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Forked from polymeris/lisp.lua
Created September 29, 2022 17:51
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Toy Lisp interpreter in Lua / LPEG
local lpeg = require'lpeg'
local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S --patterns
local C, Ct = lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct --capture
local V = lpeg.V --variable
local parser = P {
'program', -- initial rule
program = Ct(V'sexpr' ^ 0),
wspace = S' \n\r\t' ^ 0,
atom = V'boolean' + V'integer' + V'string' + V'symbol',
symbol = C((1 - S' \n\r\t"\'()[]{}#@~') ^ 1) /
function(s) return _G[s] end,
boolean = C(P'true' + P'false') /
function(x) return x == 'true' end,
integer = C(R'19' * R'09' ^ 0) /
string = P'"' * C((1 - S'"\n\r') ^ 0) * P'"',
coll = V'list' + V'array',
list = P'\'(' * Ct(V'expr' ^ 1) * P')',
array = P'[' * Ct(V'expr' ^ 1) * P']',
expr = V'wspace' * (V'coll' + V'atom' + V'sexpr'),
sexpr = V'wspace' * P'(' * V'symbol' * Ct(V'expr' ^ 0) * P')' /
function(f, ...) return f(...) end
--some "built-ins"
reduce = function(f, list)
for i, v in ipairs(list) do
if i == 1 then
head = v
head = f(head, v)
return head
def = function(k, v) _G[k] = v end
def('+', function(...) return reduce(function(a, b) return a + b end, ...) end)
def('-', function(...) return reduce(function(a, b) return a - b end, ...) end)
def('*', function(...) return reduce(function(a, b) return a * b end, ...) end)
def('/', function(...) return reduce(function(a, b) return a / b end, ...) end)
def('str', function(...) return reduce(function(a, b) return tostring(a)..tostring(b) end, ...) end)
def('not', function(a) return not a end)
-- sample
t = parser:match([[
(* 2 3 4 (+ 10
(def yay true)
(not yay)
(str "lua" "lisp" "!")
require 'pl.pretty'.dump(t)
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