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Created April 2, 2015 16:33
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Wikisplitter for SMUCSE2341 by Chris Ayala and Will Spurgin
#! /usr/bin/env perl -w
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
$outputString = "\nUsage: <WikiDump File> [Pages per file] [Max Files] [Output Directory]\n";
$outputString .= "\tWikiDump File: The path and name of the WikiDump File\n";
$outputString .= "\tPages Per File: The number of <page> documents per file (default = 1000)\n";
$outputString .= "\tMax Files: The maximum number of files to generate (default = as many as necessary to run through the input file)\n\n";
die $outputString;
my $maxFiles = 1000;
my $pagesPerFile = 1000;
my $outputDir = "WikiDump";
if ($#ARGV == 0) {
# #Party like a rockstar
if ($#ARGV >= 1) {
$pagesPerFile = int($ARGV[1]);
if ($#ARGV >= 2) {
$maxFiles = int($ARGV[2]);
print $maxFiles."\n";
if ($#ARGV >= 3) {
$outputDir = $ARGV[3];
unless (-e $outputDir or mkdir $outputDir) {
die "\nUnable to create the output directory '".$outputDir."'. Do you have write permission in this folder?\n\n";
open (WIKIFILE, $ARGV[0]) or die "\nFailed to open input file".$ARGV[0].". Are you sure the path is correct?\n\n";
my $fileName = '/WikiDumpPart';
my $title = <WIKIFILE>;
my $pageCount = 0;
my $fileCount = 1;
open (OUTPUTFILE, '>'.$outputDir.$fileName.$fileCount.'.xml');
print OUTPUTFILE $title;
while (<WIKIFILE>) {
if ($pageCount == $pagesPerFile) {
print OUTPUTFILE '</mediawiki>';
if ($fileCount == $maxFiles) {
die "\n\nDone! Your files are in the". $outputDir ."folder\n\n";
$fileCount = $fileCount + 1;
open (OUTPUTFILE, '>'.$outputDir.$fileName.$fileCount.'.xml');
print OUTPUTFILE $title;
$pageCount = 0;
if ($fileCount % 20 == 0) {
print "Done with $fileCount files\n";
print OUTPUTFILE $_;
if (index($_, '</page>') != -1) {
$pageCount = $pageCount + 1;
print "\n\nDone! Your files are in the $outputDir folder\n\n";
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