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Last active September 21, 2024 15:19
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LinkedIn Sales Nativator Message Scraper

There are many APIs available for downloading LinkedIn Sales Navigator data, but I couldn't find any for downloading archived messages.

This script is a "simple" scraper that will retrieve all messages and store them in a CSV file. You can use this with WebdriverIO.


  1. Create a new WDIO project.
  2. Add the script.
  3. Update the config with this configuration.
  4. Start WebdriverIO, but run it in watch mode using npm run wdio -- --watch.
  5. The first test will fail because you need to log in. Since I use 2FA and don't want to automate this, update a single line in the code. The script will then automatically run again based on the watch.


You can also run it in smaller sets; see my CAUTION note below.


LinkedIn may detect that you are using an "automated" method to download data and might temporarily block your account, so be cautious with this.

import { browser, $ } from "@wdio/globals";
import * as fs from "fs";
const SELECTORS = {
conversationItem: ".conversation-list-item",
conversationPersonName: ".artdeco-entity-lockup__title",
messageContainer: ".message-container-width ul",
messageOlderMessages: '[aria-label="Oudere berichten laden"]',
messagePerson: '[data-anonymize="person"]',
const startMessage = 1;
const endMessage = 1000;
const filePath = "messages.csv";
let messageCount = 0;
describe("Collect messages from LinkedIn Sales Navigator", () => {
it("should scrape and store the archived messages in a CSV file", async () => {
if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, "Person Name,Message\n", "utf8");
await browser.url(
await browser.waitUntil(
async () =>
((await $$(".conversation-list-item")).length as unknown as number) > 0
const conversationItems = await getConversationItems();
for (
let i = startMessage - 1;
i < Math.min(endMessage, conversationItems.length);
) {
const conversationItem = conversationItems[i];
const personName = await conversationItem
console.log(`Collecting the messages of ${personName} (Row ${i + 1})`);
await conversationItem.$("a").click();
// Wait for the messages to load. We do that by checking if the person's name is present in the messages.
// This method also checks if all messages are loaded, if not it will scroll to the top and check again.
await waitForAllMessagesLoaded(personName);
const messages = await $(SELECTORS.messageContainer).getText();
const csvRow = formatCsvRow(personName, messages);
writeCsvRow(csvRow, filePath);
if (messageCount % 100 === 0) {
`Processed ${messageCount} messages. Taking a 2-minute break...`
await browser.pause(2 * 60 * 1000);
* Get all conversation items
async function getConversationItems(): Promise<WebdriverIO.ElementArray> {
const conversationItems = await $$(SELECTORS.conversationItem);
return scrollToLoadMoreConversations(
conversationItems.length as unknown as number
* Keep scrolling to load more conversations until no new conversations are loaded
async function scrollToLoadMoreConversations(
initialCount: number
): Promise<ChainablePromiseArray> {
await browser.execute(() => {
?.scrollBy(0, 2000);
await browser.pause(1000);
const newConversationItems = await $$(SELECTORS.conversationItem);
if ((newConversationItems.length as unknown as number) > initialCount) {
return scrollToLoadMoreConversations(
newConversationItems.length as unknown as number
return newConversationItems;
* Wait for all messages to be loaded, we do this by checking if the person's name is present in the messages.
* If not, we scroll to the top and check again.
async function waitForAllMessagesLoaded(personName: string): Promise<void> {
let personFound = false;
while (!personFound) {
personFound = await checkForPersonNameInMessagesHeader(personName);
if (!personFound) {
const olderMessagesExists = await $(
if (olderMessagesExists) {
await $(SELECTORS.messageContainer).scrollIntoView();
try {
await $(SELECTORS.messageOlderMessages).waitForExist({
timeout: 1000,
} catch (_ign) {}
} else {
`Error: Person name "${personName}" not found in the conversation.`
* Wait for the person's name to be present in the messages header
async function checkForPersonNameInMessagesHeader(
personName: string
): Promise<boolean> {
try {
await browser.waitUntil(
async () =>
(await $(SELECTORS.messagePerson).getHTML()).includes(personName),
timeout: 3000,
timeoutMsg: `Person name "${personName}" not found within the given time.`,
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
* Some CSV formatting magic
function formatCsvRow(personName: string, messages: string): string {
const escapedMessages = messages.replace(/"/g, '""');
return `"${personName}","${escapedMessages}"\n`;
* Write the CSV row to the file
function writeCsvRow(csvRow: string, filePath: string): void {
fs.appendFileSync(filePath, csvRow, "utf8");
import type { Options } from "@wdio/types";
export const config: Options.Testrunner = {
runner: "local",
tsConfigPath: "./tsconfig.json",
specs: ["./test/specs/**/*.ts"],
exclude: [],
capabilities: [
browserName: "firefox",
"wdio:enforceWebDriverClassic": true,
logLevel: "error",
bail: 0,
waitforTimeout: 15 * 1000,
connectionRetryTimeout: 2 * 60 * 1000,
connectionRetryCount: 1,
framework: "mocha",
reporters: ["spec"],
mochaOpts: {
ui: "bdd",
timeout: 60 * 1000 * 30,
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