoint(rh, t_dry)
Calculate dew point from relative humidity and dry bulb (in degrees
vap_t_dry = satVapPr(t_dry, 'kPa') # 6.11 * (10 ** ((7.5 * t_dry ) / (237.3 + t_dry)))
vap_t_dew = (rh/100.0) * vap_t_dry
if (vap_t_dew > 0):
t_dew = vapPrToDewPoint(vap_t_dew, "kPa")
# Any out of bounds value is converted to an undefined value
if (t_dew > t_dry):
t_dew = None
return t_dew
def vapPrToMixRat(es, prs):
"""vapPrToMixRat(es, prs)
Calculate mixing ratio from vapour pressure
In this function, we (mis)use the symbol es for vapour pressure,
when it correctly represents saturation vapour pressure.
The function can be used for both
rat = gEps*es/(prs-es)
return rat
def mixRatToVapPr(rat, prs):
"""mixRatToVapPr(rat, prs):
Calculate vapour pressure from mixing ratio
es = rat*prs/(gEps+rat)
return es
def vapPrToSpHum(es, prs):
"""vapPrToSpHum(es, prs)
Convert vapour pressure to specific humidity
q = gEps*es/prs
return q
def spHumToMixRat(q, units="gkg"):
Calculate mixing ratio from specific humidity
Assumes the input specific humidity variable is in units
of g/kg.
q = convert(q, units, "kgkg")
rat = gEps*q/(gEps-q)
return rat
def rHToMixRat(rh, tmp, prs, tmp_units="C"):
"""rHToMixRat(rh, tmp, prs):
Calculate mixing ratio from relative humidity, temperature and pressure
es = satVapPr(convert(tmp, tmp_units, "C"))
e = (rh/100.)*es
rat = vapPrToMixRat(e, prs)
return rat
def spHumToRH(q, tmp, prs):
"""spHumToRH(tmp, prs):
Calculate relative humidity from specific humidity, temperature and
es = satVapPr(tmp)
qs = gEps * es / prs
rh = 100.*q/qs
return rh
def coriolis(lat):
"""Calculate the Coriolis factor
Calculate the Coriolis factor (f) for a given latitude (degrees).
If a list is passed, return a list, else return a single value.
omega = 2*math.pi/86400.
f = 2*omega*numpy.sin(radians(lat))
return f
def convert(value, input, output):
Convert value from input units to output units.
startValue = value
if input == output:
# Do nothing:
return value
if input=='kmh':
input = 'kph'
# Speeds:
mps = {"kph":3.6, "kts":1.944, "mph":2.2369}
mph = {"kph":1.60934, "kts":0.86898, "mps":0.44704}
kph = {"kts":0.539957, "mps":0.2777778,"mph":0.621371}
kts = {"kph":1.852, "mps":0.5144, "mph":1.15}
# Temperatures:
C = {"F":1.8, "K":1.}
F = {"C":0.5556}
K = {"C":1.}
# Pressures:
kPa = {"hPa":10., "Pa":1000., "inHg":0.295299831, "mmHg":7.500615613}
hPa = {"kPa":0.1, "Pa":100., "inHg":0.02953, "mmHg":0.750061561}
Pa = {"kPa":0.001, "hPa":0.01, "inHg":0.0002953, "mmHg":0.007500616}
inHg = {"kPa":3.386388667, "hPa":33.863886667, "Pa":3386.388666667,
mmHg = {"kPa":0.13332239, "hPa":1.3332239, "Pa":133.32239, "inHg":0.0394}
# Lengths:
km = {"m":0.001,"mi":0.621371192, "deg":0.00899886, "nm":0.539957,
deg = {"km":111.1251, "m":111125.1, "mi":69.0499358, "nm":60.0,
mi = {"km":1.60934, "m":1609.34, "deg":0.014482}
nm = {"km":1.852, "m":1852, "deg":0.01666, "rad":math.pi/10800.}
rad = {"nm":10800./math.pi, "km":6366.248653, "deg":180./math.pi}
# Mixing ratio:
gkg = {"kgkg":0.001}
kgkg = {"gkg":1000}
# Additions required before multiplication:
convert_pre = {"F":{"C":-32.}}
# Additions required after multiplication:
convert_post = {"C":{"K":273., "F":32.},
if input in convert_pre:
if output in convert_pre[input]:
value += convert_pre[input][output]
if input in convert:
if output in convert[input]:
value = value*convert[input][output]
if input in convert_post:
if output in convert_post[input]:
value += convert_post[input][output]
return value
def vapour(temp):
Determine equivalent potential temperature (theta-e) given temperature
vapour = 6.112*numpy.exp(17.67*temp/(243.5+temp))
return vapour
def genesisPotential(zeta, rh, vmax, shear):
Calculate genesis potential index
gpi = power(abs((10**5)*zeta),
return gpi
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