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Created October 28, 2016 17:56
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call R qicharts package from Microstrategy
#DESC This script takes a metric from MSTR as a vector, and passes it to qicharts. Then returns the LCL, CL or UCL as
# a metric for use in MSTR.
#DESC Revision A
#RVAR Metric -input -numeric -vector -repeat
#RVAR Chart -parameter StringParam8
#RVAR CL -output -numeric -vector
#RVAR LCL -output -numeric -vector
#RVAR UCL -output -numeric -vector
# Example usage: 'u' chart that requires two metrics for both y and n
# RScript<_OutputVar=UCL, _RScriptFile="C:\users\schneidb\Downloads\qicharts.r", _Params="Chart='u'">([metric1], [metric2])
# 'c' chart that requires only one metric
# RScript<_OutputVar=UCL, _RScriptFile="C:\users\schneidb\Downloads\qicharts.r", _Params="Chart='c'">([metric1])
# Uses "repeat" for inputs to allow for variable number of inputs (y only, or y and n)
mstr.ErrMsg <- tryCatch({ #tryCatch for Exception Handling
if(exists("mstr.WorkingDir")) setwd(mstr.WorkingDir) #Working Directory if executed by MicroStrategy
#Check to see if package(s) are installed, install if not and then load
CheckInstallPackages <- function(pkgs) { #pkgs is a vector of strings with length >= 1
x <- lapply(pkgs, function(pkg){ #For each pkg in pkgs (attempt to load each package one at a time):
if(!"require", list(pkg))) { # Load the package if available,
try(install.packages(pkg, lib=.Library,
repos="")) # Silently attempt to install into the default library
tryCatch("library", list(pkg)), # Now attempt to load the package, catch error if it wasn't installed
error = function(err) { # Catch if we're unable to install into the default library
if(!interactive()) { # If non-interactive, install into this user's personal library
personalLibPath <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER") # Get the path to this user's personal library
if(, .libPaths()))) { # If the personal library is not in the list of libraries
dir.create(personalLibPath, recursive = TRUE) # Then create the personal library
.libPaths(personalLibPath) # And add the personal library to the list of libraries
install.packages(pkg, lib=personalLibPath, # Attempt to install the package into the personal library
repos="") # if this fails, raise the error back to the report"library", list(pkg)) # Finally, attempt to load the package
if (!exists("Chart")) {
Chart <- "c"
# write.csv(Metric, "output.txt")
# because of "repeat" Metric will be a matrix rather than a one-dimensional vector
df <-
result <- qic(y=df$V1, n=df$V2, chart = Chart)
# write(result$lcl, file="output2.txt")
UCL <- result$ucl
CL <- result$cl
LCL <- result$lcl
try(print("Success!")) #Print completion message when run from the console
mstr.ErrMsg <- "" #If we made it here, no errors were caught
}, error = function(err) { #Catch block to report an error
try(print(err)) # Print error message to console (using try to continue on any print error)
return(err$message) # Return error Message
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