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Created August 16, 2024 22:39
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#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "pin.H"
#include "TraceFile.h"
#include "ImageManager.h"
// Pin comes with some old standard libraries.
namespace pintool {
template <typename V>
using unordered_set = std::tr1::unordered_set<V>;
template <typename K, typename V>
using unordered_map = std::tr1::unordered_map<K, V>;
// Tool's arguments.
static KNOB<std::string> KnobModuleWhitelist(KNOB_MODE_APPEND, "pintool", "w", "",
"Add a module to the white list. If none is specified, everymodule is white-listed. Example: libTIFF.dylib");
static KNOB<std::string> KnobLogFile(KNOB_MODE_WRITEONCE, "pintool", "l", "trace.log",
"Name of the output file. If none is specified, trace.log is used.");
// Return the file/directory name of a path.
static std::string base_name(const std::string& path)
#if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS)
#define PATH_SEPARATOR "\\"
#define PATH_SEPARATOR "/"
std::string::size_type idx = path.rfind(PATH_SEPARATOR);
std::string name = (idx == std::string::npos) ? path : path.substr(idx + 1);
return name;
// Per thread data structure. This is mainly done to avoid locking.
// - Per-thread map of executed basic blocks, and their size.
struct ThreadData {
pintool::unordered_map<ADDRINT, uint16_t> m_blocks;
class ToolContext {
m_tls_key = PIN_CreateThreadDataKey(nullptr);
ThreadData* GetThreadLocalData(THREADID tid)
return static_cast<ThreadData*>(PIN_GetThreadData(m_tls_key, tid));
void setThreadLocalData(THREADID tid, ThreadData* data)
PIN_SetThreadData(m_tls_key, data, tid);
// The image manager allows us to keep track of loaded images.
ImageManager* m_images;
// Trace file used to log execution traces.
TraceFile* m_trace;
// Keep track of _all_ the loaded images.
std::vector<LoadedImage> m_loaded_images;
PIN_LOCK m_loaded_images_lock;
// Thread tracking utilities.
std::set<THREADID> m_seen_threads;
std::vector<ThreadData*> m_terminated_threads;
PIN_LOCK m_thread_lock;
// Flag that indicates that tracing is enabled. Always true if there are no whitelisted images.
bool m_tracing_enabled = true;
// TLS key used to store per-thread data.
TLS_KEY m_tls_key;
// Thread creation event handler.
static VOID OnThreadStart(THREADID tid, CONTEXT* ctxt, INT32 flags, VOID* v)
// Create a new `ThreadData` object and set it on the TLS.
auto& context = *reinterpret_cast<ToolContext*>(v);
context.setThreadLocalData(tid, new ThreadData);
// Save the recently created thread.
PIN_GetLock(&context.m_thread_lock, 1);
// Thread destruction event handler.
static VOID OnThreadFini(THREADID tid, const CONTEXT* ctxt, INT32 c, VOID* v)
// Get thread's `ThreadData` structure.
auto& context = *reinterpret_cast<ToolContext*>(v);
ThreadData* data = context.GetThreadLocalData(tid);
// Remove the thread from the seen threads set and add it to the terminated list.
PIN_GetLock(&context.m_thread_lock, 1);
// Basic block hit event handler.
static VOID PIN_FAST_ANALYSIS_CALL OnBasicBlockHit(THREADID tid, ADDRINT addr, UINT32 size, VOID* v)
auto& context = *reinterpret_cast<ToolContext*>(v);
ThreadData* data = context.GetThreadLocalData(tid);
data->m_blocks[addr] = size;
PIN_RemoveInstrumentationInRange(addr, addr+size);
// Trace hit event handler.
static VOID OnTrace(TRACE trace, VOID* v)
auto& context = *reinterpret_cast<ToolContext*>(v);
// Check if the address is inside a white-listed image.
if (!context.m_images->isInterestingAddress(TRACE_Address(trace)))
auto tid = PIN_ThreadId();
ThreadData* data = context.GetThreadLocalData(tid);
// This trace is getting JIT'd, which implies the head must get executed.
auto bbl = TRACE_BblHead(trace);
auto addr = BBL_Address(bbl);
data->m_blocks[addr] = (uint16_t)BBL_Size(bbl);
// For each basic block in the trace...
for (bbl = BBL_Next(bbl); BBL_Valid(bbl); bbl = BBL_Next(bbl))
// Ignore blocks that have already been marked as executed in the past...
ADDRINT addr = BBL_Address(bbl);
if (data->m_blocks.find(addr) != data->m_blocks.end())
// Instrument blocks that have not yet been executed (at least... by this thread).
BBL_InsertCall(bbl, IPOINT_ANYWHERE, (AFUNPTR)OnBasicBlockHit,
IARG_UINT32, BBL_Size(bbl),
// Image load event handler.
static VOID OnImageLoad(IMG img, VOID* v)
auto& context = *reinterpret_cast<ToolContext*>(v);
std::string img_name = base_name(IMG_Name(img));
ADDRINT low = IMG_LowAddress(img);
ADDRINT high = IMG_HighAddress(img);
printf("Loaded image: %p:%p -> %s\n", (void *)low, (void *)high, img_name.c_str());
// Save the loaded image with its original full name/path.
PIN_GetLock(&context.m_loaded_images_lock, 1);
context.m_loaded_images.push_back(LoadedImage(IMG_Name(img), low, high));
// If the image is whitelisted save its information.
if (context.m_images->isWhiteListed(img_name)) {
context.m_images->addImage(img_name, low, high);
// Enable tracing if not already enabled.
if (!context.m_tracing_enabled) {
context.m_tracing_enabled = true;
// Handlers for instrumentation events.
TRACE_AddInstrumentFunction(OnTrace, v);
// Image unload event handler.
static VOID OnImageUnload(IMG img, VOID* v)
auto& context = *reinterpret_cast<ToolContext*>(v);
// Program finish event handler.
static VOID OnFini(INT32 code, VOID* v)
auto& context = *reinterpret_cast<ToolContext*>(v);
context.m_trace->write_string("DRCOV VERSION: 2\n");
context.m_trace->write_string("DRCOV FLAVOR: drcov\n");
context.m_trace->write_string("Module Table: version 2, count %u\n", context.m_loaded_images.size());
context.m_trace->write_string("Columns: id, base, end, entry, checksum, timestamp, path\n");
// We don't supply entry, checksum and, timestamp.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < context.m_loaded_images.size(); i++) {
const auto& image = context.m_loaded_images[i];
context.m_trace->write_string("%2u, %p, %p, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, %s\n",
i, (void *)image.low_, (void *)image.high_, image.name_.c_str());
// Add non terminated threads to the list of terminated threads.
for (THREADID i : context.m_seen_threads) {
ThreadData* data = context.GetThreadLocalData(i);
// Count the global number of basic blocks.
size_t number_of_bbs = 0;
for (const auto& data : context.m_terminated_threads) {
number_of_bbs += data->m_blocks.size();
context.m_trace->write_string("BB Table: %u bbs\n", number_of_bbs);
struct __attribute__((packed)) drcov_bb {
uint32_t start;
uint16_t size;
uint16_t id;
drcov_bb tmp;
for (const auto& data : context.m_terminated_threads) {
for (const auto& block : data->m_blocks) {
auto address = block.first;
auto it = std::find_if(context.m_loaded_images.begin(), context.m_loaded_images.end(), [&address](const LoadedImage& image) {
return address >= image.low_ && address < image.high_;
if (it == context.m_loaded_images.end())
continue; = (uint16_t)std::distance(context.m_loaded_images.begin(), it);
tmp.start = (uint32_t)(address - it->low_);
tmp.size = data->m_blocks[address];
context.m_trace->write_binary(&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::cout << "CodeCoverage tool by Agustin Gianni (" << std::endl;
// Initialize symbol processing
// Initialize PIN.
if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) {
std::cerr << "Error initializing PIN, PIN_Init failed!" << std::endl;
return -1;
// Initialize the tool context.
ToolContext *context = new ToolContext();
// Create a an image manager that keeps track of the loaded/unloaded images.
context->m_images = new ImageManager();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < KnobModuleWhitelist.NumberOfValues(); ++i) {
std::cout << "White-listing image: " << KnobModuleWhitelist.Value(i) << std::endl;
// We will only enable tracing when any of the whitelisted images gets loaded.
context->m_tracing_enabled = false;
if (context->m_tracing_enabled) {
TRACE_AddInstrumentFunction(OnTrace, context);
// Create a trace file.
std::cout << "Logging code coverage information to: " << KnobLogFile.ValueString() << std::endl;
context->m_trace = new TraceFile(KnobLogFile.ValueString());
// Handlers for thread creation and destruction.
PIN_AddThreadStartFunction(OnThreadStart, context);
PIN_AddThreadFiniFunction(OnThreadFini, context);
// Handlers for image loading and unloading.
IMG_AddInstrumentFunction(OnImageLoad, context);
IMG_AddUnloadFunction(OnImageUnload, context);
// Handler for program exits.
PIN_AddFiniFunction(OnFini, context);
return 0;
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